NOW i can look back and laugh...

alyblue Posts: 20
they say laughter burns calories, so lets get laughing!

i want to hear your stories. that moment youre absolutely cringing or embarrassed but can now (finally!) look back and actually see the hilarity of the situation.

i have so many i've lost count. here are a few successful accomplishments:

i've ran into a street sign reading a book while walking.

had my skirt tucked into my underwear (i was a college freshman) and didn't realize it until AFTER i had been seen by half the campus.

i have absolutely 0 mechanical skill, nor should i be around anything that weighs more than me. case in point, i attempted to push a car up a trailer with my brother only to lose my grip, fall on my face and have the car run over me. (luckily it didn't hit me i fell vertical to the car.)

best laugh at someone else's expense: my dad (who's worse than me)

he's successfully landed a freezing cold fish down his shirt at the lake capsizing the boat and all of us inside into frigid waters.

he also thought it would be cool to wash out the back of his plumbing truck in cut off shorts, knee high socks, cowboy boots, a wife beater and cowboy hat (while smoking a cigarette rocking the pot belly) next thing my brother and i saw was feet in the air and a stream of cuss words that would make satan cringe coming out of our dad's mouth. as we run to check on him (in between trying to catch our breath from laughing) my mom comes out and starts yelling at us for laughing at dad. when she came around the corner and saw what we saw, she had to stuff her foot so far in her mouth we about never got it out. while my dad's screaming "i could have FN killed my FN self and you *kitten* HEADS WOULD JUST SIT ON YOUR A$$e$ AND LAUGH!" were all trying to stifle laughter and pick ourselves up off the ground.

Happy laughing!


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member

    Bump for later.
  • tigerlily_82
    tigerlily_82 Posts: 41 Member
    lol!!!! I went to a friend's family get together and walked into the screen door, you couldn't even see it! Luckily I wasn't the only one who had done it that day but I got the worst of the laughter because it was the second time!
  • alyblue
    alyblue Posts: 20
    hahaha thats as bad as sliding glass doors!
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    I was a sophmore in Highschool and I was trying really hard to impress the guy I liked by wearing cute skirts and heels and stuff. Well it started raining during the day and we had to walk down to the gym for an assembly at my school the gym was right by the the entrance and we had to walk down stairs that had gotten wet from peoples shoes. So I was walking down and the guy I liked was walking behind me and my friends. Out of no where I slipped, my right shoe flew off and made a small dent in the door and when I landed on my butt my skirt some how slid down and the guy and everyone else saw my best and would always say something every time we passed the door for the rest of the school year the next two years. I ended up dating the guy though.
  • alyblue
    alyblue Posts: 20
    oh WOW lol. about as bad as me flashing a college campus with my butt wearing a skirt!! :laugh: denting the door is pretty hysterical though!!!
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Hmm, I mean, I'm pretty klutzy so there's probably a lot I've done...but I get it from my mom!!

    Mom, family and I went for a hike and we're pretty avid hikers, so it wasn't an easy trail, at one point you have to cross a down tree to get over a stream. Well, the stream was pretty high from all the melting snow, so it was slippery. My dad crossed, my brother crossed, and then my mom went, sure enough, feet flying and she goes splashing into the water. Best part was she was laughing so hard, she couldn't stand up and the stream started to carry her away!

    Another time, we were coming out of a restaurant and my mom was looking for the keys to the car. Couldn't find them, couldn't find them. As we get closer to the car, it sounds like it's on...come to find out the car was on, running and open...found the keys.

    Ok, last story, but this one is about my best friend. During a passing period in high school we were going from the fourth floor to the third, she was walking in front of me and chatting, lost her footing, landed on her butt....well she has a rather cushy butt so she LITERALLY bounced down like three more stairs!!
  • alyblue
    alyblue Posts: 20
    hahahahaha the first and last stories made me laugh so hard!
  • alyblue
    alyblue Posts: 20
    one time my brother and i were out 4 wheeling and hes a big boy (6'0 375lbs) so his theory is that if he can make it up the hill, so can his truck. we decided to survey a hill before we tried to climb it to see what the terrain was like. we got to the top just fine and all of a sudden i looked at what we just crawled up and was like '*kitten* now we gotta go down....' since the hill was hard the dirt was really loose on it and made it almost impossible to keep footing. i slid about 2/3 of the way down and couldn't stand it anymore. so i said 'eff this im gonna run down.' my brother got his footing and was all 'oh this i gotta see.' so i braced and took off. i made it to the bottom BARELY missing taking out the side of the truck. my brother started laughing so hard at my near miss that his feet ended up going over his head and he slid on his *kitten* about 5 feet. cussing, he gets up and goes to start brushing off his pants, loses his footing, slips again and kinda roll bounces the rest of the way down the hill. once he was done cussing and got himself back up we went to get in the truck and as he sat down on the seat he let out this hellacious scream (i mean a 3 year olds scream couldn't have topped this one) turned out he got a piece of jumping cholla stuck on the back of his pants and when he sat down it got the crown jewels. so he comes hopping over to get me to get it off him and of course i refuse (i'm not messing with a damn cholla) so he spent about 30 minutes chasing me around the truck trying to stick his butt on me so i'd get cactus in me too. jerk brothers!