Removing sugar from diet?

DanTTX Posts: 64 Member
Right, so I've completely removed table salt from my diet but should I remove sugar as well? I do know that one teaspoon of salt is enough to fill in my sodium intake and that could be dangerous in the long run, but what about sugar? - n00b here lol.

Thanks :)

*sugar as in processed sugar (white sugar/cubed)


  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Be careful about removing sugar from your diet. I tried to lower my sugar intake and started getting hypoglyemic attacks. They were AWEFUL and the residual effects lasted for many hours afterwards. I went to the doc for blood work, had to up my intake, and took some Chromium picolinate for about a month. I no longer need the C.P. as every thing went back into balance.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Personally I don't worry about salt, I like salt. Most of my sugar sources are from natural foods that have the complete matrix attached, but I do try and keep added sugar to a minimum. In before someone says sugar is
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    There's nothing evil about sugar. Just opt for natural over processed and don't sweat how much you're consuming.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    It's in almost everything and too much can really spell trouble.

    So, yes removing as much ADDED sugar in your diet is a great thing to strive for. Take out the obvious sources and just start paying attention to some of the sneaky ones, I don't worry too much about things like ketchup or steak sauce, I've gotta keep some things saucy :)

    If you are eating lots of fruits and veggies and some dairy you will have plenty of natural sugar sources.

    I average 75-150 grams of sugar a day, and that's at least 90% from REAL food: fruit, veg, and dairy.

    The cravings will go away pretty quickly. You can do it!
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight, Dan? If you're losing weight and are on a calorie deficit then it doesn't matter where your carbs come from. Carb is a carb be it sugar, bread or cardboard.

    Granulated sugar is my main source of carbs, but I'm on a very low carb diet and get most of my energy from fat.
  • ready2tryagain42
    I don't worry too much about sugar..although I watch the refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup kinds. Natural sugars aren't bad in moderation. If you have a sugar problem though consult your doc..that is what I did and it helped a lot.
  • DanTTX
    DanTTX Posts: 64 Member
    Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight, Dan? If you're losing weight and are on a calorie deficit then it doesn't matter where your carbs come from. Carb is a carb be it sugar, bread or cardboard.

    Granulated sugar is my main source of carbs, but I'm on a very low carb diet and get most of my energy from fat.

    I'm at the moment in my cutting stage; but in the long run, I'd like to stay healthy by removing all the nasty things I'd eaten before this =/

    This year, (yes, what a n00b I was) I found that a tea spoon of salt is enough to fill in my sodium intake; - so now I'm just wondering if white sugar would have the same effect :O
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't believe in removing anything from my diet unless it's due to a medical condition. For one thing, I don't consider myself being 'on a diet'. If I did, I'd feel deprived!

    Maybe it's just me but I think that if you have an unrealistic goal of cutting something out completely, you wont be able to maintain your weight once you reach goal. There are some things I've cut out but I wont say that it's forever or that I'll never eat it again. One example is McDonalds french fries! I love them.. who doesn't? I just know that they aren't good for me so i quit eating them. I can't however say I'll NEVER eat them again or I"ll crave them. You can have 'bad' things in moderation so you don't crave them, go crazy and binge on them.
    All in all it's about what works for you. Good luck to you!