going over daily protein... Bad/Good?

hey MFP peeps...
Questioning the red and green numbers on my daily goals...
I have noticed I am over my protein by 3...
Is it a bad thing?
How much can one go over or stay under?


  • jbird50
    jbird50 Posts: 5
    Not sure what your goal is..
    We advise weight loss patients get no less than 60 grams of portent a day.
    The daily recommendation is about 45 grams per day for women and about 56 for men. On average.
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    I'm sorry I needed to give more info. Yes goal is at 45 daily... So your saying it is ok to go as high as 60... What is not good about over the 60 mark?
    I am new to eating higher protein/lower carbs.. so any help will be great
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I go with one gram per 1 pound lean body mass. I found the MFP setting to be too low. Search the message boards, there are lots of posts about this subject.