I have to lose 80 pounds

I started putting on the weight when my husband left on Military Deployment and i put on so much weight because I was so depress not just of him being gone but because of other things that was making me stress ! Since I gained the weight I started having liver problems stomach problems , feet , legs and more depression and I just can't get my self together to lose the weight! I know it time for me to start caring cause if i don't i will make myself more sicker and i need the help ! I want to be able to run with my kids and play with them with out feeling tired and like I can't do anything ! Its time for a change but how can I do this ??


  • NWFLDeaconsWife
    NWFLDeaconsWife Posts: 10 Member
    First, I want make it clear that I am not a nutritionist or professional of any kind. I am a regular person like you who was diagnosed with CLL in 2009, so I have had to educate myself about food choices and food additives to avoid aggravating my condition. With that said....

    You've take the first and most important step! Ta-da! Knowing you need help and seeking it out is the very very first (and hardest) step of all. Congratz! You are already on your way and I bet you didn't even know it. :)

    Stress eating is a common reaction to stress triggers. The first thing is getting treatment for the depression. It isn't going to 'just go away' nor are you going to 'just get over it', because depression has physiological symptoms as well as emotional ones. I hope you are or will seek treatment for that very soon! One of the things you have to do is identify what your stress triggers are so you can learn how to manage your reactions to them. Sure, there will be stress, and sometimes you don't have control over when stress triggers occur, but you DO have control over how you react to them once you identify them.

    In the meantime you want to address the weight-gain issue. The food log here will be very helpful to you because you will not only count calories, but you will be able to see the trends of what you do eat, when you eat the most, and where in our calorie count you are having too many (is it in fat, carbs, or just overall?) The other thing I can think of suggesting is to drink fluids, water especially. It's funny, for decades moms have given their kids juice instead of kool aid or soda thinking they are giving them something oh-so-healthy. Eventho it is true that juice is healthier than soda or kool aid made with lots of sugar, it has it's own disadvantages for you, such as less fiber than eating the fruit itself, and most commercial juices concentrate it to intensify the flavor but that means that the sugar in it has been concentrated also, giving you more per ounce than the eating fruit itself. So how do you increase liquids without increasing too many carbs or calories? Use juice to lightly flavor the water but not too much. Think of water with lemon when you eat out instead of soda or sweetened tea. Then think outside the usual glass. At home, try water with a little apple juice in it or a tablespoon of orange juice in it. It will take some getting used to the consistency, but still tastes better than plain water without adding any artificial anythings to it. Since you mentioned liver problems, I would try these simple 'next steps' first and then see where you are with your doctor to determine how to go forward from there.
  • BSmith0926
    BSmith0926 Posts: 51 Member
    I also have almost 8o lose. I am down 9 pounds been working on it for about 2 weeks now. I have five kids and I try play in the yard with them. so one it counts and me playing and spending time with them, and two it counts as exercise for mo so its a win-win. We started on small family walks and slowly made the walks alittle longer. now we play in the yard or just throw around a ball. Remember any thing is better then nothing. Don't push your self to hard and take It one day at a time.
  • mtrschiff916
    mtrschiff916 Posts: 6 Member
    Yesterday was the first day I tried the calorie diary. I had signed up about 3 months ago and then did nothing about it. But I am here again today. I can relate, I have been gaining weight instead of losing it. It is hard to stay motivated. I know it is one thing to say you want to lose weight but I guess you have to be ready to. I am ready!!!!
  • islandpwp
    islandpwp Posts: 32
    Being ready is the first step, hang on in there, I keep slipping off being ready but know all the support I find on here is a great help in being more mindful" about what I eat.
    I also have depression and have been off work for 2 months now, I decided it was time to focus and help myself. I know I make healthier choices

    Its a long path but it starts with one step

    good luck
  • SarahD59
    SarahD59 Posts: 42 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm a mother of two who recently went through a divorce who started with 60 pounds to lose. (50 now! :)) I was severely depressed after the divorce, a death in the family, and financial troubles, and eating seemed to be the way I dealt with anything. If I was depressed, I ate to fill something inside me. If I was happy, I ate to celebrate. If I was anxious, I ate to distract myself. Even when things were good, the way I rewarded myself was with food. (I did _____ so well today. I deserve to pick up fast food/take the kids ou to eatt/buy a special dessert instead of cook.) Food was my punishment AND my reward. Then I went outside to play with my kids and realized I was winded after chasing a ball 5 feet across the yard. That's not the life I want! So I started taking small steps.

    The first and easiest thing is the food tracker. I don't know if you have an IPhone, but the myfitnesspal mobile app will be your best friend. You can track things AS you eat them, and don't cheat! Every single thing you put in your mouth (even a tic tac) should be tracked. You'd be amazed how things add up. I didn't change my diet much at first. It became a game. (How many times can I eat today without going over my calorie count? No, that's not the healthiest, but it got me through the first week) Then I gradually started making BETTER choices. After that, I tried to add in some form of physical activity, and it can be anything, at least 5 days a week. I walk or go golfing or play Dance Central on my son's XBOX. I've tried several different things I've never done before (i.e. golf) and have been surprised at the activities I enjoy.)As long as I'm moving, it counts.

    I also changed how I thought about food. I lost these first 10 pounds, and yesterday I had a massage as a reward. Instead of saying, "I lost 10 pounds, I should cheat today." I decided to stop making food the center of my rewards system. It makes such a difference.

    These first 10 pounds seemed to melt away. I'm sure it'll get harder and slower, but myfitnesspal is the first thing I've found that almost forces you into real accountability. I know you're going through a hard time, but as you reach goals, you'll feel better and better about you. I feel proud of myself for the first time in years, and I can't wait for you to feel the same. I know you can do it...because I can do it, and that's a miracle in itself!
  • joanntorres21
    Thank you all !
  • losingitall2012
    losingitall2012 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I joined about 2 weeks ago. I was doing Great on Weight Watcher and lost 61 lbs. after I stopped going to meetings i gradually started gaining the weight back. It's been about 9 months and I have gained 28 lbs back and I dont want to gain another pound. I am hoping this site helps me to reach my goals. I have the app on my iphone and I love how convenient it is to log my food intake! Good luck to everyone who is trying to eat healthier and lose weight.
  • BSmith0926
    BSmith0926 Posts: 51 Member
    I was just wondering how its going? has my fittness pal helped you any? if you need someone to talk to we are here for you. :)