I know it's only been a week...

but I am kinda frustrated already. I followed the program and actually gained a pound. I am wondering if I should lower my calories count to lose more per week. I am set at a bit over 1500 calories and have to lose about 50lbs. Every other program I have tried always had me at 1200 (probably for a faster loss) . Should I drop down? I was really excited to try MFP and want this to work.


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I'd give it a few weeks, after that, if you are not losing/gaining I would consider switching it up. Their set goals have help me lose about 50 lbs, and hopefully 50 more :)
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    what is your actual activity level and what did you set it at ?
  • denise2648
    denise2648 Posts: 11 Member
    My activity level is at the lowest (sitting down on the job all day). I also walk 2 miles 2 times a week (at a rate that gets my heartbeat up) I'm trying to increase that, as I was never a person to excercise so trust me, that is a lot for me.

    I did Weight Watchers a few years ago and lost 35lbs but then money got tight and I couldn't afford it anymore so I have gained about 20 back over the past 3 years.

    I do have to lose 50 but if I could lose 20 I would be happy. Heck, I would take 10 at this point!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    A few things:

    What time of day are you weighing? If it's different times of day, that can affect the scale. I weighed 5 lbs. more at the doctor's office in the afternoon than I did first thing in the morning before breakfast.

    Have you gone to the bathroom recently? That stuff has weight.

    How's your sodium intake? How much water do you drink? If you're eating high sodium and/or not drinking enough water, you will retain water, which will show on the scale.

    Where are you in your monthly cycle? Hormones can cause your weight to fluctuate.

    As you said, it's only been a week. Keep on trucking. I wouldn't go down to 1200 personally, because I've done that and it's really hard to get enough nutrition that way. A lot of things can affect the scale, so I suggest you take your measurements first thing tomorrow morning, and also take a picture, either in your underwear or in body-skimming clothes. Then in a couple of weeks, measure and photograph again. Sometimes the scale doesnt' give an accurate picture of your health or progress.
  • denise2648
    denise2648 Posts: 11 Member
    I weight in the morning after I go to the bathroom, before breakfast, with no clothes on. My sodium intake isn't really high, but I drink almost a gallon of water a day (always have).

    Like I said I am just frustrated. I "feel" like I lost if that makes sense, but the scales tells me otherwise.

    Just came back from a 2 mile walk and pouring with sweat. I just gotta keep at it, and hope for the best.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I weight in the morning after I go to the bathroom, before breakfast, with no clothes on. My sodium intake isn't really high, but I drink almost a gallon of water a day (always have).

    Like I said I am just frustrated. I "feel" like I lost if that makes sense, but the scales tells me otherwise.

    Just came back from a 2 mile walk and pouring with sweat. I just gotta keep at it, and hope for the best.

    It does make sense. It's understandable to feel frustrated. That's why I suggested measuring and taking pictures. Because sometimes the scale lies, and frankly I'd rather weigh more but look better than weigh less and look the same. :) Try not to stress about it. This is going to take some time, and some trial and error. If in a month you're still not seeing the progress you want, then change things up a bit. A week isn't really enough time to see if it's working. You'll get where you want to be. Just be patient with yourself.
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    I gained 3.5 lbs the first week I was eating well and exercising. Your body holds water all the time if you dont get your salt and water ratios just perfect. You don't lose weight in real life like they do on the biggest loser where you get solid losses every week. You'll end up fluctuating within a 3-5 pound range over time. You'll move ranges more than exact pounds. Give it a month and I bet you see a drop in your range.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I know its never what you want to hear, but crap the scale.

    I've lost 4 inches in a month, and also gained 6lbs. I'd rather be smaller than weigh less, any day. If you "feel" the loss, then that's great!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I weight in the morning after I go to the bathroom, before breakfast, with no clothes on. My sodium intake isn't really high, but I drink almost a gallon of water a day (always have).

    Like I said I am just frustrated. I "feel" like I lost if that makes sense, but the scales tells me otherwise.

    Just came back from a 2 mile walk and pouring with sweat. I just gotta keep at it, and hope for the best.

    It does make sense. It's understandable to feel frustrated. That's why I suggested measuring and taking pictures. Because sometimes the scale lies, and frankly I'd rather weigh more but look better than weigh less and look the same. :) Try not to stress about it. This is going to take some time, and some trial and error. If in a month you're still not seeing the progress you want, then change things up a bit. A week isn't really enough time to see if it's working. You'll get where you want to be. Just be patient with yourself.

    You rock - this is a great response. OP please listen to this!
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    A few things:

    What time of day are you weighing? If it's different times of day, that can affect the scale. I weighed 5 lbs. more at the doctor's office in the afternoon than I did first thing in the morning before breakfast.

    Have you gone to the bathroom recently? That stuff has weight.

    How's your sodium intake? How much water do you drink? If you're eating high sodium and/or not drinking enough water, you will retain water, which will show on the scale.

    Where are you in your monthly cycle? Hormones can cause your weight to fluctuate.

    As you said, it's only been a week. Keep on trucking. I wouldn't go down to 1200 personally, because I've done that and it's really hard to get enough nutrition that way. A lot of things can affect the scale, so I suggest you take your measurements first thing tomorrow morning, and also take a picture, either in your underwear or in body-skimming clothes. Then in a couple of weeks, measure and photograph again. Sometimes the scale doesnt' give an accurate picture of your health or progress.

  • denise2648
    denise2648 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks you guys! I know a week is nothing and maybe I am just extra crabby lol! Just feeling defeated because I am tired of failing. I set small goals that I can't even meet anymore. All I said in January was "10lbs by June" then last month, it was "Just 5lbs by June" and I can't even lose 1. I have had tests done so it's not my thyroid or anything stopping me. In January, my dr. said that she would be happy with me if I could at least get below 200lbs...I am 212 now.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Take the word "fail" out of your vocabulary. Getting healthy is not something that you can fail at, OR really succeed at, at least not the way we often think of success. There's no finish line. Even if you do everything perfect and you get down to your goal weight, it's still a constant process to maintain. You're never done. So since it's a constant process, you can't fail. You only fail if you give up and never try again. But that's not you. You want this, so you're going to keep trying. :)
  • denise2648
    denise2648 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks again for the replies, everyone. Well, it's been 2 weeks now and I have maintained so I am going to drop down to 1200 calories...I have no choice. I am tired of doing everything right and not seeing results. I know it hasn't been long here but even a half pound loss would have made me happy. Sorry, like I said before I am just feeling defeated these days.