


  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    i got the free app from apple on my iphone. i am on Week 2 Day 2 and i love it. I did try to do Week 2 Day 1 on the beach because i was down there and didnt have my sneakers so i thought i would give it a try. It was so windy I tried walking against the wind and running with it but half way through i needed to stop as my ears were hurting from the wind and my head was pounding and i was just plain exhausted by it. My goal is to at some point this summer to be able to run on the beach but slow steps - the season is early.
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I just downloaded the app and im starting today!!!!
  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    Whoo hoo!!! Awesome, let's do this!!!
  • jazzycupcakes
    jazzycupcakes Posts: 4 Member
    I just started 4 weeks ago on this. Last week I started week 4 and it kicked my booty, so I am working on week 4 again this week. I am enjoying this a lot, but have found out that on days that I don't do C25K I have to run or the next time I do this, I am exhausted and it kicks me! So, Week 4, Day 1 again last night! and tomorrow Week 4, Day 2! I do my C25K on the treadmill...What do you do yours on?
  • AbbeyRysMom
    AbbeyRysMom Posts: 101 Member
    I just started this today! I only made it 4 of the 8 "runs", i was like dying and dripping sweat, but i'm REALLY out of shape. I figure i'll just keep doing day 1 until I can finish it, and then go onto day 2. Add me!
  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    So, my first day went really well. I did the run on the track today.....may switch to the treadmill as I was told it would be better on the joints!! So far, so good!!!
  • nwood13
    nwood13 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm so glad to see this thread! I just finished Day !, Week 3. I think it's a great program, but it's hard for me to get into it because I hate running! I'm excited to follow through and see the same results that others are reporting (better endurance, actually running a 5K!). Anyone who is doing C25K, feel free to add me!

    Also, how are you all tracking it?
  • cmbarnes
    cmbarnes Posts: 46
    I did week 3/day 2 on Sunday, and I'm loving C25K! During the first week, I had some pain/numbness in my feet, but I researched it and found an article about changing the way you lace your shoes so they fit a little looser across the top of the foot (parallel rather than criss-cross), and it worked great! There's a park just a mile or so from my house with about 3.5 miles of beautiful paved trails, so I've been doing C25K there (I hate the treadmill!). I never cared for walking/running before, but since I've started working out (Zumba 3X a week since October, 2011) and using MFP, I've become somewhat addicted to exercise. Now I really enjoy my time alone on the trails!
  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    I downloaded an app from Amazon tht will help me track my progress. As far as logging it on here, I'm still playing around with that. Today I jus logged walking and jogging!!! Good luck everyone with this program. I am so anxious to see the difference in my endurance in the coming weeks!!

    CmBarnes, I too have become addicted to exercise since joining MFP......I can finish up a workout and 10 minutes later be ready to do it all over again, and often times I do.