how to satisfy the period "tapeworm"



  • This thread is quite informational! I always wondered why I craved chocolate so much during this time. I can go the rest of the month without any chocolate at all. But during this time, I can't seem to get enough.

    Now I know.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    When I'm on my shark week,
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Shark week - I love it! LOL

    I usually crave salty carbs during that time, and I try to just keep things in check, log what I eat and drink lots of water. But I just realized that this past month, I didn't really have the cravings, and I didn't gain any weight this time around - in fact I lost a little! Shocking, I know!

    No idea what attribute that to, but can only hope that 8 months of eating healthy and regular exercise are paying off in more than just loss of fat! I do force myself to workout during that time too, even if I don't feel like it - it seems to make me feel better in the long run.

    Somebody mentioned popcorn - I eat it nearly every day, so maybe that's what's been satisfying my salty carb cravings? Hmmm...but I agree, great snack if you air pop it or use a brown paper bag & microwave it. That's my method every day - 1/4 cup kernels in a paper bag on my micro's popcorn setting. Comes out perfect every time. I top it with coconut oil and a wee bit of butter, and a dash of salt. Good stuff.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Eat healthy full of fiber carbs.. like whole oats. The carbs are going to give you energy and the fiber will keep you full longer. Also, low glycemic carbs will digest much slower. Stay clear of processed carbs they will leave u within minutes LOL. Always eat some protein with your carbs.
  • looloo99
    looloo99 Posts: 6
    How far do you blow it by?

    I think it's perfectly okay to plan a few days of maintenance at specific times of the month. I always go a bit over but still just about maintenance on those days.

    That is a fabulous idea! Why beat yourself up over it? If your body is telling you its hungry, there's a reason. Feed it! And feed it well! :smile:
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Usually I have a really hungry day and a day I can't stand to eat food. I seemed to have missed the I can't stand food day this month lmao. I agree you need to keep healthy foods to eat like fruit, veggies, smoothies, etc. I just eat it all well I drink more water first then eat.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Eat healthy full of fiber carbs.. like whole oats. The carbs are going to give you energy and the fiber will keep you full longer. Also, low glycemic carbs will digest much slower. Stay clear of processed carbs they will leave u within minutes LOL. Always eat some protein with your carbs.

    Someone once told me to make a pasta meal with plenty of protein and it should work. I've been doing just that since, and it seems to be working. For instance, last night I made a big pot of spagetti with Barilla Plus noodles (whole grain noodles with added protein...but doesn't taste awful like most whole grain pastas tend to do), extra lean (96%) ground beef, and sugar free sauce (I like Colavita, but you can make your own with tomatoes and spices). I topped with some cheese, and I had 1 huge 500 calorie bowl of spagetti for dinner that helped me to not go over my 1400 daily limit, and I didn't get hungry later on at work (I work night shift).

    That spinach salad with cranberries, almonds, and feta mentioned above sounds awesome too! I will have to give that a try!
  • Sneeze1970
    Sneeze1970 Posts: 18
    Yeah, so good to know I'm not the only one like this, I always just want to eat & eat & eat & eat when its my TOM. I find myself staring into the fridge or pantry soooo often trying to find a low cal snack. Really interesting to hear about the possible magnesium & iron deficiency so will do something to try and boast my intact of those and see if it helps.

    Not done too bad this time as have found a small treat size box of Smarties or a Jarrah hot chocolate is helping with my worst craving (chocolate). I'm also just accepting that I might not loose as much this week and might be weighing a bit heavier than normal.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I always eat whatever I want, within moderation, and stick within my calories for the day, including eating back my exercise calories, so I don't really find that I eat any more or less when it's my "time"
  • temsabi
    temsabi Posts: 45 Member
    I get this way too, though I recently started taking Omega 3, iron, and vitamin B supplements (I'm a vegetarian) and I've noticed that I didn't really have cravings at all this month--and sometimes it gets so bad that I'll consume 3 entrees in a sitting because my hunger just can't be satisfied. I really think that especially having more iron in my system helped with the cravings.

    Also, when I do get cravings I eat LGI foods--nuts, berries, plain whole milk yogurt yogurt... I might be craving chocolate but I find eating the healthier options makes me feel a slight bit better about myself and satisfies my cravings more. By the end of the day I haven't eaten as much as I would have if I had stuffed my face with McDo milkshakes like my body had asked me to.

    The real trick for me though is surviving the days of the actual period--I have such bad cramps it isn't even funny. I get hungry but eating only makes it worse. It's awful!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've tried to ignore it. I've tried to find substitutes for things I crave. I've tried a lot of things and I've come to realize one thing..

    I'm extra hungry for a reason. The "weight" I gain is water weight and is temporary. So, I allow myself to eat pretty much whatever I want for the week before I start. I know it'll all even out when my period is done, so I refuse to fret about it. Obsessing about it only makes me grumpier.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Protein!! That always curbs my tapeworm! I love that analogy!! It is sooooo true!! But I'm a meat girl!! If I get a snack...I REALLY would prefer meat or an egg or something with a firm texture! It satisfies me so much better. Or I'll get a bag of pretzel m&ms!! Check out the cals on a bag of those babies compared to the other m&ms varieties!! Loves EM!! I'm cycling right now....and not the good kind! LOL:tongue::noway:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I eat plenty of protein to keep myself full, and I also make myself protein shakes and I add a hunger control pack in with it....I'm doing the body by vi shakes.
  • One square of vosges dark chocolate bacon bar. Yup...chocolate with bacon. It satisfies my craving and I only eat it once a month so its no biggie

    Dark chocolate and bacon is an amazing idea. I want it!

    I usually have brazil nuts and dark chocolate together. And I eat at maintenance for the whole week. I never lose any weight that week anyway, so it all the works out the same!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    hmm I guess I am an odd one... I have no appetite during T.O.M. ..BUT I get it the few days after it's just ended... like I need to catch up after being so moody, emotional and in too much pain.. good thing is that I force myself to work out, it def helps with all the symptoms!!
  • Brandanna84
    Brandanna84 Posts: 3 Member
    I use the weight watchers method of knowing that fruits and veggies are thought of as no point items, so I pile a ton of raspberries on my cereal in the morning. I also eat a lot of bananas and drink a ton more water than normal. I still eat chocolate, but I'll eat the good stuff because you feel sick if you eat too much of it, your body will tell you 'no means no' with that stuff! If you crave salty snacks, eat those veggie and flaxseed tortilla chips from trader joes with some awesome salsa and a dollop of light sour cream. YUM!
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Jillian hates me too..I think it's mutual :)

    I found out last fall that I was SERIOUSLY anemic..and I'd had craving so much during this time. I'd walk out and just eat everything.

    Getting a good Iron supplement really helped, I'm not as desperate to eat now..but man, it was crazy!
  • Well, I can pretty much relate to you guys! When its " that time of the month," I crave sweets, I want eat more than I should, and I probably gain fluid....I hate fluid!! This time, I'm going to just try to keep my eyes on my goal! I plan to drink more water, watch my fat intake, my sodium especially! Yeah, its going to be hard, but I can do it! I have learned that there are just going to be bad days. I have been concentrating way too hard on what my weight is. According to my doctor, I shouldn't keep thinking about the scale. She told me to look at my waist line. Lately, its been really frustrating when I found out that I weigh 157 at the doctor's office, when on the scale at home, I weigh less! You feel like giving up, you think whats the point of this!! You just want to scream!! But I know that I'm not alone. One of my biggest inspirations is my sister-n-law Amanda. If anyone can understand the weight problem its her. She's been through so much with it. She will definately meet her doubt about it. She has wonderful husband and family thats given her sooo much support. May God help us all as we are going through the weight journey!!
  • I take fish oil all month and eat steaks on those specially hard days when I feel terrible. I used to be veggie but the first two days I want beef not meat no beef. The oil has helped with menstrual cramps and low mood. Got better over three months or so.
    I still feel hungry and restless though. Keep looking in cupboards. My Mfp helps keep me accountable.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    I JUST talked to my OBGYN about this. She told me to take magnesium supplements and that should definitely help the chocolate cravings!


    My Multivitamin helps curb cravings.