big thighs

hey guys! i'm only five two, 134 pounds, trying to get to 115. i work witha trainer and he has me do lots of lunges and squats but i'm getting distressed. my thighs are muscular, but thick. like thick big muscular thighs with a big butt. i wanna be a tiny girl with small thighs. what am i doing wrong? i think its mainly my diet so i've been trying to improve that aspect of my life.


  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I want muscular thighs.
  • rstein18
    rstein18 Posts: 17 Member
    Im jealous, I would love to have muscular thighs. I have muscle but not like I want.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    First of all, you can't fight your body type. Maybe you can be a tiny girl with skinny thighs, I don't know your body. Muscular legs are SOOOOO gorgeous! If you think that your eating can be improved, I would certainly start there.

    Secondly, have you talked to your trainer to tell him that you want to slim down your thighs?? I know you can't spot reduce, but if you are doing a ton of lunges and squats, you are building and toning those killer thigh muscles.

    Focus on being fit - not a certain size or shape. You are GORGEOUS!!! If your thighs stay muscular, OWN them!!!! Be confident in the fact that you have a killer set of legs!! I know Carrie Underwood is super thin, but have you ever seen her legs - solid as a rock!!!! Don't fall into the comparison trap - it's death.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    girl i hear you!
    The more i work out the bigger they get, even if i try to not work them lol.
    I have no idea what to do about this. At least you have big butt go with them! My thighs disproportionately big for my body.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    First of all, you can't fight your body type. Maybe you can be a tiny girl with skinny thighs, I don't know your body. Muscular legs are SOOOOO gorgeous! If you think that your eating can be improved, I would certainly start there.

    Secondly, have you talked to your trainer to tell him that you want to slim down your thighs?? I know you can't spot reduce, but if you are doing a ton of lunges and squats, you are building and toning those killer thigh muscles.

    Focus on being fit - not a certain size or shape. You are GORGEOUS!!! If your thighs stay muscular, OWN them!!!! Be confident in the fact that you have a killer set of legs!! I know Carrie Underwood is super thin, but have you ever seen her legs - solid as a rock!!!! Don't fall into the comparison trap - it's death.
    Sorry, but THIS! :flowerforyou:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Its just where your body stores its fat. You have muscle, with fat on top of it. Its not enough to where it FEELS fatty, but enough to make them thicker. I made that mistake with my biceps... they were nice and big and "toned" at 16 inches. They felt hard, they were strong, I didn't know they had fat on them.

    Now my biceps are 13 inches and I can feel there isn't much fat on them at all. Until I got to that point, I didn't know what it felt like. My muscles are no longer big looking.
  • tomakehermine
    have you even told your trainer your concerns? maybe they can change up the routine *shrugs* personalize it to your needs.
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    The muscular and athletic look on a woman's legs is extremely attractive. Embrace it and make the most of it.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I am in the same boat: thunder thighs! People always told me I had big thighs because of muscle, but I went to the gym with my stick skinny roomie one day and her thighs were CLEARLY stronger. :frown: So I realized that that is just where I carry my extra fat, NOT muscle. :grumble: Honestly I think you might have the same issue. Unless you can see definitiion in your thighs when you flex, that's fat m'dear, NOT muscle.

    You can't change where you carry your weight (extra fat). BUT you can do some things to minimize it:

    Losing weight is numero uno. You can have the most "muscular" thighs in the world, but if they are layered in fat, they still look fat. Lose fat, and you sill start to see the muscle underneath (obviously, don't lose too much weight to where you have an unhealthy BMI though).

    Also, make sure not to work out your thighs too much. My mom's (with the same problem) main workout is doing the exercise machine where you sit down and peddal out in front...and I keep telling her that that's only going to make her thighs bigger! But unless something like that is your main exercise, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Lunges and squats will tone you up and strengthen you, and I doubt that is ALL your trainer has you doing.

    But your biggest battle is going to be losing the lbs. I have lost 15 so far and am really starting to love my thighs (they have lost a bit of their thunder!) Don't fret, just keep losing wieght and exercising and the fat will come off.

    As a side note: I HATE it when people try to convince you to "be happy with what you got." Yes, we should all have a good self image and love ourselves. BUT there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve ourselves (to a certain degree) if it is something you can do with eating right and exercising. It's BS. You do not have to just ACCEPT your thunder thighs and be ok with them (unless you have body dysmorphic disorder). CHANGE IT in a healthy way and don't listen to the naysayers.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I want muscular thighs.

    me too
  • mondanaz
    mondanaz Posts: 4 Member
    thanks guys! yeah i agree with what a lot of you are saying. i see the definition but i am sure there is fat there as well. so i'm going to just keep doing it and keep losing weight! i just needed to vent because i understand that people find muscular thighs attractive but i want to have thighs that barely touch, not beyonce thighs. that looks amazing but when i look in the mirror at myself i dont like it. and yeah i have told my trainer a lot of times what i want
  • raamfrancis
    the best exercise to elongate muscles and avoid to make them bulky are Pilates, that is the right exercise for some one who is not looking to look athletic but more like a ballerina, that is your best bet, Mat Pilates works as good as the Reformer Machine, so do not believe that you have to pay a small fortune to do Pilates, if your trainer is not really accredited to train you in Pilates look for a class or a Pilates Studio.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    thanks guys! yeah i agree with what a lot of you are saying. i see the definition but i am sure there is fat there as well. so i'm going to just keep doing it and keep losing weight! i just needed to vent because i understand that people find muscular thighs attractive but i want to have thighs that barely touch, not beyonce thighs. that looks amazing but when i look in the mirror at myself i dont like it. and yeah i have told my trainer a lot of times what i want

    Then all you need now is time. And dilligence. :ohwell:

    YOU CAN DO IT! :drinker:
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Taking a look at your pics, I wouldn't worry about your thighs, I think you're just running out of areas you want to improve. You're very proportional considering you've got a decent bust to go with everything. Focus on being healthier and toning up what you have.
  • mondanaz
    mondanaz Posts: 4 Member
    thanks =)
  • becky3277
    becky3277 Posts: 64 Member
    I woulD LOVE to have muscular legs instead of my chicken legs. One of the guys at work says I wore a knee brace while playing basketball to cut down on the friction so I wouldn't burst into flames from my stick legs rubbing together! SERIOUSLY!
  • sfb2510
    sfb2510 Posts: 28
    hear you. my thighs are the same - they gross me out!