Sketchers Tone Ups?

Babykinz Posts: 14 Member

Does anyone use these for walking, if so have you noticed any difference in your shape/weight loss?


  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I've seen them for sale (who hasn't) and I thought 'what a scam'

    They are a scam - there is currently a class action being pursued due to injuries sustained from wearing these shoes.

    Steer clear, there are no short cuts to a hot body.
  • YennaBean
    YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
    All I'm gonna say is, when the shape ups came out.. I tried them on, got up and fell on my face. Lol
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    I have 4 pair, I love them! I get a much better leg workout when I wear them during my 3-5 mile walk/run. I have worn them for over a year now.The other day I wore my regular running shoes and it felt really wierd, my legs were not nearly as tight and fatigued after the 3 miles of wearing my nikes so I am forever sold on the Sketcher Tone Ups, both their running and walking shoes. I also have 2 pairs of Avia shoes that are just like the Tone ups, they actually give you a little lift as you walk, pretty cool!
  • marykeblom
    marykeblom Posts: 56
    Hello :) I had the first one's that came out...the one's that look like a boat and i loved them. I used them till they didn't looked like shoes anymore and i personally saw a nice improvement in my calves and thighs and my back didn't get as sore as it used to! (i had a back operation when i was 22) I now have the proper Shape Up workout one's they are awesome for running and general working out and so light and so comfy! I really don't think i would buy any other trainer again as I have found the shoes I am absolutely comfortable in. :)
    I think loving or hating the shoe greatly differs from person to person, i did a lot of reading up on them before i bought them and decided if i wanted to take that chance or not. I decided to go for it. I personally was very happy. What works for me might not work for you or someone else. Every single thing in life is about personal taste and preference.
    My mom has knee and back problems, and she can only wear the Sketchers. She has had an back operation and multiple foot operations and finds the Sketchers the only shoe that helps her, she says her back and knees are less sore. So all in all hun, it really depends on YOU only. :) Good luck on your journey to finding the right shoe!!!! :D
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member

    Does anyone use these for walking, if so have you noticed any difference in your shape/weight loss?

    They are being sued for scam. That being said, I loved my pair. For me, they made a difference. But I didn't just wear them for walking. I wore them for my job, which was at Wal-Mart as an overnight apparel stocker. That's not nearly as physically demanding as regular stocking in a super market. I was, however, on my feet for near 8 hours straight, and I do think the length of time did aide in how I felt/looked. They were by far the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever worn.

    That being said, I did end up having some knee issues while wearing them. They weren't designed nor intended to be worn for long periods of time. Would I still own a pair? Absolutely! I just wouldn't wear them quite as much I don't think.

    Yse, they are being sued. But yes, I did love my shoes. And I honestly do think they helped my shape some, but definitely not my general weightloss. But that may also just be wishful thinking.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm a fan of the Shape-Ups, but for comfort rather than toning. I currently wear them all the time.

    I have lordosis (inward spine curvature). Only mild, but enough that it used to hurt to walk more than twenty minutes. Walking to the shops and back would be a big effort, and I'd have to stop and take a break.

    I tried Skechers on when they first came out and I was on holiday in the US and being frivolous with my money. I could feel the difference instantly. They DID feel like they were toning my legs a little, but only for a few days before my body got used to them.

    For me, the big effect was that I could walk long distances. I ended up doing a 23-mile hike, including mountains and waterfalls, in those shoes. That's something I couldn't have achieved without them. I bought a new pair as a reward.

    I've actually now been running since February, and in order to be my most effective I've been working a lot on my posture in running shoes. Though the lordosis is of course still there, I'm finding that my posture has adjusted to work around it, and my Shape-Ups now feel quite a bit less comfortable. They're making me work different muscles to those used when I run, and I prefer my natural stance now that it's developed. I won't be buying any more, I imagine, but they were life-savers and are still the most comfortable shoes I've owned. I just want to find some normal ones, now, that are just as comfortable without the crazy sole.
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    I don't see any difference, my mum on the other hand who had knee surgery says that it's less painfull to walk and she doesn't take them off... and since she can walk further she is burning more calories and losing weight . Maybe it's because if the coushioning ? I don't really know..
  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    If you do decided to get these type of shoes, please do not wear them for anything other then walking. These are really dangerous to wear in a class like Step, Zumba, etc. where you need lateral movements. And do not try to lift weights in them. The way that they are designed, you are unable to put your weight back into your heels and will lift improperly. Your knees, back and ankles with thank you!