Over Eating!

I have a question people and i need help! I just started this new plan 2 weeks ago and i've lost 7 pounds already but i still feel like im eating way to much food at a period of time. Im 6'6 and at the moment weight 308 lbs. Growing up i always ate a lot of food because i played football and had to be big. Now that i've been in the army for the past 2 years im finding it really hard to slow down on the amount of food i intake at one setting. Someone please give me some good advice because i really need it. Thanks for any answers.


  • Bree1294
    Bree1294 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome to MFP Tharkey.... :) First let me say - THANK YOU for your service - huge hugs to you and your pals!
    You've lost 7 lbs, and within 2 weeks - fabulous! Obviously if you are losing weight then you are taking in fewer calories than your body is burning. I will share with you what I am doing because it has completely changed my life! I used to be an over eater, I could put it away like a champ... The reason? I used to not eat breakfast or snacks so by lunch and dinner I was starving and would literally inhale my food. Now, I eat 5 times a day. This is huge as it has not only increased my metabolism, but it's absolutely keeping me from over indulging at meal times.... Not to mention, I have a lot more energy now than I ever have had.
    I have lost 33 pounds since Christmas doing this. Remember, slow and steady.... Since you are in the army, I am sure you are already working out A LOT, so remember to get as many of your calories in protein as you can! Save those muscles!
    Good Luck my friend, and be safe!
  • Tharkey1
    Tharkey1 Posts: 3
    Thanks im trying my best! Im working super hard at it! By the way i did add you! Thanks for the encouragement!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Welcome to MFP Tharkey.... :) First let me say - THANK YOU for your service - huge hugs to you and your pals!
    You've lost 7 lbs, and within 2 weeks - fabulous! Obviously if you are losing weight then you are taking in fewer calories than your body is burning. I will share with you what I am doing because it has completely changed my life! I used to be an over eater, I could put it away like a champ... The reason? I used to not eat breakfast or snacks so by lunch and dinner I was starving and would literally inhale my food. Now, I eat 5 times a day. This is huge as it has not only increased my metabolism, but it's absolutely keeping me from over indulging at meal times.... Not to mention, I have a lot more energy now than I ever have had.
    I have lost 33 pounds since Christmas doing this. Remember, slow and steady.... Since you are in the army, I am sure you are already working out A LOT, so remember to get as many of your calories in protein as you can! Save those muscles!
    Good Luck my friend, and be safe!

    I think eating multiple meals a day is a good way to start. It definitely helps with overeating at later meals. However, eating multiple meals doesn't increase metabolism. You can help your body burn calories more efficiently by lifting weights and eating right.

    I started changing the way I ate and exercising regularly several years ago. I didn't track my food at the time and would always plateau after a few pounds lost. Since joining MFP, I've seen much better results. I've lost 45 lbs since 2005 and 28 lbs since joining MFP. The biggest difference is body composition. I've dropped body fat and maintained weight. The keys: staying at a caloric deficit, keeping my protein/carb/fat ratios to 35/35/30 and lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights helps to release natural HGH which in turn will help with burning fat. Plus, since you are eating at a deficit you may lose some muscle. So lifting and eating good amounts of protein will help combat this some.

    A good way to keep on track with food is to plan ahead. Whether you eat 3 meals or 6 meals, plan them out. Good luck and thank you for your service to our country.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you enjoy big meals keep eating them! Just make adjustments on what you eat and how often. I enjoy big meals so for me I have a small breakfast (bowl of oatmeal, 2 scoops protein, & coffee) a decent sized lunch ( 1/2 lb chicken breast, 6 oz's brocolli and cauliflower, 6 oz's mixed veggies, 2.2 oz's pasta, PB2 & J sandwich, & 28g almonds) about 800 cals. Then it's grub time at dinner! A pound of chicken breast, 255g potato, 200 g spinach, 14 g almonds, 6 slices of toast, 2 tablespoons of PB, 2 chobani greek yogurts, & a pint of ice cream (yes a full pint). Just off set it with exercise and you're golden! Being active duty you should have no problem doing 800 calories of exercise. Just plan your feedings and you'll be fine.

    I'm also 8 inches shorter than you & 120 lbs lighter. My closest friend on the planet is active duty Lt.Cmdr. in virginia and very into this as well. I can see if he can point out some military resources for you.


    Good luck you can do it!
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    You could take smaller bites, that seemed to work for me, it takes me longer to eat and sometimes I have to stop before I've finished because it hurts to eat more (Even when I'm having a nomal sized meal) which never used to happen when I ate quickly.
  • freder1ck
    freder1ck Posts: 44 Member
    I used to not eat breakfast or snacks so by lunch and dinner I was starving and would literally inhale my food.
    I always ate breakfast and lunch, but I discovered I was undereating— and inhaling at dinner and beyond.

    One book I found helpful was Overcoming Overeating, which helped me see some of the characteristics of overeating as well as some of the emotional signals: