Quitting Smoking Support Group

This is actually my first message board post but I wanted to reach out to others who might be in my situation. Currently I am 23 years old and have been smoking since I was 12. Since joining MyFitnessPal I have lost almost 30 pounds and starting to feel much better about myself emotionally and physically. I have tried to kick the habit many times but always find myself stressing out or being in a group of friends that smoke and going back to smoking always thinking "oh I can just have one".

Anyways, enough about me, I would like to find some people to friend that are/or have quit smoking as well as working on losing weight so we can bounce ideas off each other and help each other with something I see as the hardest thing to do. If you are going to do something, you should do it all the way, right?

I never thought that it would be harder to give up smoking than it was to lose weight but if it is one thing MFP has taught me is that encouragement from others is a powerful thing.

Thanks for reading,

Belinda (Kelogik)


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Well, as we both know, I am not a smoker, but I wanted to say that I am very proud of you cuz for trying to kick this habit and get yourself healthy - not just for you, but for Mike and Alicia. It shows great character. You can do it...I don't know what it is like to kick a habit like this, but I am here if you need to talk, support, or encouragement. You should talk to Jim - he used to smoke 3 yrs ago and quit. He might be able to give you some pointers. Good luck - you can do it...I have faith in you!!!
  • madpaddyjack
    madpaddyjack Posts: 45 Member
    Well, you know I'm going through the same thing. See, I CAN actually have just one, or just smoke at a party...but my problem, and the reason I need to quit for good, is that being around other people who are smoking, regardless of where they are, makes me want to smoke. On a day to day basis without being around it, I'm actually fine. It's weird.
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    Well, as we both know, I am not a smoker, but I wanted to say that I am very proud of you cuz for trying to kick this habit and get yourself healthy - not just for you, but for Mike and Alicia. It shows great character. You can do it...I don't know what it is like to kick a habit like this, but I am here if you need to talk, support, or encouragement. You should talk to Jim - he used to smoke 3 yrs ago and quit. He might be able to give you some pointers. Good luck - you can do it...I have faith in you!!!

    Thanks, Beth! I know I can... just got to figure out how the best way possible without wanting to kill everything in my sight, lol.
  • JennytheWicked
    JennytheWicked Posts: 67 Member
    You both can do it!

    After a while, you don't even realize that you're missing it.

    I promise it gets easier!
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    You both can do it!

    After a while, you don't even realize that you're missing it.

    I promise it gets easier!

    Thanks, Jenny!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Ok Bel goal for tonight.....we aren't smoking ANY cigarettes while we're hanging out!!!!
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    Ok Bel goal for tonight.....we aren't smoking ANY cigarettes while we're hanging out!!!!

    Yup! No cigarettes or alcohol just p90x, Wii, and cross stitching. We can do it!

    Love you :flowerforyou:
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    Well, you know I'm going through the same thing. See, I CAN actually have just one, or just smoke at a party...but my problem, and the reason I need to quit for good, is that being around other people who are smoking, regardless of where they are, makes me want to smoke. On a day to day basis without being around it, I'm actually fine. It's weird.

    We can do it, baby :heart: . Just one day at a time. If we can lose 30 pounds each in 3 months we can quit smoking .
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Ok Bel goal for tonight.....we aren't smoking ANY cigarettes while we're hanging out!!!!

    Yup! No cigarettes or alcohol just p90x, Wii, and cross stitching. We can do it!

    Love you :flowerforyou:

    heeeeeeeeeelllll yeah! we got this. love you toooooooooooo!! :love:
  • AmandaKalinoski
    Great Job! Reading your post has given me a little bit of hope! I am currently working on losing weight. I tried the quitting smoking thing and gained 5 lbs (WHILE EATING HEALTHY!!!) With losing my grandpa and uncle in the same month I of course went back to smoking- I SHOULD KNOW BETTER but I figured one thing at a time, right? I have just started my fittness pal this week and will also go back to quitting smoking, SOON! I just want to lose a little and get in the right eating habits before doing so. I see your meter of weight loss- GREAT job!
  • stephaniekneld
    My first time, I did it cold turkey. And did not smoke for 7 years after that. Why I started again.... the same as you.... "Oh,... I can have one once in a while" NOT!!!! I have finally quit... I used a pharmaseutical drug "Chantix". For both my husband and I, it was THE way to go. It helped IMMENSELY with the cravings. It is not for everyone, but for us, it worked and made it easy to quit.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I am a former smoker and I just wanted to offer a little encouragement :) I quit smoking two years ago and I managed to continue losing weight while quitting. My biggest support was my husband who quit at the same time I did. We both used Nicorette gum for a couple months and it really did help with the physical cravings. The emotional cravings were the hardest to deal with. To this day I can't pretend to smoke something, like puffing on a pen LOL, without cravings coming back. That being said, the smell of smoke makes me sick now. Its the relaxation that I miss but not the health issues that came with it.
    Anyway, It can be done! You may see a stall in your weight loss for about a month while your body gets used to the withdrawal but if you stick with your eating plan you will see this through. I don't recommend any of those fake cigarettes or nicotine puffers that you "smoke" because they just reinforce the hand to mouth habit. Try to find a hobby and keep yourself busy. You can do this :flowerforyou:
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    I gave up smoking when pregnant with my daughter for 3 years, had a BIG night out and before I knew it was back on 20 a day.

    I gave up again on 1st Jan and haven't had one since. I don't even miss it anymore. The only time I find it hard is if I'm out and had a drink, lol cigarettes & alcohol = deadly combination for me!

    You do need people round you encouraging you & that includes smokers & non-smokers. I found it easier to just not hang out with smokers for a while (bit hard but hey what works works right?). Once people realise how serious you are they will stop offering you a cigarette. It helps that in the UK there's a smoking ban in pubs & clubs so you physically have to go outside for a smoke and nobody is around you smoking.

    Determination, willpower & plenty of people around you to encourage you is the way to go. You can do it, you have to believe in yourself ;O)
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    Great Job! Reading your post has given me a little bit of hope! I am currently working on losing weight. I tried the quitting smoking thing and gained 5 lbs (WHILE EATING HEALTHY!!!) With losing my grandpa and uncle in the same month I of course went back to smoking- I SHOULD KNOW BETTER but I figured one thing at a time, right? I have just started my fittness pal this week and will also go back to quitting smoking, SOON! I just want to lose a little and get in the right eating habits before doing so. I see your meter of weight loss- GREAT job!

    Amanda -

    Thank you for your kind words and the friend request. Losing family can be quite tough, luckily I have not had to go through this yet but I know a lot of people who have and it can definitely trigger bad habits. I think you have a good plan of doing one thing at a time. My husband and I attempted the same. We started MFP and about a month in we decided to work on quitting smoking. I'm finding the most important thing is not beating myself up when I slip up and eat poorly or smoke. It will happen and I need to just keep going forward instead of throwing myself a pity party and continuing the bad habit.
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    I am a former smoker and I just wanted to offer a little encouragement :) I quit smoking two years ago and I managed to continue losing weight while quitting. My biggest support was my husband who quit at the same time I did. We both used Nicorette gum for a couple months and it really did help with the physical cravings. The emotional cravings were the hardest to deal with. To this day I can't pretend to smoke something, like puffing on a pen LOL, without cravings coming back. That being said, the smell of smoke makes me sick now. Its the relaxation that I miss but not the health issues that came with it.
    Anyway, It can be done! You may see a stall in your weight loss for about a month while your body gets used to the withdrawal but if you stick with your eating plan you will see this through. I don't recommend any of those fake cigarettes or nicotine puffers that you "smoke" because they just reinforce the hand to mouth habit. Try to find a hobby and keep yourself busy. You can do this :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the encouragement and awesom job on your weight loss! It is funny that you brought up the fake cigarettes. My husband and I each bought one about a year ago when we first started throwing around the idea of quitting and they do not seem to help at all and actually made me just want to smoke more! I have tried the patch in the past but they are so expensive and I'm starting to think that pumping myself with nicotine is a bit counterproductive. I think a big problem I have is I use to smoke to help not overeat and every time I "quit" I feel super hungry. I'm starting to train myself away from that though, I cross stitch and everytime I feel unnecessarily hungry or want to smoke I'm going to pick up my current project until the craving ends.
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    My first time, I did it cold turkey. And did not smoke for 7 years after that. Why I started again.... the same as you.... "Oh,... I can have one once in a while" NOT!!!! I have finally quit... I used a pharmaseutical drug "Chantix". For both my husband and I, it was THE way to go. It helped IMMENSELY with the cravings. It is not for everyone, but for us, it worked and made it easy to quit.

    My husband and I have thought about trying Chantix and might do so. I'm glad to hear that it helped you, I've known a couple people to have used it and its seems to be about 50/50. Never hurts to try though!
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    I gave up smoking when pregnant with my daughter for 3 years, had a BIG night out and before I knew it was back on 20 a day.

    I gave up again on 1st Jan and haven't had one since. I don't even miss it anymore. The only time I find it hard is if I'm out and had a drink, lol cigarettes & alcohol = deadly combination for me!

    You do need people round you encouraging you & that includes smokers & non-smokers. I found it easier to just not hang out with smokers for a while (bit hard but hey what works works right?). Once people realise how serious you are they will stop offering you a cigarette. It helps that in the UK there's a smoking ban in pubs & clubs so you physically have to go outside for a smoke and nobody is around you smoking.

    Determination, willpower & plenty of people around you to encourage you is the way to go. You can do it, you have to believe in yourself ;O)

    Thanks for the encouragement! I too quit (for the most part) 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter. Fortunately, I never went back to smoking a pack a day like I was before getting pregnant. Where I live, they have enforced a similar ban which will help. My husband and I rent our basement to a friend who is a smoker so that is my biggest temptation time but I know I can do this if I keep up my determination!
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
    I smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years. Stopped 6 years ago :) Read 'the easy way'. It worked for me!! U just gotta want it enough. Good luck x