Is 30DS too hard for fattys?

I have a 30DS DvD and ive been putting off using it. I power walk some days, other days i do zumba, other days i get on the elliptical at the gym. Im very overweight for my height, and i have ton of chub. My core muscles are not toned because ive been pregnant 3x in the last 2 and a half years, so those muscles are shot to hell. I try to eat clean and i have lost some weight, but as i said still very chunky and overweight. Is 30DS possible for someone such as me? Is it a bad idea? a good idea? Thoughts?


  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    It's only too hard if you refuse to try. Do what you can. Ease your way into it. Do the easier moves, do less reps, take a breather when you feel you need to. You'll get there in your own time. Forget about the "30 Day" part of it and go at your own pace. Something is better than nothing.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    I'm 80lbs over my suggested weight, and i do it...just work on level 1 for awhile and do what you can, if its hard at first work your way up slowly...don't push yourself so you get hurt, just do what can and you will be amazed at yourself for what you are able to do! try it! I lost 1 1/2 inches in my waist at the belly button so I was very happy...anymore questions, you can message me

  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    It's only too hard if you refuse to try. Do what you can. Ease your way into it. Do the easier moves, do less reps, take a breather when you feel you need to. You'll get there in your own time. Forget about the "30 Day" part of it and go at your own pace. Something is better than nothing.

    This and I love the title. It made me smile :flowerforyou:
  • mollysonnotice
    no way! Its hard work and it kicks my butt, but its possible. Just take five second breaks between each workout and breathe a lot. You got this!
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    Don't think of it as too hard. You just do what you can do. Starting out no overweight people won't be able to do the entire session starting out. But do as much as you can. And each day add to it. Push yourself to do another min. Another 5 minutes. And before you know it it will be no problem...THEN you go to the next level of it!

    Don't ever think is this too hard for me because of my size. I have alot of weight to lose but I am trying at kick boxing, at different workouts.

    You can do it!
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    In the beginning everyone thinks it's too much. Ease into it-if you tell yourself you can do it then you CAN!!!! Do slower reps if needed do the alternate easier versions can do it
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    I agree that you should just go at your own pace. I cannot do all the exercises exactly as they are either. I just use her routine as a guide and really work up a sweat. As long as you're trying and moving, I think its a worthwhile workout. You'll also notice that if you stick with it, it'll get easier and you'll really notice a change in your body.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    The DVD is designed so anyone can do it. You may just have to do Level 1 longer before you advance to Level 2. It's hard, I'm not saying it isn't, but if you stick with it you will see that you can do more and more each time you do the video. Just because you think you aren't strong enough it's a reason not to do it!

    At first the Jumping Jacks are a killer, but she goes on to say that she trains 400 pound people that can do Jumping Jacks so you can do. I believe everyone can do anything if they set their mind to it.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    No it's not too hard, and yes, it's a brilliant all-round exercise and like any other exercise you can adjust it to your level of fitness. Get to a bit where you're too out of breath or your muscles are shaking? Put down the weights, grab a drink of water and march on the spot until you're ready to re-join (whatever Jillian tries to tell you!). I'd also recommend only doing it two or tree times a week at first, not every day. It will definitely help speed up building those core muscles!
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    Whaa?? Definitely not. What do you consider a fatty? It gets easier and easier every day.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    It's a great idea. Its only 20-ish mins long and you can do modified versions of everything until you're up to speed. Honestly in my opinion if you can do Zumba, you can DEFINITELY do 30DS.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Ignore the "30" day part. You can stay at each level longer if you need to.
    The first few days are brutal. But if you keep at it your endurance improves greatly and your muscles tone!!
    I'm halfway through it and I started at the beginning of April. I don't do 30DS everyday, I mix it in with jogging or whatever else I feel like doing.
    Good luck! You can do it!!
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    30DS is HARD, no ifs, ands or buts!

    I am not SUPER overweight and consider myself to be in good cardiovascular shape, and even I struggled doing it the first time. To this day, even when I do level 1, I sweat buckets and want to die at the end. But, the good thing is that a lot of the moves are able to be done in modified versions. Jillian mentions throughout the DVD that if you are struggling with some moves, you can 'go into them' as far as you are able to. There are some push-up moves that are hard even for fit people, but you can just do the modified version if its too hard. I think it is a good idea because I only do it 4 times a week and I have noticed how much my endurance has improved. I'd say it is worth a shot. If it is too hard on your knees and arms, then maybe stick to your elliptical. Definitely try it out and good luck :)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    30 DS is hard on your joints. I highly recommend Karen Voight slim physique

    it's a good workout- not too hard but leaves you 'rubbery' . Different workout every day so you don't get bored, etc. Includes yoga for flexibility, strength training & cardio.
    I really like it and like the results I'm getting. Tho she doesn't get much buzz on here, I like her workouts

    good luck
  • sarajane31
    sarajane31 Posts: 18
    I think we're all trained to believe if we can't keep up, we shouldn't bother, but that's just silly. I used to be a chain smoker, so when I quit smoking and started working out (and I bought 30DS to start), it was impossible for me to keep my heart rate up for very long without being in agony. Push yourself, but take breaks too. Go at your own pace. Press pause on the DVD (it'll take longer than 20 minutes, but you'll get through). It won't happen fast, but eventually you'll be able to keep up. Don't be afraid!
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    It's only too hard if you refuse to try. Do what you can. Ease your way into it. Do the easier moves, do less reps, take a breather when you feel you need to. You'll get there in your own time. Forget about the "30 Day" part of it and go at your own pace. Something is better than nothing.

    That's what i've been doing. I also add a 20 minute brisk walk during my lunch, as long as I'm loosing weight every week until I reach my goal i'm fine.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    It's only too hard if you refuse to try. Do what you can. Ease your way into it. Do the easier moves, do less reps, take a breather when you feel you need to. You'll get there in your own time. Forget about the "30 Day" part of it and go at your own pace. Something is better than nothing.

  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    You can do it. When I tried the first time it was really hard. But by day four I could really see a difference in my stamina. Good Luck!
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    hi Falling2Grace, i'v done it and i'm way bigger than you - and a lot older, i'm 44, obese & then some. the first day i sounded like i was being slowly murdered :blushing: but i done it all the way through and kept going. you can totally do it, when it becomes to hard wait 5 seconds like jillian says and carry on. the only thing i couldn't do was the skipping rope (it hurt my knee's) so i jogged on the spot. trust me, it becomes easier. the only 'downside' is she's a little addictive, i'v now brought 2 more of her dvd's :wink: best of luck...oh and take some before photo's so you can show us your soon to be new rocking figure :happy: best of luck :drinker:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    It is really hard to do but you improve to quickly! When you do it for the first time do not think it's killing you because you have "chub" it kills everyone! Honestly! In my opinion everyone can do it and the more you do it the better you'll be! It's an amazing workout, good luck with it!