Protein powder

mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I bought some protein powder at WalMart the other day and that stuff seems to really work for healing your muscles. I drink it after doing my running. My legs used to be sore the evening and next day after I started increasing my running but since drinking a protein shake after running I don't have any problems. Wow, who knew it would work so fast. It's tastes pretty good too. I bought the smaller size because I wasn't sure if I would like it or not and I wanted to see how it worked, but when I get paid on Wednesday I'm going to get the great big size. :happy:


  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    that what i need i"m dropping about a pound a day with alot of exercise and i need something to keep me from crashing with out eating a ton dose it have a name:yawn:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I bought some protein powder at WalMart the other day and that stuff seems to really work for healing your muscles. I drink it after doing my running. My legs used to be sore the evening and next day after I started increasing my running but since drinking a protein shake after running I don't have any problems. Wow, who knew it would work so fast. It's tastes pretty good too. I bought the smaller size because I wasn't sure if I would like it or not and I wanted to see how it worked, but when I get paid on Wednesday I'm going to get the great big size. :happy:

    What brand was it...was it expensive? I've been wanting to try protein powder.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The brand is EAS and I paid $8.86 at the WalMart I went to. It's for the smaller size, I think 2 pounds. I'm at work so I looked on line for the sizes. I don't find it on line at WalMart though. But they have vanilla flavor and chocolate flavor. I bought the chocolate flavor.
  • The Body Fortress - Cookies N' Creme Super Advanced Whey Protein at Walmart is pretty good too...especially with a little soy milk. Good protien source. I use if for pre workout. Cheap too...about $12 to $15 or so...
  • How many calories per serving?
  • I'm doing 2 scoops which gets me at 270 calories...but adding the Silk soy milk kicks it up a little.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Do you use it as a meal replacement, or as a snack? Or do you drink it along with meals?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The EAS is 180 calories per scoop and you can stir it in milk or water. I stir it in milk (I use fat free). Haven't tried it with water. It says not to use it for weight loss so you're not supposed to substitute any meals with it. I drink it a couple times during the day then right after I run. As soon as I start back doing the 100 pushups, I'll drink a glass after I do those exercises.
  • I work out as soon as I get up... so I'm trying to get enough in my system to carry me through workout, plus get a jump on my protien intake for the day. If I'm a little low on protien intake for the day, I may have a shake for a snack. I'm taking a creatine shake for recovery (Cellmass)...trying to bulk up a little.

    I've tried Amp Wheybolic Extreme from GNC but it is expensive (around $40+) and I've used Met RX Protien Revolution (around $30 or so). Walmart stuff seems to be just a good to me and save some $$$.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The Body Fortress - Cookies N' Creme Super Advanced Whey Protein at Walmart is pretty good too...especially with a little soy milk. Good protien source. I use if for pre workout. Cheap too...about $12 to $15 or so...

    :huh: Two scoops of the EAS is 360 calories. I think I'll switch to The Body Fortress. Less calories. Where do you get it?
  • I got mine at Walmart. There is a general whey product (not sure of the name) and an advanced formula. What the difference is... not sure. I'm guessing they keep low stock or it is pretty popular in my area 'cause they only had one.

    Good to read you post on EAS. I have been trying to find the best protien supplements...but am coming to believe they are all about the same except for the $$$. Man are some expensive....
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I don't eat soy when I can help it, so I use ADS.

    it's all egg and milk whey.

    has all the amino acids too, which is cool.
  • I'm only using soy milk as a mixer. No reason except the soy milk keeps longer.

    So do you tell a difference with the more expensive whey? Something I have been pondering for a while.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yeah, there is a difference, I mean besides the Soy (which is the BIGGEST reason for me), it has slightly less of the filler (carbs, fats), and slightly higher levels of all the amino acids and potassium. Calories are around the same, I think it's 135. But it's the soy that is why I buy it.

    You'll find very very few soy free protein powders out there.

    you can read about soy here:

    Might I add, the jury is still out on soy, BUT, from what we know it contains, and the possibility of the issues those ingredients could bring about. I'd rather not risk it. We already unknowingly ingest far more soy in the US than we realize, and Big Soy has spent Mucho Denari on making sure that soy has a good name. I, for one, choose not to believe the hype, and will follow the AHA's lead and reserve both use and judgement of soy until after there is far more evidence one way or the other.
  • cheshirekat
    cheshirekat Posts: 126 Member
    I use organic hemp protein powder, its very healthy and effective. I drink it with organic milk and a bit of ovaltine after really long runs.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm definitely going to do some looking around at other protein powders. 180 calories per serving, vs. 120 or 135! I'll take the less calories thank you. I'm very new to this protein powder issue so I appreciate the comments others have made. :smile:
  • The supplements have been the most confusing thing of dieting/exercising to me. Which to buy, what's in them can drive you nuts.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was at my brother's house tonight and he gave me some protein podwer that he got from GNC. It's callled Amplify...It sounds good for you, right? For $55 it'd better be! :laugh:


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The supplements have been the most confusing thing of dieting/exercising to me. Which to buy, what's in them can drive you nuts.

    Easy solution: just don't take any. I would estimate that about 98% or more of the people who take supplements don't need them.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm definitely going to do some looking around at other protein powders. 180 calories per serving, vs. 120 or 135! I'll take the less calories thank you. I'm very new to this protein powder issue so I appreciate the comments others have made. :smile:

    What you might want to do is look at the label and you don't want one with alot of sugar.
    Why does 180 sound worse than 120-130. If it was 30 grams of protein in 180 calorie version compared to 20 grams of protein in the 120 one, then it's like comparing apples to oranges.

    I looked up at EAS website, and the one I saw was Soy for 180 calories? That has 17 grams of sugar for one scoop. That's alot compared to others, like toots put up, that has 1 gram of sugar.

    Powders I have tried
    EAS Advant edge(Costo)
    PVL ISO (GNC) 224 cal 45gm prot/3gm fat/4gm sugar

    Dymatize (Nutrition Depot) 117cal 24gm pro/2gm fat / 0gm sugar
    Just bought this in chocolate and enjoying it with water
    Taste great with no sugar. :wink:
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