Hypothyroid And/or Tired Adrenals?



  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I'm Hypothyroid and don't have chronic adrenal problems but I have family members who do. There are 6 people in my family with Thyroid conditions...each of us has found a different way to handle it and eat/exercise to be in the best health possible. Low fat, high clean carbs works for some, lower protein, higher clean fats and moderate carbs, low carb and high protein for others. No cardio, only weights, no weights only cardio....it's truly about experimenting to find what your body likes best. Make a plan, stick with it for a month and journal everything you experience. Make a new plan based on the results and repeat. You'll find where your body is the happiest eventually. I know that's crappy...it's a frustrating process and I've had more than a few pull my hair out moments. There's an element to Thyroid conditions where constant tweaks seem to be necessary and it feels like I'm fighting with a body that would rather give up. You sound like your doing wonderfully and training for a triathlon is amazing! Living with a chronic health condition and trying to be fit requires dedication and tenacity in equal measure. It sounds like you have both of those in spades! I wish you the best on your journey!
  • Shona67
    Shona67 Posts: 11
    Wow!!!! All of these post sounds a lot like the issues that I battle, eating right, exercising and yet no weight loss plus @ times weight gain. It really does become bothersome at times.

    I was diagnoised with hypothyroidism May-98 and I take my synthyroid am daily, however the mood swings, being tired & fatigue still seems to always be there, Most days I have to force myself to get up & get moving, always tired for no apparent reason. I hate feeling this way yet every time I go to the doctor he either adjust my synthyroid meds or just tell me to continue to eat healthy & exercise.

    I Love MFP however @ times I be wanting to just stop because my weight is almost always the same, one month i'm down the next week or so nothing or gain, but I the reason I don't stop is because I Love my Pal friends ans I enjoy tracking my food & daily routines.

    Good Luck to all of U!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Shona, from what I'm reading online, what you & I are experiencing is common. A lot of docs only prescribe T-4 meds, but the more natural docs take a more holistic approach -- they treat you until you feel better, not until your numbers look better. Good luck to you -- I'm not stopping until I figure out what's happening & I get better.
  • glogirlGonzales
    glogirlGonzales Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for your Post nikkisa10.. it was very helpful and I too have the same issues as you do.. I have Gluten sensitivities and tested positive for that along with adrenal fatigue from my Naturopath Doc as well. It is overwhelming at first and still today .It is nice to see that some one else is dealing with what I have been finding out only since February 2014 this year. I gained like 15 pounds in 3 weeks that is what made me say what in the world is going on with my body and always stressed and emotional. My biggest concern was will I be able to work out and lose weight and feel good again. Ive read on line that if you do more than 40 min of exercise then it actually hurts your body and cortisol attacks it . I truly dont remember the site . But I was just curious about the time limit to exercise. So Thanks for this post and for your story it feels me up with hope and I will try to not over do it on the exercise and have rest days .
    You go girl... Awesome:0) :wink: