
I'm a happily married woman who was just diagnosed with PCOS. It and my bad habits have already wrecked havoc on my body and I would like to correct that.
Other than that my life is pretty simple. I live in a small town where everyone knows you, and takes notice to every little change in your body. My weight gain has sparked many "When are you due?" or "How far along are you?" questions that I would like to change to "OMG, you look amazing" statements and "How much have you lost?" questions.
However, I am a little on the lazy side and have a very bad habit of starting and stopping programs. I do not wish to do this anymore. I'm just to old for that s*** meaning I need to get my a** in gear so that in the morning I don't feel like I'm 80 trying to get out of bed.
My food habits are jacked up. I'm from the south so everything is deep fried in grease and then soaked in sugar for extra flavor. My cholesterol is already through the roof which I'm sure is a combination of the PCOS and the bad food choices. I'm OBESE according to the BMI chart and I am just about to pop out of my size 16s.
So, if you are looking for someone to help and someone to help you along the way be sure to send me a friend request. Thank you!
I, however, would like to ask for women only friend request due to respect for my husband, and if that offends anyone then tough s***.


  • Circle12
    Circle12 Posts: 22
    Hi there and welcome.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :) Good luck in this journey !!
