whats your secret?



  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    Keep looking at others success. Nothing gets me more motivated! Also, when people tell me I can't that lights a fire under me like nothing else. Maybe I should hire someone to do that daily LOL
  • Keeping very accurate calorie count.... staying below 1200 calories..... gym 4 or 5 times a week Down to 261 from 288... 27 lbs. is 49 days....
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    Patience, and lots of it, too. :)) I'm just eating a lot more salads, fresh fruits, and vegetables. I exercise 4x a week(treadmill).

    I still have a treat once in awhile, too.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    My secret weapons are PATIENCE and MODERATION. Patience because I see this as a life style change, and not a "diet", so I accept that it is going to take some time. I am enjoying the ride. It has taken 18 months, and I am sitting 1 lb. from my goal. Moderation in terms of eating and exercise. I only work out every other day, and I do exercise that I enjoy, and doesn't seem like a chore or a burden. Moderation in terms of food, in that I eat a large variety of healthy foods, including mostly complex carbs, lean meats, and fruits and vegetables. The only foods I avoid are processed foods, foods with chemicals, and fried foods. I also allow myself to enjoy dark chocolate and alcohol (wine) in moderation. I do weigh and measure foods, to keep portion sizes reasonable, but otherwise, I don't really do anything extreme.

    My other secret weapons are my HRM, my scales (the one to weigh myself and the other one to weigh my food), my JM DVDs, my interval training program, and of course, MFP....
  • cwkw2012
    cwkw2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I keep almonds at the office if I forget to have breakfast -- lots of protein, and really filling. I haven't eliminated any foods, but I eat really small portions, and I have been experimenting with avoiding wheat and most other refined carbs to avoid an insulin response that creates cravings. So far, it seems to be working -- maybe psychosomatic :)

    I work a desk job, and I look for reasons to move more all day. I walk to lunch, and have been choosing places farther away. I've added some yoga to my mornings and evenings.

    I got heavy in college, and then lost 70lbs and kept it off for 8 years. Then I had my two kids, gaining through each, and I'm back to where I was in college (well, minus 7 lbs since I started MFP). I'm trying to get back to the habits that kept me on track before -- generally trying to move more without obssessing about setting up the "perfect" workout schedule that will be too rigid for me to stick to, etc. I really focus on nearterm goals -- like losing another 3 to make 10 so far -- and on not gaining more than losing, if that makes sense.

    One challenge I'm having is eating enough, ironically. I know I need to step up my workouts to boost my metabolism and my appetite -- baby steps.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I eat children. I burn calories trying to chase them aswell.
  • puddle43
    puddle43 Posts: 1 Member
    Drinking only water, except for almond or soy milk in cereal or smoothies.

    Logging my foods before I eat them.

    Great topic, so what is your secret??

    Amen to logging my foods before I eat them. Then that way I can have my glass of wine before I hit the bed.:wink:

    You just need to do it right. Exercised myself to a bad knee only to find out here that all I needed was to eat enough calories. I wasn't and that explained the plateau !!
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I went from being a junk food vegetarian, to a low-fat, whole foods vegan. I count my calories on MFP and exercise every day, and follow a few rules for food choices.

    1. No animal products.
    2. No added oils, and keep other oils low.
    3. No added salt or sugar.
    4. Eat whole foods rather than processed -- still working on improving that one.
    3. Eat low on the glycemic index.

    My blood glucose readings are normal, and I don't seem to be insulin resistant any longer. My blood pressure and pulse have dropped to normal, and I'm off most of my meds. I still have another 40-50 pounds I'd like to lose, but I'm hopefully doing it slowly, steadily and permanently.
  • Also, I don't like it call "losing Weight." That implies it's something I'm going to try and find. Prefer the term Removing because I'll never find that fat I got rid of..

    Same! You've been listening to Jack Canfield, eh?
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    8oz of warm water with 1 T of fresh lemon juice morning and night.

    Warm?? Yuck!
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member
    The 30 day shred and pole dancing keeps me trimmed up. Exercise in the morning as its tempting to not do any if you leave it too late. 2litres of water a day. Lots of motivation!
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    I bodyrock 5 days a week and stay within my calories for the day - doing my best to eat healthy, natural foods and that keeps me feeling pretty full most of the time. I chug 2 glasses of water before I eat my breakfast and drink 2 more while I'm eating breakfast. I try to drink 2 glasses of water with every meal/snack. Breakfast is typically eggs, oatmeal (with 1 tbsp flax seed meal) and fruit. I started both bodyrocking and MFP in late March and I've lost about 8 lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot lost, but it's completely changed my lower body and I've shrunk from a size 6 jeans to a size 0!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I do mini workouts all day long. Favorite thing, I walk/run 40 flights of stairs first thing in the morning.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    Keeping insanely accurate count of every single calorie I consume. And then make sure I stay below my alloted calories for the day.
    ^^^ Once you know what's going where..... you are firmly in control
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Body weight exercises.... I LOVE them! I love to challenge myself to create interesting circuits using them and challenging myself to complete a certain amount of reps of a exercise. I think another secret to it is also changing it up frequently - your calorie consumption , your exercises and food choices. You don't want to get so bored with it you decide to quit, but also it keeps the body guessing :smile:

    There truly is no secret, but those are my two favorite bits of advice.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    Distance Running - ever seen a fat distance runner?
    Greek yogurt with raspberries, blueberries & cereal - omg good
    Russett potato - huge food for 110 cals.
    Small dark chocolate pieces when you NEED a sweet
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Finding my motivation through others that inspire me and wondering how far I can change myself for myself positively mentally and physically.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have been losing weight....by not eating processed foods! It wasn't easy in the beginning.....but now it's great!
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    For me it's not so much about what I eat or what exercise I do. If you are in a calorie deficit, you should lose weight. For me, success (I'm not done yet!) so far has been:

    1) Setting concrete goals and re-reading, checking them, etc daily.
    2) Staying on course no matter what. No bad meal or bad day (so far) has taken me off course.
    3) Freedom. I knew I couldn't make a 180 life change over night... especially with my diet. I still eat foods I like. I just use moderation and common sense.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Distance Running - ever seen a fat distance runner?
    Greek yogurt with raspberries, blueberries & cereal - omg good
    Russett potato - huge food for 110 cals.
    Small dark chocolate pieces when you NEED a sweet

    Yes all the time on the biggest loser. :tongue:
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