fighting carb cravings and sleepless nights

I work 12 hour days and have just a few hours to sleep. My heaviest meals seem to be in the evening.
Suggestions please!


  • RoseCathy
    RoseCathy Posts: 9
    Welcome, I am kind of new also (February 2012). I find eating more whole grains and vegetables, fills me up faster. It amazed me how much less I ate and was not hungry in a few hours. One thing about the program, lets you see not only the calories but sodium etc. By reviewing your menu each day, you can see what foods are high in the good stuff such as fiber, but where your sodium intake is coming from.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    sleep is so important, especially for women, all that hormone chemistry stuff,

    carbs, salt and sugar are the big 3 addictions,

    see if you can tweek your menus so that you can eat some higher protein things for dinner, or later snacks,

    cravings are worse when blood sugar deeply cycles, try to up protein in general, but choose well:

    egg whites and low sodium water pack tuna

    google low calorie high protein low sodium food lists and compare, choose those foods which can give you more better numbers,

    for me they are berries, general mills fiber one cereal and almond milk, tomatoes, low sodium water pack tuna, these are the things I like,

    but make choices you can live with forever,

    impo it is really calories in, calories out, I am not a believer in when you eat as much as how many calories,

    you do need to be able to do this long term and if you expect this difficult schedule to continue you need to at least feed yourself,

    but please, please find a way to sleep
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I love, love, love this site's list:

    I also try not to cook, cooking makes dirty dishes, it has nothing to do with the raw food thing, but I am lazy,

    first eat, then sleep, then move,

    give yourself kisses for each bite, each dream and each step
  • IL2012
    IL2012 Posts: 8
    I feel you! I love carbs and can't seem to give them up, although I do try to watch my intake if at all possible. Everything I've ever heard about this issue is breakfast should be your biggest (and most filling) meal and then gradually reduce the portion size w/ each successive meal until dinner, which should be your lightest meal. The other thing they always say is never to eat after 8pm. For me, I find if I eat too late, my heartburn is worse and I don't sleep straight through the night.

    Since you work long hours and don't get much sleep, try doing some type of fish w/ lots of veggies and some fruit. Also, try fitting in some yogurt. I have to remember that myself. I really like the stuff but somehow never pull it out of the fridge.
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Sleep is so important, I love it, but don't get enough myself. Eat foods with lots of protein, and stay away from carbs before bed, they keep you from getting into a deep sleep. Definitely look at your totals of everything and tweak what you eat.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    I love my carbs but unfortunately they don't love me! I have really been eating a lot more protein which has helped with the cravings a lot. Aside from lean meats, I've been eating a lot of low fat string cheese, low fat cottage cheese, protein bars, etc. and that has made a big difference. Hope you find something that works for you!!

    I, too, have the sleepless nights - major insomniac. I have been on Ambien, Ambien CR, and Lunesta. I'm trying to go the more natural route by taking melatonin but it's been met with limited success.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I know all about the sleep problem. I have minor insomnia (I have trouble getting to sleep, but once I get there I sleep like a baby) so I know all about how it feels to be sleep deprived. Sometimes I get to sleep at around 2 - 2:30 a.m. while other times I might not get to sleep till 5 or later!!! (Of course, that's a rare occasion. The former is the usual.) The key thing is it's not always what you eat, it could also be the possibility of genetics, as is my problem. I'm lucky. Everyone on my dad's side has terrible insomnia (2 hours sleep anyone?) and everyone on my mom's side sleeps like a baby. There's where I get MY sleep pattern. Don't worry, it could be much, much worse!!! :ohwell:
  • Carolstone1959
    Carolstone1959 Posts: 40 Member
    I too have always had insomnia! But when I went gluten-free suddenly I was falling asleep like a regular person. Now I'm mostly grain-free and rarely have a sleepless night.