Been dieting for 2 years, losing and gaining the same 20lbs.

Hello I'm 41, married with 4 children, ages 22,21,10,13. I live in florida, near Tampa. I made a account here a few weeks, or even a month ago but only logged in once. I really need to make some new friends here as I dont have any support. What family and friends I do have I think have given up on me, as Ive lost 20 lbs and gained them back repeating more then a few times. I have a food addiction problem that keeps creeping back. Strangly I think this time around will be diffrent. I feel confident, and I do know what my triggers are, and how I feel befor ei turn to them.


  • seafolk
    seafolk Posts: 9
    Hi! I definitely used to be addicted to food. Anytime I would feel upset or anxious, I would turn to large, large portions of bad fat foods and carbohydrates. I will definitely be your friend and help you get motivated! :)
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I've been in the same boat as you! I got the lap band in 2009, and here I am.... really no better off than when I was just out of surgery! Come to find out, though, I have a leak in my band, and my insurance won't cover any surgeries for it, unless it's "life threatening." I was able to save enough for an office visit to the surgeon's office, and I got all the fluid pulled out, but sadly enough, I still have restriction, and when I'm anxious, stressed, etc, ... I still get stuck on food and I end up getting sick. For the past year, I really haven't lost much weight, but I've toned up to where I've lost a size in clothing, and finally, after 3 years and finding mfp, I dropped a cup size in the boobage dept!!! :) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've found that the exercises that some might find as "not really exercise," aka, the Wii, have helped me tremendously!!! Plus, I love to cook, and finding websites like let me cook and be creative, but still find low fat/low cal foods :)