
danibabs Posts: 298 Member
I just bought some from trader joe's, but in researching it I'd really like to try my hand at making my own. Does anyone having experiences with making it? Where to get the grains, how much you make at a time, whatever other thoughts or advice you might have on the subject?
Thanks in advance.


  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
  • Onperch
    Onperch Posts: 45 Member
    You can buy freeze dried starter at Wegman's. It's called Yo'gourmet.
    It's easy to make. Warm the milk to 180 degrees ( if you want to be super safe). Add the culture and leave the milk out for 24 hours.

    Put it in the fridge to stop the process. I like it. It's a lot cheaper than buying it pre-made. I sweeten mine with agave.
    With this method, you don't strain anything. Mix it up a little, and drink.
  • Onperch
    Onperch Posts: 45 Member