Busy Mom Finally Putting herself First

Hi All- Well, today I decided to join MFP and I am excited! I am a busy mom of two pre-teens and need to get healthier and more active. I could use motivation and MFP friends to help me on this new journey! Glad to be here.:smile:


  • daisyhougan
    daisyhougan Posts: 52
    Feel free to add me! I'm a busy mom too with a 9 year old....I know how it's hard when you're looking after the kiddos. Good luck! :)
  • Andr1Kar
    Andr1Kar Posts: 18 Member
    I am a first time mom of an almost 1 year old. It is definitely an adjustment. Learning take time for yourself is tough to do. Good luck on your journey and friend me if you want!
  • cheynbrian
    cheynbrian Posts: 16 Member
    I hear you! I am a mother of 4 who is trying to do the same !:) feel free to add me too!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Feel free to add me - I'm a mom of two adhd'ers and a teacher. :) welcome!
  • mamato3babies
    mamato3babies Posts: 73 Member
    I am the mom of 3 precious children. Gabrielle is 9 yrs, Dallas is 4 yrs, and Austin is 1.5 yrs. Anyone wanting to add me, I'd love to have you as a friend! :-) {Amy}
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    Good luck, ya'll! :flowerforyou: I'm not a mom, but had a co-worker/single mom of 4 children, who lost 76LBS. She changed up the family's poor eating habits, incorporated outdoor activities with her children, and goes to the gym when the children are with their father. If she can do it, you can too!
  • Amommymoose
    Amommymoose Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me - I'm a mom of two adhd'ers and a teacher. :) welcome!

    BLESS YOUR HEART!!! I have an ADHD 8yo that I homeschool, a newly unmedicated ADD husband (it's okay--we found a natural alternative) and used to be a teacher but now homeschool when the vivacious 3yo will allow my attention to turn elsewhere. :bigsmile:

    But to the original poster--feel free to add me!!! I started putting my health first in this last year, too! It's a lot of juggling, but we juggle everything else--right?
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Add me! Juggling work and still putting 100% in your kids isn't easy - and somewhere in there you have to take care of yourself. I found the best thing I could do for my kids is making sure that I'm healthy and fit enough to still play with them. I want them to have great memories of growing up with me being an active part of it.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    I admire mom's who make the time to invest in their own health. It's a priority and it's not selfish. My mom is in such poor health with weight and diabetes and it just hurts me. I'd love to learn how you all fit it in cus one day I'll be glad to know it :-)
  • nightnurse2
    nightnurse2 Posts: 27 Member
    Same here - Mum to 2 boys aged 15 and 12.
    Time to put me first for a change!
    I've found the older I get (I'm 45) the more selfish I'm becoming and the older the boys get, they don't need me quite as much and now it's time for ME!
    I feel fitter and happier than I've done in a long time. I'm working out, have started C25K and bought NROLFW and will be buying some free weights and a new bicycle at the weekend - all for me!
    It seems to be rubbing off on my family too! I went for a bike ride at the weekend with my hubby and youngest and we all really enjoyed it (despite the fact that my bike is an old one and the gears don't work lol) We have one planned for this weekend too and we will all be going. Hopefully I can teach the boys the importance of regular exercise and family time!
  • nancy9801
    nancy9801 Posts: 13 Member
    I am also a mom of two Pre-teens. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I understand being a busy mom. I have 5 children aged 3 to almost 12. LOTS of running them around to activities and I work too! My exercise comes in about 6am while its quiet! You can add me if you like :) Good luck with your journey! It can be done!!
  • Welcome! Busy Mom's taking care of themselves...what a concept. Why is it that we can take care of our husbands, kids, dogs, parents and volunteer, but take care of ourselves! Are you crazy!!?? LOL I am a mom of one boy and one girl, a daushaund, and a husband...(yes, I wrote the mom of a husband...ha ha). I work from home sitting at a computer all day, but coordinate everyone's schedules, do the housework, yada yada yada. So recently, I decided I was tired (I know surprise) and realized that my weight some how exploded on my body! Well, like everyone else, I forgot to take care of myself. I have been on MFP before and was successful, so I came back, but along with MFP, I joined a gym, started to meditate, and began an internal journey into my addiction to food. It will be a long bumpy journey but very much worth it in the end.

    I salute all Mom's (and other women) who have decided it is time to take care of themselves! Good luck and remember to be kind to yourself in your journey toward being healthy (regardless of what the scale says).

    Kristi :happy:
  • lil_ducky
    lil_ducky Posts: 8
    Good for you !!!