"fit" with a belly

Is it possible to be a physically "fit" person but still not have a flat stomach? I started seeing a personal trainer in January (I see him once a month) and have definitely improved my fitness level a great deal. I feel much stronger, I feel comfortable with my new weight (I lost 10lbs in about 2 months) and doing far more than I ever thought I could possibly do. However, every morning I wake and there it is, that extra 2 inches of flab in my midsection. It's weird because I've been able to get my oblique area pretty tight, it's just the front and back areas that are still squishy.

I've always fantasized about having a flat stomach and often gauged my success on how close to that goal I came. Every girl/woman wants to feel sexy in a bikini but I know that's not the case for me right now. Am I being too hard on myself? Am I not seeing the forest for the trees? While I am proud of the strides I've made, at times I get discouraged and feel like I'm failing because I don't have the elusive flat stomach. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this.


  • famousa88
    famousa88 Posts: 22 Member
    Flat bellies are made in the kitchen. I have always had a strong core, sometimes there is an extra layer on top that hides my abs, I do cardio and eat lots of protein and veggies and it flattens right up (not in a jiffy like that, but after some serious hard work :) )
  • Fit_SailorsWife
    Fit_SailorsWife Posts: 128 Member
    Yup, nutrition is the most important key to weightloss!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Of course it's possible to be fit with extra fat. Not every fit and active person is cut or small. Having a flat stomach does not make somebody fit just as not having a flat stomach does mean somebody is not fit.
    Women are supposed to have a higher body fat percentage and tend to carry it there. I know plenty of people who could out run/lift really cut people and their body fat percentage is in the higher end of average. I'm currently bulking so I don't have a stomach but I am certainly fit. I lift, do cardio, and eat right. Eventually I'll cut and I guess look more the part but just because I may not have the flat stomach or abs yet doesn't mean I am not fit...
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I lift and hit the gym almost everyday and am in a healthy BMI but have a tummy pouch that won't go away. I have had 3 kids and can't seem to get my stomach tight like it was pre babies. It really makes me crazy since I weigh less now than I did before.
  • EJand94
    EJand94 Posts: 55 Member
    Yes I think so. It's ironic that I am overweight, yet my mom is 53 years old with a 6 pack and a personal trainer, and my dad goes to CrossFit almost everyday and he's a level three. But my mom told me just today that my belly always goes flabby when I go a long time with out doing abb workouts. But even still I am pretty fit for someone overweight. Another Irony.