Problem finding time to exercise



  • maryannmarko
    maryannmarko Posts: 1 Member
    I just recently purchased the book: The Women's Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts: A Leaner, Sexier, Healthier You--In 15 Minutes a Day! I love it. It gives you different workouts that are only 15 minutes long. Each exercise has photos and instructions. You can workout by body part or do different exercises based on what you are looking to accomplish. I actually combine this with a cardio workout (do 2 minutes of cardio followed by a set of strength) and find this to be the most effective workout I have ever done. Your cardio could be even jogging/running in place.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Can you get active WITH your children? If they are small put them in a stroller, if they are old enough have them ride a bike along side you. Play in the yard, if they are at sports practice don't sit down and watch, walk laps around the area. Take the whole family to the YMCA and go swimming. You will have more fun and you can teach your kids good habits early.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    My dad ( a sub-3 hr marathoner) used to take my brothers and I to the local track. We had to stay in the middle of the track while he ran around it. By the time I was 13, I was babysitting them for a few hours at a time.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I was babysitting at 13. It's old enough to be along for 30-60 minutes while you go workout. And it's certainly old enough to be active with you.
  • soygurl
    soygurl Posts: 44 Member
    I was babysitting at 13. It's old enough to be along for 30-60 minutes while you go workout. And it's certainly old enough to be active with you.
    I was babysitting at 13 too. But even if your kids really aren't ok to be left alone for half an hour (I realize all kids are different), they cud easily join you for an evening walk. O get creative with with family activities! Ride bikes, go on a hike, play games, etc!
  • first I would like to say that there are so may things you can do with your kids to get moving ,does nor have to be a workout as such ,just moving at a good tempo .try each day to raise the level on just normal activities around the home ,every hour do a quick 10mins of running on the spot or star jumps ,grab couple of tins of beans & do a fast beat left right punch motion ,do hip grind whilst stood at the sink ,take the stairs & run them inside of lifts . ,if you have stairs then do 5 times a day stepping up & down the first step at speed .
    I'm lying in bed exhausted & eyes rapidly flickering shut but hope to finish this post before I give in to sleep ,i would like to say that having no time is not an opt out or cop out & its very easy to say that a person is making excuses ,i was into the fitness thing in a big way & did so well & felt great ,i oct 2012 ,i moved & took on & started my own chalet business ,since this I have struggled to get back on top & it maddened me a little to hear people that struggle to find time are opting out & is a cop out ,at the moment I am working from 7am through to 11pm ,i get in total to sit down for no more than 10/15 mins a day ,i as hard as it is to believe am on the go allday ,i had this evening off from cooking for the clients & spent the time tidying up my house & the client area & shopping ,had a meal for the 1st time in a week & a shower just before bed ,i am gradually falling asleep & mental & physicaly drained ,up at 6.30 to do it all again ! Getting up earlier is not an option as I will be exhausted sooner in the evening & if I flake an hour earlier then I will not finish my days work , I fully understand the difficulties & my answer is to tell you that just incorporating a few high tempo things into your normal daily routine would be a very good starter & make you feel better & ten min here & there through the adh soon built up to a good amount over the week ,will make you feel good & confident maybe just enough of a kick to get the brain motivated to find a little more time each week ,if you really cannot make time then do some of the things I suggested @ the same time as analysing yourself & time in your day to see if & when you can make more time .
    Best of luck to you & remember a little is better than nothing but never pass an opportunity of any movement or exercise in your day , as for equipment ,there are so many things around your house that can aid a workout ,,ok can only open one eye now so signing off tiredness taking over me !
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    I've been having this problem myself lately. The last thing I want to do is put my kid into daycare after I haven't seen them all day as I've been at work and they have been at school. I know when I make time at home to do a DVD my daughter likes to join in which is nice as then we can spend that time together. Also we go for walks and are getting our bikes out this weekend to bike, so I'm trying to incorporate spending time with my kid and exercising as well.
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Running in place at burns calories & you don't have to leave your children anywhere (can do it anytime) :)
  • Punxeh
    Punxeh Posts: 3
    Try this app, workout in your living room to your favorite music.

    Nike Training Club
  • "What fits your busy schedule better- exercising 20 to 30 minutes a day or being dead 24 hours a day?" --unknown
  • ebbtide71
    ebbtide71 Posts: 1
    you know the thing I find more 'maintainable' than anything is 'incidental' exercising, walking to the shops with the kids instead of driving, going with them to the playground and running around like a maniac (OK so yours may be too old for that ), bike rides with them on the weekend instead of driving somewhere with them. Try and add one thing a week, then once you get used to that - add another.
    I too am very busy, I work full time, I have two kids (3 and 6), hubby studies and takes the kids plus he works at night.
    The biggest thing that makes me fit is I used to do karate - for years I trained and since having kids missed it, but my daughter found my old trophies and decided she wanted to do it I'm an instructor and she's in my class ;) perhaps you can find a sport that at least one kid does and try it out too? Your kids are old enough that if you find a sport that you love say netball - they could go along with you and watch. Even if they don't like it they can get over it - it's not all about them (even though they are teeenagers lol)
    Saying you don't have enough time is not the reason, just an excuse, you have to get the motivation, mentally decide you want to do it - then you will FIND the time. You're worth it and your health is worth it.
  • annagrace51
    annagrace51 Posts: 12
    work out do at home...
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    Try to do 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. 26 minutes and you can do it at home.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I have a variety of workout videos so that I can work out on demand and not get bored. I do the Supreme 90 Day system (on day 63) which only requires a stability ball and a few sets of hand weights. I also do Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos. She has a 30-min 2 mile walk in the program that I do in my living room and it require very little space. That's a 4 mph clip, which isn't bad for an indoor activity.

    I also have a few Jillian Michael's DVDs and The Firm DVDs and Tae Bo.

    If you want to get outdoors, take the kids with you and use that time to "catch up" on things with them as well.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I was babysitting at 13. It's old enough to be along for 30-60 minutes while you go workout. And it's certainly old enough to be active with you.

    I was baby-sitting many kids by the time I was 13, but times are different.

    If your family is anything like mine was when the kids were that age I do understand your road-blocks, they get so busy. Unfortunately you’re going to have to get up earlier or stay up later.
  • POP Pilates on youtube...She's awesome and it's free!
  • jesterx888
    jesterx888 Posts: 181
    Just like jomalone2, I had to MAKE time for it......For me that means getting up at 4:30....
  • laken87
    laken87 Posts: 11 Member
    if the kids are little,workout during nap time. if they are older,i'm sure they will survive for 30-45 mins without mom. i'm pretty sure you have a tv,during commercial break do a little something. for the average 30 minute show,there are 10-15 minutes of breaks. take the kids outside,even if ya'll just run around and play tag;it's better than doing nothing all day. Time won't find you,you have to find it.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    stop with the excuses!
    i work full time AND go to school full time and still find the time!
  • TunkJ
    TunkJ Posts: 1
    I'm glad to see this post. I've been trying to work out for the last two weeks. My husband is never home (deployed, again) and I have two kids. My littlest is 15 months and has been SO needy lately. She's also still nursing on demand too. I bought 30 Day Shred and have been dying to actually be able to finish it in ONE go. I have a big issue with my workout being interrupted. The last two weeks, I can't seem to get more than 10 minutes in without someone crying or needing something. It's very frustrating because once I get going, I really get into it. I enjoy working out but it's just getting started that is the hard part. So, when I have to stop halfway through, it really sucks the motivation right out of me. I have been making time to take the kids on walks in the afternoon as well which has been really nice. One on a scooter/bike. One in the stroller. I just want to do "more"!!! I think I'll take the waking up early advice. As much as my body is screaming "Nooooo!" lol It will be worth it in the end run.