Problem finding time to exercise



  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    I was babysitting at 13. It's old enough to be along for 30-60 minutes while you go workout. And it's certainly old enough to be active with you.

    Agreed!!! I was babysitting around my neighbourhood and getting paid at 12!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks everyone.... Yes i guess i could get up earlier but we all leave the house about 7:30 so would need to be up early. Children are 13 and 11, so not tiny but still not really old enough to leave on their own. would love a running machine in the garage... will have to ask for one for my birthday :) I

    My mom left me alone starting at age 11 for a couple hours at a time and I had to watch 3 younger kids! We all survived, no one ever got hurt, and that was before cellphones were widely used. Your kids would probably be fine if you went for a run or to the gym for an hour.
  • jenessae
    jenessae Posts: 23
    I get the not having time but, as someone else said, when you really want it, you'll make time. I have 3 boys 8,9,15 a husband and a full time job. I have to be at work at 7am the ONLY time I have is early morning I get up at 4:30am to make it work because that's how bad I want it.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    If the kids are in sports activities, maybe you could walk or jog around the field while they're engaged. I took my children hiking a lot when they were young. Use bug spray on the feet and legs. We encountered a lot of ticks on one excursion. They're old enough for biking with you, too. :ohwell:
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    4:30am every day for 2-3 years already.... I work long hour too (6:30a-8p) +50mi away. Trust me, try it for at least 1 week. It will make you feel like a winner and get you start a new day in a very very positive way.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have to make time, so I tell the hubby when he comes home that I am going running, and trust me, i go to school, have a 3 and a half month old, and am looking for a full time job. I also work out before i go to can do it :)
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I do not have kids so I don't know how difficult it is to work out around multiple schedules. However, I am married, going to school, working full time and I have been able find time to work out. It is definitely hard and discipline is a neccesity. It used to be that once I got off work I didn't want to do anything else but go home. But my husband knows how important working out is in my life and we've both made sacrafices so I can reach my goal weights. If you want it bad enough you can work to make it happen.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    My 12 year old step daughter sometimes babysits our 2, 6, 7, and 8 year old so I can get a run when DH is working. She also runs with DH when he goes. In fact, sometimes we take all the older kids with their bikes, put the 2 year old in the jogging stroller and DH and I run while the kids ride... we also have a gym set up in the basement and I work out there after the kids go to bed if DH is working.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Purchase a workout DVD so you can pop it anytime whenever the kids are sleeping or early in the morning. There are lots of workout DVD's available that you can choose from: Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Insanity, 30DS etc.