Looking for friends that won't let me fall off the wagon

I need to find people that understand how hard it is to shed the weight and wont just tell me to give up when a few weeks go by and I lost a pound or less. I work out while accommodating my bad joints from years of vigorous martial arts and MMA. I let my body go after retiring after my last injury that put me into retirement. I'm young and I have the metabolism of a snail. I want to find friends that will tell me that its NOT okay to have that high calorie brownie for dessert over fruit salad.


  • anku08
    anku08 Posts: 82 Member
    count me in..
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    Feel free to add me. It takes me a long time to lose weight, too. The way I think about it is that it is not just about the weight but about adopting a healthier lifestyle (diet and exercise) for life. I also have to take exercise a bit easier until I build up as I have fibromyalgia...but doing exercise daily and consistently is better than doing none. We can do it together :smile: !!
  • jbilgs
    jbilgs Posts: 38
    Feel free to add me :)
  • retunks
    retunks Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on here every day, you'll find great support from this site.
  • I feel exactly the same! i joined mfp about a year ago, and have periods of a month or so when i get really into, lose weight and feel FANTASTIC. Then something happens, and i dont log on for a day....two days... a week...a month... and then im back to where i started. I'm going on a three month holiday to america in august, i want to look and feel fantastic in a bikini, and want to use this as a way to re-start my journey to healthiness again! please feel free to add me, and encourage me when i feel like slacking? and i PROMISE i'll do the same back :)

    Teri x
  • 10goal13
    10goal13 Posts: 54
    Count me in!
  • kevdylaly2011
    kevdylaly2011 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel the same way. Most of the people in my life, sad but true, are sabotagers. My husband is supportive but some of my family will try to get me to go out to eat or what not. I feel like no one, besides my husband, wants me to succeed. I know I am in charge and make my own decisions but sometimes it can be hard. Plus it kinda pisses me off and hurts my feelings that people do this. Anyway, I'm in the same boat. I'm determined to get the weight off by Christmas. I signed up on MFP last year and never really used it. I'm going to use it this time. I also got a Fitbit recently and think it's awesome you can sync them together. Hope to meet some people and encourage each other. Let's Git R Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!