
Does anyone out there have fibromyalgia? I was diagnosed last February, and am on Prednisone--which, of course, puts on the weight. Any suggestions from anyone?
Would love to correspond--With thanks.


  • juan gear
    juan gear Posts: 10 Member
    my wife was told she had fibro by a doctor(drug dealer) after a 5 year nightmare it turns out that it is a nerve in her back. Over the years we tried it all did it all read it all. Lots of drugs and lots of side effects and have come to understand sometimes fibro becomes a catch all for the (Doc don't know) so he's going to try the shot gun hope ing he get's lucky. Right now you are dealing with water gain don't let it get ya down just water. Please never forget it is not in your head there is something wrong and it could be a minor as a nerve just keep looking. As for my wife it is so nice to see her smile now.

    Good health to ya
  • juan gear
    juan gear Posts: 10 Member
    That was my point get more opinions. my wifes doctor was just a drug dealer who wanted to sell vicaden, norco, oxycotton at one time he had her on a hand full of drugs at a time. She found a rehabe and is much better. Real problem is two ruptured disc from a work comp mess that the employer is trying to skip out on. She was in the best health of her life before the injury. She could mountain bike with the best guys and has won races.

    I think Fibro is a scam for a lazy doctor

    Not to judge but at least for most people.
  • paulalee
    paulalee Posts: 4 Member
    i was also diagnosed with fibro. i didn't take the drugs because i distrust doctors. later, a friend (physical therapist) worked on my stiff neck. fibro gone after a few weeks. several months later i developed dizzy spells,
    headaches, and a feeling like my head was going to 'explode'. i went to a doctor spent $700 to be told she needed to do more tests.

    my friend worked on my neck again and i bought a new pillow. problems gone.

    so, i know the pain with 'fibro' is excrutiating. but i don't believe the answers are in the drugs. do some internet searches for alternative treatments. i think you will find better luck there then with the doctors. good luck and god bless.
  • joburzycki
    joburzycki Posts: 1
    After alot of doctors and many tests I was diagnosed about a year ago with fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain. It's been a long year filled with nonstop pain and an idiot of a rheumatologist refusing to do anything besides put me on Cymbalta (which caused severe mood swings) and tell me to go to stupid flipping Curves (women's fitness). He said walking was worthless and Tai Chi is stupid but guess what? BOTH have been found to help in studies over the last few years.

    Needless to say I fired the idiot. Unfortunately, I'm not much help because I'm still in pain all the time plus I have metastatic cancer plus due to cancer I have no adrenal glands or thyroid. LOL. Weight loss is a pain in the butt to say the least! ;)

    Why did they give you prednisone for fibro? I haven't heard of that before so that's why I was asking. I started out on Prednisone when they took my adrenal glands, gained weight, and was eventually switched to Cortef so I only know about using it for adrenal insufficiency and of course, asthma.

    lindaskelton- you sound like me when you say "and a bunch of other stuff". :) As if trying to lose weight OR being tired OR having pain isn't enough right?

    Good luck to everyone. My hope is to find a way to lose weight without making the fibro worse, without causing adrenal crisis, and despite not having a thyroid to control my metabolism. If anyone has any idea how to achieve that I am more than willing to listen.

    Nice to meet all of you.
  • tonkacrew3
    tonkacrew3 Posts: 51 Member
    I have Systemic Lupus & Fibro. The both of them together cause havoc. I have found though that healthy diet/lifestyle have lessened my symptoms. I use a combination of full plate living and the superfood swap diet. Both are really balanced and teach how to eat well and offer recipes and support.

    Cutting out caffeine has helped tremendously. I also avoid refined sugars and exercise according to my limits. Not pushing myself beyond what my body can handle has helped a lot too. Rest, when you need to but don't allow the Fibro to take over. Keeping active helps it stay under control. LOTS of water also helps release the poisons in your muscles from the tension caused by the Fibro.

    Hope this helped a little. I know it's a pain...literally. Just keep going.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    edited May 2016
    I was diagnosed about a decade ago. Uhg, I would never go on prednisone for it. No way. There are such better treatments!

    I do 10mg of Amitrytpiline (no way I spelled it correctly) at night to ensure REM sleep and only take tramadol for the pain. When I'm getting solid, deep sleep and able to exercise, I only flare up now and then instead of suffering for days one end. I don't need pain relief very often at all.

    Adding: I haven't needed any dietary changes, except of course losing weight by cutting calories has helped a lot as well.
  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    I was diagnosed over 10 years ago. I find riding a stationary bike is easiest on my joints and though it hurts like crazy to move I do get relief after for a while and feel better the days I ride compared to when I don't. During severe flare-ups I use Prednisone but I my Dr has found a medication that has finally helped me to the point I don't use as much pain medication or muscle relaxers. I have also found eating fresh foods versus processed has helped a bunch as well. You can add me if you'd like :)
  • InfamousFox
    InfamousFox Posts: 14 Member
    Also diagnosed apx 10 years ago. I went to many doctors trying to get diagnosed with anything else, because FM seems so miserable and hopeless! Eating very clean helps tremendously (unfortunately, I fall off the wagon there alot. A few years ago, I saw a DO who recommended elevating Vit D levels. This was the absolute biggest relief for me. I manage with out drugs. Optimal levels for me are around 70.