USAF Lady looking for motivation

Hey everyone, my name is Brittany and I am about to leave for USAF basic training in about 30 days. I have been on the Delayed entry program for about 2 years now, so im getting extremely excited. But i have a little issue... I just finished INSANITY and LOVED IT! But now i am on base in the morning running and training for basic but my issue is: afterwards i work a 12 hour day running a pizza store. I have in the past brought food to work but temptation is hard. any suggestions?

please feel free to add me :)

Thank again.

Britty :D


  • frostypenn
    frostypenn Posts: 7
    Hi Brittany, So great to hear from somebody willing to serve our country and sacrifice her present feelings of comfort and gratification to pursue a career with the armed forces. Please know that you are a hero, even though so many people don't recognize the effort it takes.
    My advice is to accept that you are a different person from the advertisement and propaganda you see on TV. You can't think and behave the way the fatties and self-indulgent do. You have the strength to say no to pizza; it's just a matter of being willing to pay the price within yourself. I promise it will yield results. It maight not be easy, but it's worth it.