
Hello everyone. I'm AnnMarie and I'm 41yrs. (As of tomorrow :wink: )

I am 5'5 and weigh 198. I am more of a 'pear' shaped body, as most of my extra weight seems to be in my stomach/hips.

Was sitting in my doctors office yesterday and while in the waiting room, was watching his 'health tv' programs. One man mentioned that he found a calorie counting app. for his phone and that was helping him keep tabs on what he put in his body for weight loss.

I thought this was a good idea, at least worth a try, so here I am!
I go to the gym 3 days a week. Usually alternate between 30 minute full body workouts one day, and ab workouts and cardio the next. However over the past almost year, I have actually seemed to GAIN weight.

I realize the older I get, the more difficult it can become to loose weight, also i have very muscled cavs. So that adds to the number on the scale. However, I just cant seem to loose the extra pounds no matter what i've been doing. Thus my decision to focus on the calories and fat I take in. (as well as continuing to go to the gym). Perhaps that is where I can find what works for me.

Glad to meet everyone, and more then willing to hear your stories/suggestions!


  • MarionBeatty
    HI Ann Marie,
    I just signed up on this site too. You are headed in the right direction and never give up. I have lost about 100 pounds but has taken me about 7 years to do it. You are correct about the age playing a role in losing the weight. The gym is a great place to be for those 3 days a week but do suggest getting out doors and pushing yourself to some new activities. Hiking & biking are great forms of exercise and the benefits of being outdoors is a plus.

    I do want to add that when you are wanting that something in the evening for a snack.....Go for popcorn (no butter but I use either pam butter flavor or can't believe it's not butter spray).

    Good luck on your weight loss. You can do
  • MarionBeatty
    PS...Happy Birthday
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've been here about a month and have lost 5 - 7 pounds (depending on the day). I find the site very helpful in keeping track of just how much - and what - I actually eat. I never over-ate during meals, but the snacking really caught up with me. Now that I can actually see those calories, I'm much more careful about how much I snack and what kinds of foods I eat. I wish you all the best!
  • dpeavy71
    dpeavy71 Posts: 1
    Hello to you. I found this site through an App on my iphone. I too am 41 (Jan) and I too am 5'5" weighing 195. This site will hopefully give me (us) a form of support and encouragement that clicks. I have tried several things - half heartedly - with minimal results. This is my first post on the message board. Keep your head up and stay focused (thats what I'm telling myself). It's time to do things for ourselves that will impact our health in a positive manner.

    I have been going to Zumba classes as well as walking. I need to incorporate some strength training and with summer coming on hope to find other alternatives for cardio. I cannot afford a gym membership at this time so looking for low/no cost ways to make this work.

    Good luck with your journey!!!!
  • AnnMarie518
    AnnMarie518 Posts: 93
    Thanks for the welcome Marion! I must say Congrats on all your weight loss and better health. I certainly know that was no small accomplishment!
  • AnnMarie518
    AnnMarie518 Posts: 93
    Oh, and thank you for the hapy birthday!!!!
  • AnnMarie518
    AnnMarie518 Posts: 93
    Thank you Kate! I think the snacking and 'picking' in between meals is what my weakness is too! Actually putting it down on 'paper/computer' so to speak kind of keeps me accountable for what i'm eating and I hope it will help deter me from too much snacking!
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome! I'm 41 too (42 in a few months) & I got the app first & started using it. I love using it. The barcode scanner part is great. It really has made me more accountable for what i eat.

    Please feel free to add me if you'd like. The more people that I have to answer too, the better for me lol

    Happy Birthday too!
  • AnnMarie518
    AnnMarie518 Posts: 93
    How ironic Dpeavy! Dont think we could have much more in common if we tried! Be good for both of us if we kept motivating each other!
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    Happy Birthday! I exercise a fair bit too and lose it slowly as well as I tend to eat most of my exercise calories back (I just get so hungry after exercising). I find that keeping track of everything is really good motiviation and helps keep me accountable. So feel free to add me as a friend. It's wonderful to meet so many people all heading in the same direction!