Brazil Butt Lift Videos

I just ordered the Brazil Butt Lift videos and am really excited!!! I am going to do the pear shape plan. My tush has always been my problem area and Ive read alot of great reviews on these videos.I am going to start this Monday (3/19). Anyone out there doing these now?? or tried them before?? I would like to start a group or join an already existing one. Thanks!!


  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member

    I bought BBL and received it today, will start tomorrow Sunday, do you like to share it with me???
  • karenzaphyr
    I am doing BBL right now. Your welcome to join our group. Just send me a friend request.
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi! Have you all been doing the BBL program? If so, I am interested to hear of your results! I am going to start it soon, also on the pear shape plan! Thanks!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I bought the brazil butt lift 2 yrs ago and have never started it! Right now im doing the jillian micheals body revolution. i would love to hear what kind of results you get, i might start it after i finish this program. good luck!
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    I stuck to it for all of three days. I couldn't get the moves down and it was making me so MAD! I have been doing Yoga Booty Ballet DVDs which I love. I am also about to order The Butt Bible since it's not about dancing and confusing moves.
    Ipanama on Brazil Butt Lift is NOT my friend! I cannot move.. I lack rhythm, and they go so fast on BBL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • moniquesanhueza1
    I really want to try it.