
I think it must be a water blister. Can I please... help it along in its progress? Its so hard to run, walk, ANYTHING with it. Its in the middle at the top of my foot, right under neath my middle toe. Better to leave it?


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I've been told that water blisters you can break but blood blisters you shouldn't. I had four on my feet from my shoes not fitting awhile back, broke all but one and they all healed about the same time. The only difference was the ones I broke burned and the skin that was on top peeled off leaving a nice open sore that my sock rubbed on. I imagine that if you want to break it go for it, just make sure to keep it clean and be aware it may sting.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ouchie.. leave it. can you put a thick bandage over it to reduce the friction.. i would rather let a blister pop on its own.

    you can also try using a wet cotton ball with a little tea tree oil on it. sometimes that helps dry them out faster.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Cover with a band-aid, then cover the band-aid with duct tape.
  • Ozzland
    Ozzland Posts: 4
    Is this a bad fitting shoe issue?

    I run 3-5 miles a day and have never gotten blisters, but the first thing i did when i started was to buy new shoes that were 1/2 to 1 size bigger then i usually wear..