A complaint post

Ugh. Does anyone ever have those days... or weeks... where you just think there's no way you can do this? I spent the whole week fighting off cravings and finally today I gave in and binged and went... well... many many calories over. It's so frustrating. I just want to eat what I want!! Every other college student is just ordering pizzas and being carefree but I have to worry about what I eat ALL. THE. TIME. And the only time that I have to work out is before class, so I should be going to bed right now so I can get up to work out in the morning, but I don't WANT to! I have homework, I want to stay up late like everyone else, I want to just pour a bowl of cereal and study but I CAN'T because I am already over calories and I have to get up and go running! UGH! I'm just sick of the whole routine and and starting to go crazy!!!


  • chriscd
    I had one of those days the other day. And because I binged I went and ran more. Then I injured my leg. I just keep telling myself it is worth it. I do leave one day a week where I can "cheat" makes it a little easier.

    My family has been very supportive which of course helps.

    Keep looking up until...

    cd :O)
  • xeniasimms
    Honestly, I don't have binge days, I have binge weeks. I started my diet on the 7th of May and since then I have had 4 individual binge weeks (7 days were I eat whatever I want and dont exercise). And I don't regret them. Yeah I gain weight back, sometimes 5 pounds. But I just get back on track and start my diet back and you know what. I enjoyed that binge and am glad I did it. I'm not saying do what I do, but ease up on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • numberscolors
    i do. it's called "menstruation" :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I guess the only bright side to all of this is that you're probably healthier inside and out than the pizza and late night cereal eating, all-nighter pulling students. Wait a sec, that's a pretty huge bright side. Most college students treat their bodies like trash cans- I'm sure you feel better living a healthier lifestyle.

    As for the binge- we all do it. Like you said, you were good for a week, and then gave in- that's basically how this goes for me too. The point is to have more good days than bad so we have a calorie deficit at the end of the week, and lose the weight. I don't know anyone who's good all of the time, and if someone has managed that, please let me know. :tongue:

    We all wish we didn't HAVE to be concerned about weight and our health...but the fact is, we all do- even those who don't worry about it should be. An unhealthy lifestyle will catch up with anyone in time- even invincible college students.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    I can totally relate to you. I've had the thoughts of why can't I just eat what I want? Why do I always have to watch my weight? Why is this a problem for me? When will I be able to relax and not worry about food? There are just some days that you just want to not think about it and eat whatever you want. Be careful, or you may end up with a lot of weight gained back. I had a few months of feeling like this and I gained about 11 pounds... sucks.

    It's tough. Maybe its time for you to have a cheat meal. It seems like your missing some of your favorites that you've deprived yourself. Allow yourself a special cheat meal and enjoy every second of it. Then get back on track and don't feel guilty about it.

    Stay strong - your worth the daily struggle!
  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    2 days ago was my bad day. I think I was stressed out, my teenage son was out with his buddies toilet papering the town for homecoming, and I was worried he would get himself into trouble. so try as I did to distract myself by walking, talking on the phone, looking at old photos, it wasn't enough, and I binged. It happens...."pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again"