Trying To Lose Fat When Not Overweight

Since I am not overweight, I feel like it's harder for me to lose fat. Anyone else feel this way?
I want more muscle and less flab around my middle.

I'm 5'0" - 116lb but I have unwanted belly fat (see pics).

How do I do it?! I don't have time for 3 hour workouts. I've been doing 20 - 40 minute ones and trying my best to stay at 1,200 net cals.

If anyone has advice please tell me!!


  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm going through the same thing...somewhat. I'm 5'4 and weight around 135-137. I work out for AT least and hour a day. I do a carido warm up of about 5-7 minutes and then hit the weights hard! I lift as heavy as I can. After weight I hit cardio for about 25-30 minutes. I do that 4 days a week. The other two days are focused on 45-60 minutes of straight cardio and hitting my abs after.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    It's not harder and 3 hour workouts are not neccesary. Just clean eating and cardio. It really is simple. But it takes commitment.
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    Yes it is so hard. I am not over weight, but i am trying to lose 15 pounds. it won't move.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    If you don't have time for both cardio and strength training, you could try just doing strength training exercises. You don't need to go to a gym for that. Just get some dumbbells and work out with free weights and do weight bearing exercises at home.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    It's not harder and 3 hour workouts are not neccesary. Just clean eating and cardio. It really is simple. But it takes commitment.

    This and up the protien, decrease the fat and sugar. Weights and Cardio. Whatever you can fit in. 10 minutes of running burns more calories then 30 minutes of walking. Find a way to up the intensity then you can burn more fat and decrease the amount you need to work out.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    Losing 10-15 "vanity" is much different than losing 20-30+. This includes eating. You need to eat clean and get enough calories. 1200 is often too low at this point. You may need to try adding a few hundred calories.

    Strength training and HIITs helps a lot.

    I did best at this point with a 200-300 deficit and working out 5-6 times a week. Two of those days were HIIT training. My workouts were anywhere from 20-55 minutes long.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    I've been working on the same thing for the past few weeks. Now I do 3-4 cardio per week, 2 strengths between 30 mins to 60 mins. I alternate between elliptical (level 5), circuit training using Nike Training Club (great application on the iphone), and 2 strengths using Gains - another great application on the iphone). I also add in abs and core crunches and sometimes yoga stretch, all using Nike Training Club application. I'm seeing progress, the belly has gone down, no more flabby thing sticking out, just a bit more to go to look good in my old jeans. If you have limited time, up the intensity of cardio and strengths, need to feel the sweat breaking out after a 15 mins workout, that seems to be an indication that I'm burning fat (or at least I feel good about).
  • Love this post, everyones comments are very helpful as well. Im in the same boat iv jjst put on 3 lbs though over a week and a half of rubbish eating and im gutted :-( it took so long to loose the weight and seemes so easy to pile back on :-( i was so close to my target only 3lbs off target and now im miles off. Very disheartened.

    Have liked reading this post though like i say the points people have raised are really usefull!! Good luck to everyone on loosing the weight. Determination and commitment MUST pay off eventually!!! xxx
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 292 Member
    So should I up my calories even though I only get a 20-40 min workout in a day? I usually only burn about 200 calories in my workouts.

    I'm afraid to up them because I feel like I'd gain!
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    You didn't say whether you were currently still losing weight. If you are currently losing weight at a reasonable pace (for example, 0.5 to 1 lb a week) and are not planning on increasing your exercise routine, I wouldn't change anything. You are short and not heavy so likely have a BMR in the 1200 to 1350 range anyway. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." If you do wish to up your calories a bit, I would do it slowly, say by a 100 calories or so. Do that for two or three weeks and see how it works before making any further changes to diet. With limited time for exercise, I would consider allocating your time two or three days a week to strength training rather than cardio. Strength training will do more for the muscles than cardio. You can do this at home with a couple of sets of dumbbells if you don't have time or access to a gym.
  • COG4U
    COG4U Posts: 3
    I weigh 208 at 5'5 and I'm also tired of being overweight. I try to eat healthy, but I think certain carbs. I eat are what's keeping me down. I get so depressed sometimes. I wear a pedometer everyday and try to get in 10-15,000 steps a day. That makes me feel good when I do that. I do sit ups 2-3 times a week. I am just so discouraged right now. :cry:
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    @cog4u - Do you record what you eat and try to keep to your max bmr? That might help. It's hard to cut the carbo, I fully understand as I get so hungry if I don't have my bread in the morning, rice in the afternoon. Tried that but I ended up snacking more in the day because I was so hungry. Now, I cut my portion of carbo by half, eat minimal carbo for dinner, cut off sweets and snacks, that seems to help. Try all means and ways, not all the formula works for everyone, our body are all different. Keep going! You can do it!
  • BecciJG
    BecciJG Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I would say try eat clean, plenty of protein with lots of veggies! Cut back on sugar & drink plenty of water. I deffo recommend strength training, you don't need fancy equipment or a gym! I've stayed the same weight but toned up & lost inches from my waist (which is what i wanted more than anything)just by lifting weights. Plenty of squats n lunges and planks. Still do cardio by all means, I do spinning twice a week & walk a lot. You deffo don't need to work out hours at a time, quality not quantity.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158

    I highly recommend HIIT. It's challenging (which is good -- the only way you'll see results), but it's worth it! And it takes less time. Also, the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen" is VERY true. Eating clean, over time, will help reveal your abs.
  • HIIT is a great recommendation. Strength training is probably the area I would head into (but that's just because I enjoy lifting) - look at StartingStrength, 5x5, Beast Skills, etc. Don't buy into the hype that women need to do small weights etc.

    Food has already been covered well; also consider stress levels which tend to give you an abdominal deposition of fat via increased cortisol.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Why not get a personal trainer or share one to help you firm up the areas that are too soft?
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    The HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is the approach you need to take to burn off that last stubborn layer. It usually only requires 12-15 minutes of time (+ time for a shower - cause you will sweat)!!! Try 30-second sprints followed by 1-minute routine jogs (and repeat for 12-15 minutes). The change in your heartrate will be good for the buring you are looking for.

    And eat right!!!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My advice is work out your BMR and TDEE using either Fat2FitRadio or the Scooby's site. As long as you eat between these two numbers you should lose weight.

    It seems that my BMR is 1300 but my TDEE including exercise is around 2050.

    As such I am eating at around 1800 - 2000 and am not gaining or losing lbs but do seem to be "toning up" - my stomach is ever so slightly flatter and my arms more defined.

    As long as you do not exceed your TDEE you will not put on weight, why continue eating at 1200 when you can have more fun and the same or better results at, say, 1600 or 1800?
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    The HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is the approach you need to take to burn off that last stubborn layer. It usually only requires 12-15 minutes of time (+ time for a shower - cause you will sweat)!!! Try 30-second sprints followed by 1-minute routine jogs (and repeat for 12-15 minutes). The change in your heartrate will be good for the buring you are looking for.

    And eat right!!!

    See, i'm tempted to try this but I'm not sure I'm healthy enough cardio wise yet. I get palpitations just from jogging. don't you need pretty good cardio health to start HIIT?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    In my experience, a teeny tiny calorie deficit is best when you don't have a lot of weight to lose. Set your goals on here for a half pound a week, eat your exercise calories, get adequate protein (more than mfp suggests) and regular exercise including strength training.