TOXUTHAT Posts: 38 Member

As of today, I am not going to lose any more weight. My original goal was to loose 75 pounds. I started in October and as of today, I have lost 67 pounds. Why am I stopping 8 pounds short? Well, today was the last weigh in, in the Biggest Looser competition I was participating in. I finished in second place. I won $115. The first place winner lost 11 pounds this last week. I wasn't going to go to that extreme to win. Everyone that lost, won.

People started asking me if I was OK. Some people were wondering if I had Cancer. I was being told that I didn't need to loose any more weight. So now that the competition is over, I am done. Now comes the hard part, maintaining my weight.

I have learned a lot about loosing weight. I can push away from the table. I can be full and satiated with one helping. I don't eat just because food taste good. I think about everything I put into my mouth and why. People are asking me " How did you loose your weight? Sensa? No carbs? Weight Watchers"? I said "No, I burned more calories than I consumed". It was that simple for me.

I will continue with my exercise routine. I will stay here at Myfitnesspal to keep from gaining the weight back. If I gain a few pounds, I won't panic. I went from a size 38 to a size 34. That is where I want to stay. If my pants start getting tight, I will go back to my diet. Good luck to everyone here at Myfitnesspal and may you all reach your goal. I couldn't have done it without Myfitnesspal. I recommend this website to everyone.


Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • fiftyfour23
    fiftyfour23 Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you. BTW, dig the battle cruiser.
    TOXUTHAT Posts: 38 Member
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    Congrats! 11 pounds in a week to win a contest? You should beat that guy up (or girl?).

    I feel you - I'm really, really good at losing weight. The problem? I'm equally good at gaining it (a little better, maybe). Maintenance will be my ultimate challenge.
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