Should I work out when I am sore?

I really want to go to the gym as much as I can. I have been pushing it hard and doing cardio for 45 minutes and then weights. I want to go to the gym tonight but I am fairly sore. My legs mostly because of the last leg workout and the elliptical machine. I walked today for a good 30 minutes and it made my legs hurt a little less. I just don't want to over do it.


  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Personally I like to work through the pain! I find the more I use my muscles the less pain I feel. Unless you have pulled something I think that you will be fine- go for it!!!
  • avidnessss
    avidnessss Posts: 4
    Yes. Work out until you can't walk anymore! Hahaha, but in reality, if you feel that you're overdoing it, take a break from working whatever muscles are sore at the time. IE: If your legs hurt, work your arms. :)
  • shimewazaMan
    shimewazaMan Posts: 413
    I have no idea what the scientically backed answer is, but my thinking has always been yes. If nothing else, working through the pain seems to have a psychological impact on me. It has always made me feel more hard-core about my training and served to further increase my motivation. Although you should alternate the muscles you work. If your legs are fried, focus on upper body moves. And always stay in tune with your body. Listen to it. There is a difference between post-workout soreness and injury related pain. You have to be able to differentiate between the two.
  • LavaRoushFiveOh
    LavaRoushFiveOh Posts: 44 Member
    I need to figure out another way to do cardio without doing legs. Or just work through it I guess, maybe at a slower pace.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?


    (Told you I agree with many of your posts outside the 'f' topic!)

    You've got to give your muscles time to rest. What I would suggest is alternating strength training 3x a week, with your cardio 2-3x a week...with ONE complete day of rest. This allows your cardio (basically active rest) to increase your bloodflow, helping with the soreness...and still gives your muscles ample time to recover.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    For me is knowing the difference between sore and pain. I have to que into my body but if I'm just sore; I usually feel a ton better after a workout. If its pain and I'm complaining, I'm resting.
  • LavaRoushFiveOh
    LavaRoushFiveOh Posts: 44 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?

    I have been walking 30-45 minutes a day for years. However, with this new goal of weight loss and actually dieting I have been going for about a week. I have been working out two days in a row and then taking a day off. But I want to go more. The only muscle group that is being used constantly is my legs because I do cardio every time. When I do weights I do chest, arms, back, legs etc on different days.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?

    I have been walking 30-45 minutes a day for years. However, with this new goal of weight loss and actually dieting I have been going for about a week. I have been working out two days in a row and then taking a day off. But I want to go more. The only muscle group that is being used constantly is my legs because I do cardio every time. When I do weights I do chest, arms, back, legs etc on different days.

    Again, I'd suggest lifting 3x a week (full body, none of that split body stuff, it's too complicated and your current method is incorrect), on non consecutive days. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for example. If you want to walk on those days, feel free. Walking on the in between days will help you with your soreness. Rest on Sunday at minimum, Saturday and Sunday preferably.
  • LavaRoushFiveOh
    LavaRoushFiveOh Posts: 44 Member
    For me is knowing the difference between sore and pain. I have to que into my body but if I'm just sore; I usually feel a ton better after a workout. If its pain and I'm complaining, I'm resting.

    Its just being really sore. I stretched correctly after every routine. I am sore in places I have not been sore in for a while, which is a good thing. Thanks to hip adduction and abduction. My glutes, hams, calfs and quads arent really sore. My lower back is a little sore and the inside of my thighs are really sore.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I agree with crisanderson. You don't want to be lifting every day (and certainly not working the same muscles on consecutive days).
  • aztec1966
    aztec1966 Posts: 12
    I am 64 years and have worked out regularly at the gym for about 2 years. If I let soreness determine when to go to the gym to workout, I'd be there probably only half the time. However, I have learned that that I have less sorenss when I consume lots of water, take protein shakes after my workout, and take a heaping spoonfull of glutamine with my protein drinks. Best of Luck!
  • LavaRoushFiveOh
    LavaRoushFiveOh Posts: 44 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?

    I have been walking 30-45 minutes a day for years. However, with this new goal of weight loss and actually dieting I have been going for about a week. I have been working out two days in a row and then taking a day off. But I want to go more. The only muscle group that is being used constantly is my legs because I do cardio every time. When I do weights I do chest, arms, back, legs etc on different days.

    Again, I'd suggest lifting 3x a week (full body, none of that split body stuff, it's too complicated and your current method is incorrect), on non consecutive days. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for example. If you want to walk on those days, feel free. Walking on the in between days will help you with your soreness. Rest on Sunday at minimum, Saturday and Sunday preferably.

    Unfortunately I am limited on time at the gym. I have three children, one of which goes to the childcare at the gym and they close at 8PM. The earliest I can get to the gym is like 6:45. So I do 45 minutes of cardio and then whatever I can. If you have any suggestions on a routine that would fit in that timeframe I would be happy to get them from you. For now I am doing the machines, not the free weights.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?

    I have been walking 30-45 minutes a day for years. However, with this new goal of weight loss and actually dieting I have been going for about a week. I have been working out two days in a row and then taking a day off. But I want to go more. The only muscle group that is being used constantly is my legs because I do cardio every time. When I do weights I do chest, arms, back, legs etc on different days.

    Again, I'd suggest lifting 3x a week (full body, none of that split body stuff, it's too complicated and your current method is incorrect), on non consecutive days. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for example. If you want to walk on those days, feel free. Walking on the in between days will help you with your soreness. Rest on Sunday at minimum, Saturday and Sunday preferably.

    Unfortunately I am limited on time at the gym. I have three children, one of which goes to the childcare at the gym and they close at 8PM. The earliest I can get to the gym is like 6:45. So I do 45 minutes of cardio and then whatever I can. If you have any suggestions on a routine that would fit in that timeframe I would be happy to get them from you. For now I am doing the machines, not the free weights.

    How many days a week can you go? I'm assuming at least 5, since you want to go more right?

    If so, simply do 5 minutes of high intensity cardio to warm up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...then lift. Machines aren't optimum...but they will work if you're using the right ones.

    On Monday I'd suggest leg press, chest press, horizontal row, then leg lifts or crunches. Perform them in a 5x5 format (5 reps, over 5 sets). Choose a weight you will fail at after 6 reps. Finish out your time at the gym doing easy cardio. Call this 'Workout A'.

    Wednesday, do leg press, shoulder press, 45* extensions, lat pulldown, and planks/bridges. Again, 5x5, with a weight you can only perform 6 reps with 'fresh'. Finish out with easy cardio. Call this 'Workout B'.

    Friday repeat Monday's Workout A. The following Monday perform Workout B...continue alternating indefinitely. Each week you should attempt to increase your weight on every exercise by 5lbs. If it's too difficult to finish all your sets, drop back...but put every ounce of effort into finishing, that is how you will build strength, and shed fat.

    You can do cardio in between on Tuesday and Thursday if you I said it can help with soreness. Jumping jacks at home will have the same effect.
  • LavaRoushFiveOh
    LavaRoushFiveOh Posts: 44 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?

    I have been walking 30-45 minutes a day for years. However, with this new goal of weight loss and actually dieting I have been going for about a week. I have been working out two days in a row and then taking a day off. But I want to go more. The only muscle group that is being used constantly is my legs because I do cardio every time. When I do weights I do chest, arms, back, legs etc on different days.

    Again, I'd suggest lifting 3x a week (full body, none of that split body stuff, it's too complicated and your current method is incorrect), on non consecutive days. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for example. If you want to walk on those days, feel free. Walking on the in between days will help you with your soreness. Rest on Sunday at minimum, Saturday and Sunday preferably.

    Unfortunately I am limited on time at the gym. I have three children, one of which goes to the childcare at the gym and they close at 8PM. The earliest I can get to the gym is like 6:45. So I do 45 minutes of cardio and then whatever I can. If you have any suggestions on a routine that would fit in that timeframe I would be happy to get them from you. For now I am doing the machines, not the free weights.

    How many days a week can you go? I'm assuming at least 5, since you want to go more right?

    If so, simply do 5 minutes of high intensity cardio to warm up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...then lift. Machines aren't optimum...but they will work if you're using the right ones.

    On Monday I'd suggest leg press, chest press, horizontal row, then leg lifts or crunches. Perform them in a 5x5 format (5 reps, over 5 sets). Choose a weight you will fail at after 6 reps. Finish out your time at the gym doing easy cardio. Call this 'Workout A'.

    Wednesday, do leg press, shoulder press, 45* extensions, lat pulldown, and planks/bridges. Again, 5x5, with a weight you can only perform 6 reps with 'fresh'. Finish out with easy cardio. Call this 'Workout B'.

    Friday repeat Monday's Workout A. The following Monday perform Workout B...continue alternating indefinitely. Each week you should attempt to increase your weight on every exercise by 5lbs. If it's too difficult to finish all your sets, drop back...but put every ounce of effort into finishing, that is how you will build strength, and shed fat.

    You can do cardio in between on Tuesday and Thursday if you I said it can help with soreness. Jumping jacks at home will have the same effect.

    Thanks Cris.
  • taygrad
    taygrad Posts: 19
    Unfortunately I am limited on time at the gym. I have three children, one of which goes to the childcare at the gym and they close at 8PM. The earliest I can get to the gym is like 6:45. So I do 45 minutes of cardio and then whatever I can. If you have any suggestions on a routine that would fit in that timeframe I would be happy to get them from you. For now I am doing the machines, not the free weights.

    I would suggest a strength-training class at the gym (BodyPUMP, CXWORX, or any applicable one) that's a high-intensity "body-shock" system where they pack a lot into 30 or 45 minute workouts. I do CXWorx for my core and man, it's a killer! But I feel like I did a 3-hr workout when I'm done. I do Spin for my cardio (it's an hour class, but I leave early because I work out at lunch).

    Of course Cris has excellent suggestions as well.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    How often are you having rest days? And how long have you been working out for?

    I have been walking 30-45 minutes a day for years. However, with this new goal of weight loss and actually dieting I have been going for about a week. I have been working out two days in a row and then taking a day off. But I want to go more. The only muscle group that is being used constantly is my legs because I do cardio every time. When I do weights I do chest, arms, back, legs etc on different days.

    Again, I'd suggest lifting 3x a week (full body, none of that split body stuff, it's too complicated and your current method is incorrect), on non consecutive days. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for example. If you want to walk on those days, feel free. Walking on the in between days will help you with your soreness. Rest on Sunday at minimum, Saturday and Sunday preferably.

    Unfortunately I am limited on time at the gym. I have three children, one of which goes to the childcare at the gym and they close at 8PM. The earliest I can get to the gym is like 6:45. So I do 45 minutes of cardio and then whatever I can. If you have any suggestions on a routine that would fit in that timeframe I would be happy to get them from you. For now I am doing the machines, not the free weights.

    How many days a week can you go? I'm assuming at least 5, since you want to go more right?

    If so, simply do 5 minutes of high intensity cardio to warm up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...then lift. Machines aren't optimum...but they will work if you're using the right ones.

    On Monday I'd suggest leg press, chest press, horizontal row, then leg lifts or crunches. Perform them in a 5x5 format (5 reps, over 5 sets). Choose a weight you will fail at after 6 reps. Finish out your time at the gym doing easy cardio. Call this 'Workout A'.

    Wednesday, do leg press, shoulder press, 45* extensions, lat pulldown, and planks/bridges. Again, 5x5, with a weight you can only perform 6 reps with 'fresh'. Finish out with easy cardio. Call this 'Workout B'.

    Friday repeat Monday's Workout A. The following Monday perform Workout B...continue alternating indefinitely. Each week you should attempt to increase your weight on every exercise by 5lbs. If it's too difficult to finish all your sets, drop back...but put every ounce of effort into finishing, that is how you will build strength, and shed fat.

    You can do cardio in between on Tuesday and Thursday if you I said it can help with soreness. Jumping jacks at home will have the same effect.

    Thanks Cris.

    No problem! Glad to help. If you have any other questions or specific needs, feel free to let me know.