Let's get to work!

KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
Hi everyone - I'm in a unique situation, and hope that MFP will help out!

I'm an amateur Highland athlete - throwing the telephone pole, big rocks, iron blocks - the whole deal. But packing on strength for the games has left me a bit big at 380 lbs (I'm 6'3"). Never really paid much attention as I still can do cartwheels and have decent flexibility, but it's about time to slim it up.

I'm trying to cut down my weight while keeping strength, but have little self-control over my eating if I'm not constantly reminded of my goal. I'm looking to drop about 80 lbs and/or get down to 20% body fat. Based on a 40% body fat estimate, those two goals will put me at 300 lbs. So 300 lbs it is.

Wish me luck!


  • lydia0418
    lydia0418 Posts: 3
    welcome! this site has helped me and keep me on track! Good Luck~