Best way to get re-motivated??

Need to get back to eating right, exercising......lost 65lbs, have gained 15 back.......need to get remotivated and just cant get out of my funk! Help and support please!!


  • NomadicKris
    NomadicKris Posts: 90
    Look at your reasons for doing this in the first place and tell yourself to get up and go! I really struggle with continuing, I see results and then self sabotage myself because I fear vulnerability - this is something I have only just realised when really looking at my weight and my reasons for it all. I saw some results and then spent 2 days eating rubbish and not exercising like I was and then this morning I realised I was falling back into that same pattern again.

    So I ranted at myself, spoke to some friends and have reasserted to myself to "Just F**king Do It" and reminding myself why I started this in the first place.

    You can do it!
  • mabernier
    mabernier Posts: 62 Member
    I lost 45, I found 50, I lost 50, found 55, lost 50, found it again....This time, I lost 15 and gained it back. I'm sick of thinking everyday about being fat. So luckily a friend suggested this website and I am back on track...first week. You know you can do it right? You've done it. So right now, get a sheet of paper out and write down three things that you are going to do tomorrow that will be starting to get yourself back on track...are you going to drink 8 glasses of water? Eat an extra serving of vegetables, park your car out farther in the parking lot? Whatever it is, write down just those 3 things and do them tomorrow. Then tell me tomorrow night if you did them. I bet you do....
  • workingitout2012
    Hi Cass,

    First of all great job on your inital loss, thats wonderful! I'm no motivation expert but i can tell you what worked for me in the hopes it might for you too. A few months ago i was at my absolute worst, so down about things i had no control over and sick of all the "hard work" of dieting & exercise. So i decided i wouldnt do it anymore, I got on the net and started searching out "feel good foods" that would nourish my body and came up with a list a mile long. My intention wasnt to lose weight (even tho i needed to) but to lift my moods & improve my well being so that when i did get back to dieting my head would be in the right place. I started eating things like banana & raspberry smoothies, turkey & spinach omlettes and my personal fav Quinoa & chicken for dinner. I also included Nuts & avocado daily, yes they are high in fat its the right kind of healthy fats. I made sure to eat every few hours so it'd be breakfast, snack (nuts) lunch, snack (youghurt or carrot sticks) then dinner. I cannot tell you how much my general well being improved I just felt so gosh darn happy! The best bit was I started losing weight! 3 kilos in 2 weeks which considering i wasnt starving myself & was eating nutritious foods seemed a massive achievement for me. Now i dont know what your eating habits are like & maybe you already do all of these things & if so then well done to you. Try to do exercise you enjoy not just to burn cals but to improve your life. I hope you get something positive from this message. Best of luck & remember you've already come so far - you CAN do this!!!
  • workingitout2012
    I lost 45, I found 50, I lost 50, found 55, lost 50, found it again....This time, I lost 15 and gained it back. I'm sick of thinking everyday about being fat. So luckily a friend suggested this website and I am back on track...first week. You know you can do it right? You've done it. So right now, get a sheet of paper out and write down three things that you are going to do tomorrow that will be starting to get yourself back on track...are you going to drink 8 glasses of water? Eat an extra serving of vegetables, park your car out farther in the parking lot? Whatever it is, write down just those 3 things and do them tomorrow. Then tell me tomorrow night if you did them. I bet you do....

    I love this idea of daily goals! awesome :)
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    I lost 45, I found 50, I lost 50, found 55, lost 50, found it again....This time, I lost 15 and gained it back. I'm sick of thinking everyday about being fat. So luckily a friend suggested this website and I am back on track...first week. You know you can do it right? You've done it. So right now, get a sheet of paper out and write down three things that you are going to do tomorrow that will be starting to get yourself back on track...are you going to drink 8 glasses of water? Eat an extra serving of vegetables, park your car out farther in the parking lot? Whatever it is, write down just those 3 things and do them tomorrow. Then tell me tomorrow night if you did them. I bet you do....

    I like this idea too! Thanks!
  • thelandofwin
    Honestly, what worked for me was getting a fitbit to track my number of steps. It integrates with the MFP site and auto updates my exercise calories. I find myself getting up to walk the halls in my university or park far away to get in extra steps. Seeing, and I mean visually seeing, my physical activity being charted and integrated with my diet did an amazing job waking me up. I also have a bodymedia but I don't like it as much.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Get Going, or Zombies are going to come and eat your brains! Seriously - you'll have to be able to out run them!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Eat a giant pile of french fries. You'll be working out within 48 hours.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hello there
    I don't know if these ideas will help you personally, everyone is different, but the way I found motivation again was once measuring myself after I'd had an assessment a couple of months prior and then just recently I joined another gym for a month (I was/am still currently at a 24 hour gym that only has equipment/machines) that had classes --- as I used to LOVE doing the aerobic classes and always wanted to do one here and there, however a casual visit at the gym was ridiculously expensive ($20 Australian) and I couldn't justify spending that --- but when I saw a deal online for $29 for a month's full membership I just couldn't resist & I have been super motivated to go to the classes as well as going back to my 24 hr gym for my weight training.
    Good luck finding that motivation.:smile:
  • cassmonster
    cassmonster Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! It truly is a day to day struggle.....but I CAN and I WILL do it!!!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I started so STRONG and lost 20lbs but after a year of being good, I am tired and my fire is nearly out. Gotta get it going again before I end up back at my starting weight. LET"S DO THIS TOGETHER!!!!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Look at how much you LOST and how HARD it was to get where you are. And think to yourself, "Do I really want to start over?"

    You can do it!
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Read the motivational threads on MFP
    Look at the before and after pics of people who have suceeded
    Say to yourself everyday, I will not fail myself today, I will eat well, drink water and move a lot today
    Log here every day
    Make time to exercise
    Find friends on here to cheer you on and motivate you
    Identify the things that are stopping you and change them!
  • crimsonblueku
    Need to get back to eating right, exercising......lost 65lbs, have gained 15 back.......need to get remotivated and just cant get out of my funk! Help and support please!!

    Read this thread: or just read some of the threads under "Success Stories". Seeing people who have already reached their goals or are close to getting there is sometimes just the motivation I need to tell myself "I can do it, too!".
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Eat a giant pile of french fries. You'll be working out within 48 hours.

    LOL I have done this!
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Get Going, or Zombies are going to come and eat your brains! Seriously - you'll have to be able to out run them!
    Zombies:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: