How do you feel about running?

I havent ran since I was in middle school.. I have pains with my feet and scared if i start pushing myself to run it might get worse but i need something to keep my mind motivated as i get easily distracted lol What do you guys think or how would you start to even build up to running if you have not done it for years?


  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    Many people here are doing the Couch to 5k program and are very successful. Maybe that is something helpful for you to start running.
  • tstockero
    tstockero Posts: 2
    I, too, have not ran since I was a teenager or young adult. I am 46! I have been jogging with my 13 year old daughter, and, like you, it hurts my ankles, knees, feet, etc. It seems to ease up after I get going. I have just started slow. I am up to jogging a little over 1/4 mile at a time then walking. It might take a long time before I can run one mile without stopping, but I'm happy to be exercising.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am doing my 2nd half marathon on I guess I kinda love running :bigsmile:

    I was never a runner when I was younger and in good shape, I just started running about 15 months ago when I was 41 years old--I made my own variation of Couch to 5k and also used the Jeff Galloway walk/run method. There is also a good book called "Run Your Butt Off" that might be helpful. Start slow and easy and make sure you have the right shoes for your needs. Good luck!
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    LOVE it! nothing like an intense endorphin high!!

    biggest tip, go to a GOOD running shoe store and get fitted for what's right for how your foot is shaped and how you run.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I hate it with the power of a thousand suns!

    That being said I just ran my first 5k and am running an 8k in June, yikes! I took a clinic through a local running club and have just been persistent. Haven't learned to love it yet, but once it gets easier I think I will.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Couch 2 5K for sure. I was never a runner. My legs are really long and people (including my own mother) would laugh at the sight of me running. Now, I really couldnt care less. Laugh all you want world....I am a runner!
  • mrscapamerica
    I am definitely not a runner. My knees just can't take it. I injured one awhile ago and it hasn't been the same since. Not to mention running just doesn't go well for a busty girl lol
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    Set a goal, pick a 5k in a month and train for it. You'll get addicted.
  • scoobydoomomma
    I would love to run but it hurts my ankles so much! after the first few minutes it feels like my feet are gonna fall off. On every walk I think, maybe today I can run but then I remember the pain and just keep on walking!
  • docdrd
    docdrd Posts: 174 Member
    I always HATED running growing up (I was a tennis player and I used to try anything to get out of conditioning runs), but now I am finding that once you get past that first half mile, it is actually OK. The advice of getting good shoes is SO important. Find a real running store that can help you find the right shoe for you. And then the couch - 5K is a worthy goal that works for a lot of people. The one thing no one can argue with -- running produces great results both in our looks and on the scale. Cheers!
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    I havent ran since I was in middle school.. I have pains with my feet and scared if i start pushing myself to run it might get worse but i need something to keep my mind motivated as i get easily distracted lol What do you guys think or how would you start to even build up to running if you have not done it for years?

    At my age, not a big fan of running. Too tough on the joints. I do several hours of wilderness trail hiking on the weekend instead to get my cardio in.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    I am definitely not a runner. My knees just can't take it. I injured one awhile ago and it hasn't been the same since. Not to mention running just doesn't go well for a busty girl lol

    Yeah. You could put an eye out with one of those things. :glasses:
  • nazzac76
    nazzac76 Posts: 2
    I used to run 6km every day rain hail or shine at 32. I gradually worked myself upto it on the treadmill doing short 1km jog then walk 200m etc....i havent run for over a year now and i dont have my tready anymore so i am antagonising the thought of hitting the bitumen again soon as i need to lose 6 kg. Was the best weight loss actiovity but i found.....Goodluck!!!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I can't run. I have had bad feet all my life. I can walk and walk kind of fast so that is what I have been doing for now. We got bikes recently so that will be a new exercise for me. I plan to try Zumba too. I'm hoping that won't make my feet hurt and I really think Zumba will be a whole lot more fun than running for me.

    I did just get me some new running shoes that seem to be helping. My feet aren't as tired at the end of the day anymore.

    I can't wear heels either. I even have a husband that's a foot taller than me and I can't wear heels. Dang!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Many people here are doing the Couch to 5k program and are very successful. Maybe that is something helpful for you to start running.

    Get fitted for a good pair of running shoes at a running specific store, then do this.
  • egordon81
    egordon81 Posts: 6 Member
    When I started working out on a regular basis 8 months ago, one of my goals was to run a mile. I have never been able to do that before. Being 30 years old (and morbidly obese), I thought now was the time to do that. I started building up my cardio on the elliptical. Once I was able to do that at a good pace and resistance I decided to challenge myself on the treadmill. Start out slowly. You don't have to be a sprinter. I started jogging at a 4.5mph pace. Actually, the first time I really said "I'm going to run today" I ended up running 2 miles straight. I just ran my first 5K this past weekend.
    I love running. I know it can be hard on the knees, ankles, back, etc. so if you still are in pain after a number of times, you may want to look into doing other kinds of cardio instead.. check with your doctor.. and like mentioned earlier, make sure you have the proper running shoes (and insoles) for your feet. Listen to your body.
  • mrscapamerica
    I am definitely not a runner. My knees just can't take it. I injured one awhile ago and it hasn't been the same since. Not to mention running just doesn't go well for a busty girl lol

    Yeah. You could put an eye out with one of those things. :glasses:
    :laugh: true story.
  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    i love running for that calm, almost zen like feeling you get when your body and mind are focused and you feel like you could run forever. It's wonderful to run outside in the early morning with the sun rising and the birds singing, and your body feels like an oiled machine!
    Doesn't always happen and most times i feel like hell but when it does it is so worth the effort.

    To the Op, start slowly and walk as soon as you feel your breathing is getting hard.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I couldn't run, when I was young. I had severe asthma, I'd regularly end up in hospital and, when forced to run 200m in my mid-teenage years, I collapsed at the end.

    Now, I'm regularly running 5ks after trying again in February. After resigning myself to the fact that I'd never be able to run, I love every run I do, knowing I can and never thought I could. I love the fitness aspect, the freedom, getting out alone and enjoying my music, and (strange as it sounds) the sense of belonging.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    I hate it..... Buy a bike, you'll go further and see more of the world!