going out

So tonight I'm going out with some of my mummy friends for 'drinks and dinner'. Its the first time I've been properly since having my son so its been well over a year. It's been making me really anxious - (I was actually dreaming last night that I messed up and was eating loads of bad things)
I already know what I'm having as I looked at the nutritional menu but it's still about 680 cals, (and thats one of the lower cal/saturated fat things on there) + drinks on top. What should I drink? The restaurant only serves wine and beer.

Also, should I eat little today so I stay under? I've input into my diary breakfast lunch and my dinner already so maybe you could advise. I don't know if it's best to eat as normal and be over with dinner and drinks or barely eat in the day - I just know I'll be starving by dinner time as I guess we'll end up eating around 8.30.

any advise, or kind words. I'm on such a roll I don't want to mess everything up!


  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    One day over really won't hurt you, and you can't give up all of the fun times or you will never make it stick. Also, if you starve yourself today, you may well end up eating more later because you are so hungry. I would recommend eating normally during the day, have wine with dinner, but make sure there is water on the table too, and get a little extra exercise if you can. If you do end up going over, try to work it off over the next few days by either doing a bit more exercise, or cutting back a few calories each day (not a load, maybe 50-100 per day) but whatever happens, make sure you enjoy it. :flowerforyou:
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I don't know how you could eat so little through the day. You have saved enough for a coupla glasses of white wine. check in the food database.
    like angelabec says, a bit of exercise will help you eat more during the day as well.
    I recommend you exercise and have fun at the night out?
    You can have a walk after dinner too if the weather is nice, that's usually a good way to roll.
  • Kbutterly
    Kbutterly Posts: 5
    Hey, Just seen your post and thought I would reply as I was in the same dilema last week.
    I am only doing this 4 weeks, so Im no expert either. But I find that with diets/watching what you are eating you need to have a break out night - not every week but once every few weeks so you keep yourself sane !!
    I would suggest to try and keep your calorie intake as low as possible today, but dont starve yourself.... Have your meal tonight and a few drinks. Try do a good workout today and tomorrow to "earn" your night out and just be extra good for the next few days before your weigh in.
    I generally try and stay within my calorie limit for the week. So if I have a night out I can allow for it by extra exercise and not using up the extra calories earned.
    You are doing a fantastic job so far. So dont worry about it too much. Keep up the good work and
    Enjoy your night out!!
    : )
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    Well you havn't been out for a year i'd say hey maybe a little treat, let your hair down and relax. Enjoy yourself but if your worried try and be a little concious of what your eating and drink and not over do it. Most of all enjoy your night out then back to diet and whatever fitness regime you are doing tomorrow which is what i do when i have the odd 'cheat' day. If we can't enjoy ourselves once in a while whats the point? Have a nice evening :smile:
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    I agree, you have to be able to enjoy yourself every now and then or you'll fall off the wagon. But as a pointer I find that white wine spritzers made with soda water are really good - soda water is zero calories and it makes the wine last a bit longer. It's also easier to drink for me.

    If it really bothers you then maybe do some exercise tomorrow without eating back your calories, so that your week will still be on target? Or I find that sometimes letting myself go over my weight-loss calories but staying under my maintenance calories is easier - that way at least you're not gaining.

    Have fun!
  • It's ONE, very infrequent night out. Go, enjoy! If you were out every week, or even every month, it would be important to make some wise food/drink/exercise choices....but it's ONE night. Don't get hung up on it, just go and let your hair down :)xxx
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    You've had a baby, lost 23 lbs and this is your first night out with the girls... seriously, why are you worrying about what you eat and drink. Just go out and enjoy yourself and don't give it a second thought. You're not going to suddenly balloon back to the old fat you overnight and you might even find that it gives you a boost and you'll drop next week. :drinker:
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    I always found it hard when I had a meal to go to in the evening when I was on a deficit as I prefer to eat throughout the day and have a light dinner. Saving most of my cals for the evening left me hungry all day and made the meal feel like less of a treat! I feel your pain but I agree with the above poster if you haven't been out in a year have a bit of a treat!

    Do some cardio today to get some extra cals and try and have just two glasses of wine.
    Tomorrow drink lots of water and eat clean

    Have fun!!
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    How can they only serve wine and beer? What are people supposed to do if they're driving?!

    In all seriousness though, I'd just enjoy it. Don't go absolutely crazy, but if you make good choices from what is on offer, I don't think you really need to worry (and if you are drinking, stick to clear spirits and slimline tonic?).
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    Keep in mind that if you got your MFP set to 1 lb a week. You are at a 500 deficit per day. If you are not going over that, I personally don't consider it going over. Go have a good time and don't starve yourself. Then again if you do go over that by a few hundred, you was 500 short yesterday. ;-)
  • Limajuliet
    Limajuliet Posts: 54 Member
    I concur with the other posters; Enjoy your night out! Keep tabs on what you're eating/drinking and put it in your diary tomorrow. If you're still over (taking into account the rest of the week), just do some exercise to make up for it.

    I went a bit overboard on the red wine and chocolate last night, but after adding everything up and looking at my weekly average, I am still on track and under for the week. I'll also make up for it in the gym tonight.

    This is a lifestyle and you shouldn't be scared of socialising, enjoying food and a few drinks.
  • Julietecosse
    Julietecosse Posts: 165
    Why not just leave about a third of the meal. If your friends comment just say I am full now. That works for me. Good luck.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Well you havn't been out for a year i'd say hey maybe a little treat, let your hair down and relax. Enjoy yourself but if your worried try and be a little concious of what your eating and drink and not over do it. Most of all enjoy your night out then back to diet and whatever fitness regime you are doing tomorrow which is what i do when i have the odd 'cheat' day. If we can't enjoy ourselves once in a while whats the point? Have a nice evening :smile:

    I could't have said it better :happy: Me & the Mrs go out once a week, (TONIGHT in fact wohoo) I look forward to them, at the moment I only drink diet coke/pepsi, but thats through choice.

    TIP- Vodka & diet cola only 61 calories, ask for it in a long glass with more ice in it.

    But enjoy yourself, remember your on a diet NOT remand lol
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks guys! And they do serve soft drinks obv, just no spirits :S well at least on the drinks menu online they didn't say they had spirits! Can't get any exercise in today as I'm busy all day but tomorrow Ima go swimming and for a jog :)