
Not new to MVP but only just started using this site properly. It would be nice to get support :)
I don't know what to write here really, so i'll just put basics about myself.
*Vegetarian, used to be vegan but it was too hard and making me ill.
*Animal rights fighter, would love to work for PETA.
* many stupid diets later here i am TRYING to be healthy but its hard as i'm used to restricting and diet pills.
*Miley Cyrus is my ultimate thinspo/fitspo. To get a body like hers would be amazing for me, also Khloe Kardashian i adore too.
*Chocolate,coffee, anything unhealthy lover. not good, aha.
*going running makes me feel so amazing and happy.

i don't know what else to put...
My UGW would be 100 lbs i am currently at 160lbs i think, i'm 5'4.

