Rice, spagetti and breads

I can't seem to have a good potion control with my rice, pasta and breads... This really runs up my calories. Any idea of lower calorie brands or a second option? I really love rice and spagetti:( please help with some ideas!


  • heyitsmegxx
    heyitsmegxx Posts: 444
    Have you tried whole wheat pastas and breads?? They'll keep you fuller longer.
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    Nature's Own makes a light wheat bread that is 80 calories for two slices. I like it, and I love the calorie savings compared to a lot of breads. For pasta, sometimes I will cut zucchini into thin ribbons close to the size of the pasta and mix them together to make the pasta go further.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    What have you tried in terms of portion control? Is it a willpower issue, or is it a measuring issue?
  • michaeltoye
    michaeltoye Posts: 48
    When i eat pasta, I usually make enough for lunch and dinner. 200g of dry pasta (wholewheat) does me and that's 670 calories.

    I bulk that out with a tin of tuna, beans and several green vegetables and all in a home made tomato sauce - the whole things pads out to about 1300+ calories.

    I have a big appetite and don't feel the need to snack after this lot!
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Because I try to make protein the main macro of my meals, I tend to use less pasta, rice and bread and use more meats.

    So if I am making pasta, with either chicken, beef or quorn mince, I only use like 75g of wholewheat pasta (dry) which is only like 250 calories. I get less calories from meat with more meat than I do with pasta.

    Same with rice, but I only use like 50g of it, it might not sound like a lot or even look a lot, but again, I make protein my main macro, so the meat is like 1/4 of the plate, veggies are 1/2 and the rice is only 1/4. Adding meats and veggies to these carbs makes it look like you have a much bigger meal but with less calories.
  • rubyduby123
    rubyduby123 Posts: 12
    Nature's Own makes a light wheat bread that is 80 calories for two slices. I like it, and I love the calorie savings compared to a lot of breads. For pasta, sometimes I will cut zucchini into thin ribbons close to the size of the pasta and mix them together to make the pasta go further.

    Thank you very much for this helpful info!