

I've just started using mfp and finding it very useful for tracking my eating habits. I started using it because I noticed my eating was getting out of hand, most notably while at work but in general I wasn't paying much attention to my intake.

I've never been especially fit or slim, but I ride 6-11 miles/day on my bike, play football and lead a somewhat active lifestyle (outside of work, where I'm chained to a desk!). Eating sensibly seems like the best way to achieve what I'm looking for.

My goal isn't so much to lose weight as it is to feel better about myself in terms how clothes fit, and my body image. I'm 35 this year and with two small children I want to make sure I'm around for a while, and project a positive healthy image to my two impressionable boys.

Anyway - introduction over, if anyone is interested in being friends, sharing tips on food or exercise then let me know.


- Jon


  • jonnyboy77
    jonnyboy77 Posts: 3

    3 months in and lots of positive improvements. MFP proving to be very useful for motivating myself into sensible consumption, combined with regular exercise.

    I have lost weight which is good, but more importantly it is making me think about what I eat and what exercise I get. My clothes are fitting better and I am increasingly getting comments from friends and family about how healthy I look!

    Not made many friends on the site, and while it's not facebook if anyone wants to add me as a friend that would be awesome :)


  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    feel free to add me if you like.
  • sailorsiren13
    sailorsiren13 Posts: 460
    feel free to add me :smile: