i hate days like today

I've been great with my motivation. I haven't wanted to stray, I've been so happy with how I've been doing but now I'm on my period my emotions are all out of whack and I'm bloated. Seeing a 0.4lb loss after working pretty hard this week just bums me out. On one hand I should be happy because I didn't gain anything like I normally would with my period, but on the other hand it's so disheartening to not see a bigger loss. I just need something to give me that little extra push to make it through today healthily. It's just one of THOSE days. Ugh. It also means I only have 2 weeks to lose 2.2lbs to reach my goal for May. I totally thought I had it in the bag but now I'm not so sure. I don't want to fail at this before I've even properly begun.


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Yep and half of the population get these days every month. so deep breaths, get through it and then get back to being brilliant it is water weight and will drop straight afterwards..... no worries :)
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    Make it part of your daily/weekly plan - then you are in control

    If you know you will crave sweet/carb etc then make sure you have the calories (set to maintenance if you need to for the week)

    That way you will know what you can have and when.

    On this long journey we are on we have to be able to cope with stuff on a regular basis so make plans (well thats what i do anyway)

    If you set to maintenance and lose weight great - if you stay the same - well that was your plan anyway (if you gain then you will lose it next week)

    Hope it goes well for you (try and keep busy)

    Diane :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • BeautyAndTheGeeks
    Thanks guys :). I mean I'm thrilled that I'm moving in the right direction and I can see big differences in my legs, so I can't get too upset, but periods = tears and this isn't helping :(. I usually have something junky most days, like a bit of fudge or a little ice cream or something so I might try and cut down on that a couple days this week and see what difference it makes.
    I also had a day off of logging this week, so I'm wondering if that's played a part in this too. I was just hoping to lose at least 0.8lbs this week so I feel like a bit of a failure. I'm hoping I feel better about this after I've worked out.
  • jon40084
    jon40084 Posts: 175 Member
    Are you measuring? Perhaps you've lost inches without a significant change in the scales. Perhaps try that
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    You're probably retaining water! Time of the month issues wreak havoc on us all...your goal is still totally attainable and once you can see past the crazy hormone induced few days you are going through, you'll be able to see how great you are doing!
    Keep up the good work.:happy:
  • Parrasue
    Parrasue Posts: 7 Member
    This's too will pass!

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Remember the only ones who 'fail' are those who stop trying!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    You arent a failure, forget that word......
  • MissKDebutante
    MissKDebutante Posts: 7 Member
    Hun, I think it's just water retention to be honest, I know it's difficult to stay motivated when you have tried so hard, but imagine how good it'll be next week if you stick to it and you're not bloated or anything and you will probably see a better loss. You've done so well so far so don't worry. I think it's just a TOM thing really. You've shown yourself by doing it you can lose weight so stay focused. x
  • BeautyAndTheGeeks
    Thanks everyone! I'm feeling much better now! I've taken some measurements and I've lost an inch from my waist, an inch from my hips, 0.5 inches from my bum (although I want to keep my bum, so I hope it doesn't keep shrinking, haha) and I've taken measurements from my thighs because I want to track that progress too. I've also taken my neck measurement so I can compare body fat from now on. I'm going to take some "before pictures" too, although it won't be my true "before" but it's as close to it as I can get.