social eating/drinking work/lifestyle

Anyone have any tips on food/drinking when it comes to a social life and work style? By that lifestyle I mean attending seminars/luncheons, etc for work and then participating in a social life that involves happy hours, wine fests, out to lunches/dinners, networking events, etc. I am thinking portion controls, etc may be helpful in these cases, but wondering if anyone else had any advice?


  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I just went out to dinner with friends last week for my birthday, I picked the restaurant, but even if you don't pick the restaurant a lot of restaurant have nutritional information now online. So I picked out what I was going to have ahead of times (eat only half of it) and alotted for it within my day. I only drank water, but if I were going to have a glass of wine or a beer, I would have allotted for that as well.

    I think you can certainly go out and still eat the way you want. I ate half of a rib eye steak, half of the steamed asparagus and an entire salad. So I certainly wasn't feeling deprived.
  • thanks--sometimes it's last minute and sometimes it's a buffet at a lucheon or something like that. I guess my biggest problem is will power and making better choices. --thanks!
  • crazygal89
    crazygal89 Posts: 1
    If you know your going to be eating more or drinking more of the foods you shouldn't then do extra exercise the day before and after.
    Also when i know i'm going out to eat or drink i eat less than i should throughout that day just so i know i have extra calories to use up in the evenings.
    But you do know everyone can have a treat once in a while and it really wont do any harm if it just is ONCE in a while. If your too strict on yourself then you are more likely to crumble and cave in; trust me i done this myself!
    Reward yourself occasionally and you are more likely to push yourself to carry on.
    Good luck
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Just make sensible choices. It's that simple.
  • thanks!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Today (Friday 5-18) we are having a Bridal Shower party for a young lady getting married. The number of crockpots, plates, platters and stuff coming in is....freaking.......huge!

    I brought my own lunch simply for the fact I have so many food restrictions (medical) that Im not going to go up to each individual person and ask "what did you bring in and what is in it?"...

    I will though go for the vegetables that I know someone is bring in a crudite for this...

    I dont let others think they can guilt me in to having foods that I know Im not supposed to have or refuse to have. Its their problem, not mine....

    Besides - Ive got a freshly baked cornish game hen stuffed with five cheeses and roasted eggplant.... Food porn is definitely happening for me today! LOL!
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Drinking: vodka and water... buy a little bottle of Mio for flavor. pretty low calorie cocktail.

    Food: Gotta make good choices, eat only a bite of this or that... load up on salads. Maybe carry a protein bar in your purse at all times... you at least know the calorie content in those from the label and you can eat whatever lean meats are available.
  • stephmo86
    stephmo86 Posts: 45
    I'm a fan of rum and diet coke for a drink. As for food, ask for things on the side. If you watch some episodes of the Biggest Loser, they have all the dining out tips and pretty much say don't be afraid to ask for your meal the way you like it. So watch out for cheeses, sauces, dressings. Have veggies steamed- no sauce/butter on the veggies, ask for whole grain rice, grill the meat, fish can be a good option but sometimes they're covered in sauce. pfft. Just think-you're paying for this, you should get it how you like it.

    If you're going out for happy hour with friends, eat salad or something healthy before you go out so you're fuller, and aren't tempted to snack as much.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I tell my coworkers and friends about my plan to get healthier and they support me and I also have motivated several of them to start working out and eating better too
  • bast2112
    bast2112 Posts: 63
    I have this problem too. Seems like at least once or twice a week I'm in a social situation and it is really tough to make good choices, especially since I've been in the habit of indulging for so long! Portion control is a big one for sure. Also, just pick ONE of the really decedent items (like when we had a taco bar, I chose sour cream, but left off the cheese, things like that). I also just stopped drinking for the time being *moment of silence*, but found that has helped a lot. When I have even one drink, it lowers my inhibitions enough to start throwing away my dedication to my diet, and I overindulge on food and sweets. Wine, beer, and vodka will still be there when I'm done. :)
  • mattmoo33
    mattmoo33 Posts: 36
    I have a similar problem, and when you are out with clients it is really difficult.

    For me choice is everything - it is unusual to find a restaurant that doesnt do salad, and although I have a glass of wine I will always try to drink loads and loads of water then sip the wine. It is so much easier to say no to a top up when the glass is fairly full.

    At a bar I will tend to have a gin and slimline tonic, then just keep topping up the tonic - everyone seems to think I am still drinking the gin too!
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    Lots of veggies - and try and get steamed no covered in butter veggies. Or spinach salads with a grilled protein (chicken, tuna, salmon, shrimp, etc).

    As for drink, try alternating just water with lemon with something like a vodka club (i get mine with lemon) :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I find I lose weight when I travel for work. I don't get enough solid food and usually drink my calories.
  • seraphinaglitter
    seraphinaglitter Posts: 22 Member
    I just get salads, and ask for certain things to be changed. Yesterday I asked for olives with no oil, they looked at me strangely but were very polite and obliged. :-)

    I prefer wine to food, so a salad keeps the calories low enough to give me room for a few glasses.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    Work out more to make up for it. For happy hour, i'd get a rum and diet coke* for my first drink and then just top off w/ diet coke for the rest of the night. At wine tastings i stick to wine but don't really go for the crackers/cheese or just have a little (i do love cheese). Buffets usually have vegetarian choices (i like meat but not processed meats like sliced ham), you can always load up on fruits too, especially the melons and pineapple.

    If you have the option of ordering ahead, order the vegan option or ask for vegan. You'll get a nice veggie salad, nobody is ever prepared for vegans.

    *I drink water and not diet sodas as a rule but at functions or outings i will drink diet sodas if drinking water isn't really an option. Sometimes i'll get a drink AND a glass or water and kind of nurse my drink, lol. Alcahol calories/sugars are a *****.
  • Mizzhill
    Mizzhill Posts: 33 Member
    usually I try to have one social glass and drink water the rest of the time. It helps.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi!! If I know I'm going out, I work out harder the day before, the day of and the day after. A lot of info is online already, so if I know where I'm going, I can choose my meal in advance and work those calories into my plan for the day. If it is an impromptu gathering, I try to make smart choices. But most of all, I don't get bent out of shape or stressed if I go overboard one day. In a two week period, if I eat healthy and exercise regularly for 13 days, then 1 day of having what I want will not be a set back at all. Besides, if you're too restrictive and regimented, then it feels more like punishment than lifestyle. That will cause resentment, and ultimately cause you to quit. Be disciplined, make smart, healthy choices, but don't be too hard on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    I struggle with this too because travel a lot for work. Usually I plan ahead of time (if I can) and I control whatever meals I can. I'll either do a low calorie breakfast and then eat out for lunch and dinner and/or I'll wake up and workout before I leave so I have a little wiggle room on my calories. We went out to dinner last night and I have plans tonight and tomorrow so hopefully I stick with it.

    Good luck to you! Feel free to add me.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    This is a big problem area for me. If its a potluck event or at someones home I always bring a health dish I know I can eat guilt free. If it's out at a restaurtant. I try to stay away from the bread basket (one I start I can NOT stop). I order a side salad with an oil based dressing or a broth based soup. Drink lots of water. And, sometimes instead of ordering a meal I order an app.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I had a couple of rules for working in an office/networking environment.

    1. NEVER EAT DONUTS. That includes any pastries. Socialize around the dounuts, drink coffee, maybe a little juice...but no breakfast pasteries.

    2. Also go with the Salad. In my office itw as highly unusual to have a catered lunch that didn't have a salad. Pile your plate HIGH...and I MEAN REALLY HIGH with all of veggies you can stand...and go with a few table spoons of teh vinegar/oil base dressing.

    as for drinking and eating out. Ask the waitress or bartender about any "Low Carb or Low Calorie" cocktails. There's some being mixed up now that have as few as 40 calories per cocktail. LImit yourself to only one or two.
    Also go with items that are grilled, sometimes veggies come steamed....ask for those instead of the potato or fries.

    And remember the "healthy stuff" on the menu isn't always the best. Case in Point the TUrkey Burger at Red Robin boasts as many calories (not as much fat) as a regular quarter pound burger.
