Question. PLEASE read the whole thing before replying...

I'm back on here again to try this one more time. Going to the beach in a little over a month and I dont want to jiggle while I'm out there lol
Here's my issue. I don't eat enough. Weird yes but literally my calorie intake BEFORE exercising is around 1000. I know that puts my body into starvation mode but I can't help that I'm never hungry. Does anyone have any recommendations on high calorie foods that aren't junk food or peanuts? (I'm not allergic to nuts, just those fill me up way to quick)
I don't eat alot of meat (Not a vegetarian, just dont like it) and I don't eat seafood (makes me sick to my stomach).

Again i'm ONLY looking for food choices. I know everything else I need to do I just can't seem to get my calorie intake up. I get so tired of hearing all the long speeches about how I need to do this and need to do that and it completely avoids my question. I appreciate the help and all but I already know.
Thanks in advance =)


  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    What about protein shakes? you can pack those with more calories and protein without it necessarily being alot of volume that would fill you up so quickly...
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    Peanut butter, eggs, greek yogurt. They all have protein and will help take the place of some of the meat you prefer not to eat.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    pasta? potato?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Avocado. Cream. Almonds.
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Any recommendations on some good ones?
  • ldn555
    ldn555 Posts: 1

    Quote - "Calorie dense starches include potatoes, pasta, bagels, bread, rice and beans. Fruit juice is a calorie dense simple carbohydrate. Fruits are more calorie dense than most green, leafy vegetables. Additionally, all kinds of oils, peanut and other nut butters are calorie dense but they provide necessary vitamins and minerals for the body. The same can be said for avocados and bananas.

    Full-fat meats and cheeses, salami and pepperoni are calorie dense foods. Even lean cuts of meat are calorie dense. A normal portion size of protein is about 3 oz., or the size of a deck of cards. Other sources of calorie dense protein include over-the-counter protein supplement powders.

    Read more:

  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    Or protein bars, pulses are good too, cheese, add some oilive oil to your food.
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
    Try eating 6 almonds with an apple - it really makes a difference in how full you feel afterwards

    Avocado with your salads

    Drizzle olive oil and lemon onto your salads

    Eggs keep you feeling fuller for longer and can get those numbers up
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Could you add some fats in? Bread or toast, butter and jam or other spread of your choice is very eatable. If you don't want the sugar how about some cheese? Cheese on toast is quick and easy and gives you protein, fat and carbs all together. Scrambled eggs or omelette, either made with butter? A nice warm croissant?
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Ah thank you so much everyone :happy:
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Right now i'm kind of hooked on Clif Builder Bars. Very high in protein. A bit high in sugar too, but kind of worth it. They are so yummy. Some days, i work out just so i can have one! And the only place i can get them is about a half hour walk away, so that's even more workout motivation!
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Right now i'm kind of hooked on Clif Builder Bars. Very high in protein. A bit high in sugar too, but kind of worth it. They are so yummy. Some days, i work out just so i can have one! And the only place i can get them is about a half hour walk away, so that's even more workout motivation!

    Where do you find those at?
  • Couldn't look into your diary, but if you have low fat or no fat foods in your diet you can go up to the full calorie versions instead. Skim milk for 2% or full milk, cheeses, salad dressings. The same amount of food with higher calories.
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Couldn't look into your diary, but if you have low fat or no fat foods in your diet you can go up to the full calorie versions instead. Skim milk for 2% or full milk, cheeses, salad dressings. The same amount of food with higher calories.

    I'm just starting back at this, don't have anything in my diary just yet. If I did everyone would probably hit the roof at the foods I eat right now and I still don't reach my goal.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    avocado, banana, full fat dairy.

    Do you like pancakes? If you cook them with shortening (like crisco) instead of pam or whatever they get these nice crispy edges on them. I eat mine with fresh strawberries and light cool whip, but you could use normal cool whip and strawberry syrup or the old fashioned maple syrup and butter.

    Good luck
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Nitrocore 24. Tastes pretty good in chocolate. If you do a double serving, it's 400 calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Probars are meal replacement bars made with organic ingredients. You can find probars that are low or high in calories in any health food store.
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    Couldn't look into your diary, but if you have low fat or no fat foods in your diet you can go up to the full calorie versions instead. Skim milk for 2% or full milk, cheeses, salad dressings. The same amount of food with higher calories.

    I'm just starting back at this, don't have anything in my diary just yet. If I did everyone would probably hit the roof at the foods I eat right now and I still don't reach my goal.
    Luna bars are tastey too along with Cliff bars and the granola cereal I eat is 190 cal for 3/4 cup dry they could work as some substitues?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Put cheese on everything that cheese is good on. LOL Full-fat adds more calories than the low-fat varieties. Greek yogurt has a lot of protein and a good deal of calories, too. If you don't like it plain (I don't, yuck!) you can make it into a smoothie with fruit. Oh yeah, fruit. A banana is around 100-120 calories. Granola bars range from 100-200, some have protein and they can give you a little pick-me-up before a workout. Avacado. Pasta (doesn't have to seem unhealthy if you also load it up with veggies). If you eat a lot of salad, try putting it in a tortilla wrap every now and then - it won't make you feel like you're stuffing yourself but it'll add calories to your day and mix things up a bit. There are probably a lot of ways you can just add variation to what you're already doing to bump up the calories a bit if you need to. I like to throw in a protein shake every now and then, too, on the days that I need it to reach my protein goal or if I just want an extra delicious snack at the end of the night. A big scoop of protein powder is usually around 100-140 calories depending on the brand, you can make smoothies or even just stir it into greek yogurt or something if you're not into smoothies, or mix it into either regular milk or almond milk. I've heard it's good in oatmeal as well, haven't tried it yet.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I like a mix of vanilla protein powder, fruit, and fruit juice in a smoothie. My favorite is a banana, half dozen strawberries, a cup of orange juice, and a scoop of EAS 100% Whey protein powder. But you can mix and match your favorite fruits and juices. Just a cup of each (fruit and juice) and a scoop or two (2 since you are trying to up your calories) of protein powder.