about to snap

I dont know if anyone else has expirenced this or not, but since I have started my weight loss journey in Jan of this year I feel my attitude has gone to the worse....I feel like I get annoyed a lot eaiser and angry at the littlest things. I dont know if the way I have changed eatting has anything to do with it or the fact that I just had a birthday and am a year older and grumpier or what it is but I would hope this feeling would go away soon or if I need to see a Dr. for the situation....I'am down 52 lbs in the 4 months I have been doing this and I am greatful for the lbs I have lost and plan to continue no matter what so in advance I guess I should apologize for my moodiness to all family and friends...thanks...:explode: :sad:


  • cbingham39
    cbingham39 Posts: 1 Member
    Ya know I've heard of that before. Because changing your diet can change you chemically. I mean think about. For me, when I was upset at someone, life, kids, husband I would eat for comfort. I immediatly would "feel better". That chemical imbalance I was feeling went away. So as dieters when we take away that comfort food, we have to replace our happy place with other things. So that we don't "Snap" as you say! :) I've heard YOGA has an impact on this. Don't laugh..I'm not talking about getting down on the floor and wrapping your legs in way they shouldn't go. I'm talking about clearing you head of all the negativity, breathing exercises, learning to train your brain to relax. Even sitting in a car, a chair at home without noise and just sitting in silence is a very powerful thing. Anyway...I just wanted to let you know that I DO understand and I CAN relate more than you know. My biggest fear of losing my 100+ lbs is it will change who I am not only on the outside but who I am on the inside. My weight has been my "protector" for many many years...taking that away from me, pretty scary. I just wanted you to know that your not alone. :)
  • bquillen
    bquillen Posts: 45 Member
    you know I think you are right about they whole "comfort food" thing....I always felt my happiest when eatting whatever I wanted, but I am just as happy with losing the weight I am losing....
  • stlinares
    stlinares Posts: 23 Member
    My son's chemistry teacher is on a diet. He has lost over 20 pounds this semester. It's very very noticeable. My son told me he has become very mean in class lately. I figured it's his diet. My son agrees.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    What types of things are bothering you? Could it just be a coincidence? Congratulations on the 52 pounds lost! Wow! That's excellent! :) It might be a temporary thing too. Maybe your body adjusting to all of the change of eating right, etc. Let it know who's boss! ha Take care! I hope things get better for you! :)
  • chipschipstl
    Oh gosh yes I have a super short leash since starting dieting. My boyfriend has started to ask "um...are you hungry?" every time I snap at him. Half the time I really am and haven't realized it. Congrats on the loss, that is amazing! You can always vent on MFP and put on the fake smile for the rest of the world :)

    Adding you- always looking for support myself.