Lost nothin!

Week one on 1,200 calories and I lost 4.2 pounds.......week two nothing!
I'm female and 5 foot 3 inches. I have been using up to my calories or just under, maybe a 100 or less left at the end of the night.
Any suggestions? Should I increase a little or decrease my intake. Looking for advise!


  • Alj0108
    Alj0108 Posts: 5
    When I started I did the same thing. My goal is to lose 2lbs per week, and I lost over 4 the first, then nothing, and in week 3 it started coming off steady each week but slower. I called that good since it still averaged out to be 2 lbs. I wouldn't go under 1200 calories, especially if you are doing any kind of exercise. A day here or there is fine, but making sure you are getting 1200 or more on other days. Your body will think it is starving. Drink LOTS of water EVERY day and it will help keep the water weight off which discourages you when you don't deserve it. You will definitely see an increase (or no decrease) on the scale if you don't drink your water!
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    First of all, 4.2 lbs in one week is excellent (and a lot), so don't worry if you don't see anything week two because the healthy, recommended weight loss for a week is 2 lbs or less. I'm set at 1200 and I ALWAYS eat back my exercise calories or if it's my rest day I make sure I eat the full 1200. Don't go under 1200, it's not healthy. Or like the other poster said, at least be above more days then under. Try seeing if that all works, if not, you may need to increase your calories a lot more. I also recommend getting a tape measure because you could be losing inches. Just be patience. If you stick to your calorie goal, eat healthy, the weight will come off.

    Oh and I should also note, that my mom is around your age and she is always under her calorie goal which is 1200 and she doesn't get why she gains weight or doesn't lose! It's not that she doesn't not eat on purpose she is just so busy as a school nurse and sometimes doesn't get a lunch. I keep telling her to eat more and you will weigh less.