What was your final straw?



  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 279 Member
    When my size 28's were tight. No I have 26's that are loose and 24's that are snug. Going down and happy about it. Oh and my double chin is almost gone.
  • I used to be able to go buy a shirt or a pair of pants without even trying them on because I knew my size and I knew it would fit. Suddenly everything started getting too tight. Then I got on the scale and realized I gained OVER ten pounds. Last time that happens to me! So I started ASAP and things are going really well. Already lost five pounds. :D
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    My last straw was when I finally went back to a primary care doctor after nearly 5 years. My blood pressure was high and she point blankly told me that I had to lose weight; to not consider it a suggestion, but an order. I've also been spending a lot of money on new "bigger" clothes and lately have been withdrawing from so many things because I don't want to be seen in public.
  • jtheiss
    jtheiss Posts: 14
    I went on a trip in March and, while I've always been uncomfortable flying due to my weight, this time I could not buckle my seatbelt! I was too embarrassed to ask the flight attendants for an extender, so I just tucked the belt under my shirt so they wouldn't see. I signed up for MFP as soon as I got back. My husband and I are going to Hawaii at the end of June and I refuse to be in that position ever again! We also plan to start trying to get pregnant in another year or so and I'm worried that we won't be able to conceive if I'm at this weight, and even if we did, I'm worried there would be complications. Time to get healthy for me, my husband, and our future family!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I was sitting in my office chair and I could feel my belly sitting on my thighs. I work at home so I usually work in my PJ's and I think had prevented me from really seeing how big I had gotten. I didn't have to "fit" into pants, all mine were stretchy.

    When I realized this I tried on a pair of my pants and alas, none of them fit. I had tried every diet known to man before, but I think when I was doing those diets, I was doing them because someone else wanted me to, or I was trying to impress a guy. Something clicked in my brain and I went that night and joined a gym. I had spent more money on going to weight watchers, and I'm not knocking their program, but I knew how to eat healthy, I just wasn't doing it. I needed something to go hand and hand with the nutritional side of it. My stepmom told me about MFP and I joined that and it has helped so much. Just being able to talk to people who have had or are going through the same things as me makes it easier to deal with.

    I am doing it for myself to be healthy, and also to get to a weight where I can get pregnant in the future without being high risk.
  • Bostoncoffee
    Bostoncoffee Posts: 14 Member
    Going to meet someone on a "blind" date and wishing he was truly blind because all my jeans made we feel like a sauage roll. :happy: And to top that off, I have miles of stilettos that now my feet are too fat to wear comfortably. That was it for me. Love Love my shoes. :sad:
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I had to accept that not all of my pants shrank at the same time! :noway: :laugh:

    LOL. I actually tried to tell myself that before I started.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    The pile of clothes that no longer fit me, verses the baggy floppy comfort clothes.
    and worsening arthritic pain,
  • amykingsley1
    amykingsley1 Posts: 31 Member
    I stepped on the scale after vacation and saw that I was pushing 200 lbs. I realized I was well on my way to being my mother, who was dead at 42, and that I didn't want to follow in the unhealthy footsteps of my family. Lots of health problems in my family, many of which are lifestyle related.

    On a side note, hubby also started teaching at a college and I didn't like the idea of him being around so much 18-22 year old tail with my fat unnattractive *kitten* sitting at home.

    I'm now at my goal, which is bouncing between 140-145.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    I horse ride and someone too a picture of me riding I looked huge! but too make it worse my backside was about two inches smaller than my horses...or possibly the same!! He is a big heavyweight horse that weighs over a tonne!
    so when I realised I mirrored my horse was time to say goodbye by *kitten*!! :laugh:
  • Blodnie
    Blodnie Posts: 66
    Realising, and really accepting, that in a lot of cases I am the largest person it the room. :frown:
  • szyja
    szyja Posts: 42
    Mine was when I went out to buy new clothing for work...to find myself in a size 16!!!! :sad: I used to be a size 5 in my 20's and most people thought of me as anorexic! Wow...what a wake up call. I am now into a size 8 to 10 (depending on the clothing) and trying to get myself into a six! the other straw for me was not being able to walk up the basement stairs without stopping for air on the way up! I was sooooo out of shape. Now, an hour long combat class with an hour of weightlifting afterward is like nothing! In fact, I'm hoping to be a combat instructor someday! I'm so happy that we can choose to change our size and fitness level! :wink:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i saw our christmas pic. i looked at it and was horrified.
  • Barbqn
    Barbqn Posts: 10
    When my daughter's boyfriend commented that I wear a lot of dresses. I thought to myself, " It's because I'm too big to fit in any of my pants.
    So in search of a calorie counting app for my phone, I found this site and sign up. I've lost 3 lbs since Tuesday. 29 to go. :wink:
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    A profound mental shift.

    I used to think that dieting and exercise was vain, shallow, and for self-centered people looking to get laid. Which itself was vain, shallow, and self-centered, and outright evil if you were married. After all, it's our ideas and minds that matter, not our bodies, right? Even when I did it in the past and was successful, I felt guilty about liking it.

    Yeah, all of that was bull****.
  • Christina_3192
    Christina_3192 Posts: 133 Member
    My final straw for me was kind of a set of events. I was in denial about gaining weight for almost two years.
    It started when I'd go out with my gal pals and would cringe looking at the pictures. I couldn't put on any of my clothes with out feeling self conscious.
    I looked at pre college photos of me and wanted to cry.
    And the straw that broke the camels back was when I stepped on the scale in January and it said 165, I went to college weighing 125.

    I decided that enough was enough. So it's been almost 6 months, down 20 pounds, 20 more to go :)
    I feel awesome so far, and am excited to get to my goal. I think it will take another 2-6 months. Slow and steady is fine for me :3
  • traceyjayne64
    traceyjayne64 Posts: 262
    When being intimate with my husband my stomach (under my bust) was so big and obviously pushing on my lungs so much that i couldn't breath and had to ask him to get off me :cry:
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    It should have been my mom's first stroke that "got" me, but it wasn't until a few months later after her 2nd on that I took a look at myself and decided something had to give...............slowly I started changing the way I was eating, then I started walking.......the first time I walked at the park I could barely make it around the track... 0.8 miles......... but, it has hills ........... I went back that night, determined.....I walked it 2 times and it's been on since then :o) I lost 50lbs in 5 months watching my serving size, cutting out breads and added sugars......... and WALKING......

    hit a plateau........... and now the scales are finally moving again :o) almost there......
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    A near collapse of my marriage:

    I was overweight and so depressed about it and not doing anything about it. I wouldn't let my husband touch me or see me naked because I was so ashamed. I shut him and almost everyone else out and lost myself in books. That is all I did....read!! Until one day I discovered he was having an affair with an old high school sweetheart. I was shocked and devastated but realized I still loved my husband and wanted to save our marriage. It took me a long time but after counseling and finally coming to realize that it was me I needed to work on to make myself happy and that nobody else could provide that for me, we came together again. He felt that I wasn't attracted to him anymore and was lonely. Although I know that was no excuse and I am not blaming myself, there are always two sides and I wasn't fulfilling my role in the marriage. We are still together and our marriage is stronger than it ever has been. I feel more confident and secure that I am fighting to make this change for me and have learned to love myself no matter what size I am.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I was trying on dresses for 3 upcoming weddings that I had to attend and nothing was fitting right. I was miserable trying to find something I liked that actually fit me. When my sister scheduled her own wedding on a beach in Aruba I finally decided I had to lose the weight if I was going to be comfortable at any of these weddings.