I really need some motivational help and supporters!

Hi, I'm new to this. This is my first time using MFP, and so far I am loving it. I've used other programs in the past, but not allowing me to plan out the day ahead made things a bit tough and I gave up. I'm a single mom of a 10-year-old. Not only does my full time job keep me busy, so does my child and family. I seem to be tugged in every single direction but the way I want to go. I had gotten motivated a year ago to lose some weight, managed to lose half of my goal (20 pounds lost), but I have since gained it almost all back, which has left me feeling frustrated. Before I had will power, but now I can't seem to find it, and I seriously need the encouragement to keep going.

I have barely any support system in this journey. At work, I am surrounded by cabinets full of junk food and soda. At home, my child is so incredibly picky. All he wants to eat is spaghetti or fast food. That makes eating a constant battle, which tires me out after an already long day. My friends all eat what they want because they are healthy, or they aren't ready to take a similar journey. My family isn't supportive because they believe food is the cure-all for anything and everything. I know I am capable of losing weight and getting healthier. My previous 20 pound weight loss has proven that. I just need to find the will power to say no when I find myself reaching for that candy bar or eating that extra meal or pulling into the fast food restaurant parking lot. I need someone to push me when I don't feel like working out because I am so exhausted from either lack of sleep or a busy day. Obesity runs in my family, along with diabetes, heart conditions, and so many other health issues associated with weight. As I slowly watch my weight creep up the scale, I get scared to death that I will have those same health issues and won't be here for my son as long as I would like. I am trying to stop it before it gets out of hand. Please, I need some motivational supporters to help me get moving again and help me stay in the right direction this time.


  • avega12
    avega12 Posts: 17
    Hello and welcome, I've been on MFP for 2.5 months and I'd love to be an encouragement to you!! I'll send you a friend request!
  • jstaads
    jstaads Posts: 7
    I am a mom of two, with lots of baby weight to still lose!! Lets do it!! Add me!! =)
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    I'm a Dad of 2 & I'm like you. My family has never been light lol Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Bobbiehenderson
    Bobbiehenderson Posts: 18 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, Iam a mom of 3 kids 12, 10, and 3. Iam working on getting healthy also.
  • jennb78
    jennb78 Posts: 13
    I was just thinking about posting something similar. I work full time and have 2 children, my husband is not overweight and when he puts on a few pounds he cuts out the beer and it is gone. Then he tries to tell me just eat salad for every meal its easy. All the girls in the office are young and thin so they do not understand my struggles. I have tried many different things to lose weight, but I don't get result in the first 3 month and I stop. I am very upset with where I am and I too am looking for support and people who understand how difficult this is.
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    Welcome and good luck! I will be adding you
  • robynb7d
    robynb7d Posts: 8
    Just joined two days ago....loving it so far. Busy mom of two, and dieting is hard! Looking for some motivation/encouragement, and would love to give in return =)
  • hi i am also a mom, i have five children and i am the same way and i have lost in the past and would be back and forth with my will power. but i just told myself it is time for me to get better and healthy for my children and myself. i am super amped right now about it and i am here for you as support if you need it. you can add me.
  • gottaloseita3
    gottaloseita3 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I just started a couple weeks ago and this is the best! Just make sure to get the App on your phone to always update and always always log everything you eat. Good Luck! Dont give up!
  • Hard_Rock_Mom
    Hard_Rock_Mom Posts: 3 Member
    Your son sounds just like my fiance, picky and a big fan of the bad stuff! I too am surrounded by junk and it's hard to practice self control when my hubs and brother eat chips, pop, candy and lord knows what else and keep it all over the place. I'll add you :)
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    You've come to the right place - lots of support here! I've raised three kids and know about picky eaters. Here's the thing - you can encourage him to stay picky or you can teach him how to eat right. Stop letting him decide what he'll eat. You're the mom, therefore you're the boss! Fix him the same healthy meals you want to eat. His choice: eat them or be hungry. He may pout and be hungry for a few days, but trust me, he'll come around. You teach most effectively by example. So if you're eating right and living an active, healthy lifestyle, chances are pretty good he'll start to do the same.
  • GoTanieGo
    GoTanieGo Posts: 24
    I thought my son would starve to death the first few days of my new life style! I refuse to buy junk food, high sugar snacks, and fast food. It has to be that way, for me anyway, because I lack will power if those things are around me. I gave him healthy choices, or nothing. He chose nothing for a day or so, and it was very difficult listening to him cry for junk. It was the hardest few days of my life, but I had to remember I was the one who bought that junk and fed it to him, and I was committed, not only to my health, but to his as well. He came around. I was never so proud as the day he asked for green pepper strips and humus for a snack!!
    Let me tell you, the support in here is fantastic!! We all know how hard it is, and celebrate each others good choices, are proud of every pound lost by everyone, and are here when the bad days with poor choices make us feel lousy. Together we are stronger. I have faith in you. You CAN do this. Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • BYana
    BYana Posts: 7
    Hey!! I am very new to this website as well!! And also looking for support and motivation!! Add me up if you want :)
  • BYana
    BYana Posts: 7
    I have the same situation!!! My boyfriend is a big junk food lover, it is so hard for me to stay motivated :(
  • Hey everyone, so today i had krft dinner:( but then my friend called me about this site. I have been on weight watchers twice. lost some gained some. I am the kind who needs motivation . i was 125 at the begining of my pregnancy. now.. well. let's not go their.lol But for supper i will have a nice salade and i'll workout when my son's asleep. feel free to add me and motivate me:)

    Goodluck everyone ,Brittny
  • OMG my boyfriends a big jjunkfood lover , and at night!! the worst for me lol
  • BYana
    BYana Posts: 7
    I know that you mean!!!! my man REALLY loves macdonals fries before going to bed lol
  • I am new to this too (again). Please add me as your friend. I have a fincky eater too. When I first met my husband one of my stepsons (triplets) only ate hot dogs, plain hamburgers, and french fries. Over the last 6 years I have worked with him and today he LOVES fish and healthy foods over junk. Be patient, be loving but BE STRONG! Tell him about the health conditions in your family and be honest....that you love him and want him to never suffer these diseases. He's old enough to hear these things. Like someone else said: You're mom, you're the boss, you're the example. Trust me he won't starve to death.
  • FayeCT
    FayeCT Posts: 19
    Hey there!!! Please add me too. Have been taking this seriously for about a month. Lost about 10 lbs so far. I am a widow with 2 small kids. Me focusing on exercising almost everyday actually helps me commit to meals, fun and discipline with my kids and I am committed to setting an example for my 9 yr old daughter. Let's do this.
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    fEEL FREE TO ADD ME!!The fact that you care enough to change is what makes you already a winner!:smile: