New to running...have some questions

Ok, so I've been walking and jogging for a few days now and I really enjoy it, but right now I can't jog for very long. I usually go 45-60 minutes on a nature trail by where I live. I'll walk for a little bit to warm up, then jog for as long as I can (not very long/ far right now), then walk a bit and repeat. I want to build up endurance and eventually be able to run a couple miles without stopping. Should I keep doing what I've been doing, or would it be better if I did something like the c25k program? I started that last year and did about half of it, but I was jogging on a treadmill. Thoughts?

Also, I played basketball for like 8 years when I was younger, so I'm used to sprints, but I've never been a longer distance runner, so any tips/ advice would be really great too! Thanks everyone!


  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I think what you're doing sounds great. Every time, try to make your jogs last a little longer. Soon, you'll be running the whole thing ;-)
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I totally want to start the c25k program! I am doing a 5k Warrior Dash tomorrow and know I will not be able to run the whole thing. If you want we can do it together. Keep up on each others progress via MFP. If you are interested friend me.
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    I'm on day 3 of couch to 5K and I love it! I also agree with the above poster, just keep adding on longer intervals of running/jogging, even if it's just a minute at a time, you will get there!!
  • kleverkira
    kleverkira Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds like what you're doing is along the right track. C25K is just more structured in terms of when you walk or run. Just make sure to push yourself a little bit more every day - running a little farther and walking a little less. One of the "big" workouts for C25K is to run for 20 minutes at the end of week 5 (I think?). You could look at C25K to try and structure your workouts a little bit more if you were so inclined.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Just try to jog further and further each time. Personally, I did the C25K program and it worked for me. Just make sure you have good shoes and stretch. Good Luck!
  • vojtko68
    vojtko68 Posts: 7 Member
    I started running 2 years ago at the age of 41. Never ran before in my life. My fiance had me do c25k and before I knew it I was running. I am now doing 10k & 15k and working up to a half marathon. C25K is a great program as it takes it slow so you don't get discouraged. My best friend started it 8 weeks ago and was amazed that she is now running a 5k. At first the 1 minute of running was killing her.

    At the time I did it, I used a treadmill. Was easier to keep track of time and distance. If I did it now, I would def run outside. With a smartphone you can get a c25k program (for free) and can suppliment it with another program like RunKeeper or My My Run.
  • RobynDCrossman
    what youre doing is similar to c25k anyway. :) if it works for you, keep doing it.
  • DGK12
    DGK12 Posts: 117
    It sounds like you've got the right idea. When I first started, I'd run, walk, run more, get the idea. Eventually, I'd make myself run through and entire song, and then two, and eventually, 40 minutes later, there you go! Just remember, be patient, and don't overdo it, or you'll risk injuring yourself!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I totally recommend C25K in every way possible. I just finished it last week and immediately started Bridge to 10K on Monday (the 14th).

    I have never been a in EVER! I started C25K at the end of February. At week 6, I ran my first 5K. I wasn't the fastest but I finished!

    In February, I weghed 178. I now weigh 157...and my goal is 146. I eat healthy (for the most part) and I RUN!!!!

    I love every aspect of running now. I crave it even. Good luck to you! I hope you enjoy it and benefit from it as much as I have! :drinker:
  • Zanymom
    Zanymom Posts: 6
    Great job on 45lbs lost!!! I am also just new to running and started this week. First day 1 mile and it was 25 minutes; today day 5 (on wed I just walked) down to 19 min already. There are apps for the phone that you can track your run. I like runtastic also online. Also here is a great article:,7120,s6-238-520--9397-0,00.html I found it helpful.
    Sounds like you are doing it the right way. It's same as myself. I can't jog/run too far but do what i can but have seen improvement in just 5 days out there. Lovin it too!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I used Couch to 5k, but I also like "run until you have to walk, walk until you're ready to run again," as a method.

    Even after many 5k races, a couple 4.5-5 mile races and a 10k, I still prefer adding a few walk intervals into my runs. I end up with the same average pace anyway, but it feels better to me.
  • dmartinez62403
    I read (and am trying) the Galloway method which encourages you to take lots of walk breaks when you are first starting out so that you don't exhaust yourself and your muscles have time to repair between each run. I think what you are doing sounds perfect. Someone once told me that "it's the distance covered, not the speed you gained" that makes a good runner. So if you feel strained afterward maybe just run a slower pace and try to run for longer. Good luck!!

    p.s. The Galloway method is in a marathon training book that you can probably find at your local library. I forget the name of it, but it helped me get motivated when I first started running.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    When I first started running what I did was run for 10 minutes and walk for 1 minute, then repeat.
    If 10 mins is too long for you right now, then do a length of time that works for you, say 5 minutes run and 2 minute walk.
    Keep at it, increasing your run time slowly and eventually your be running more than walking and then finally doing nothing but running. You have to build up your endurance for running, but there is nothing like it. Been doing it for over 5 years now and I love it.

    Sorry but I don't know about the c25k program.

    You can add me if you like.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've never used the C25K program but when I started running I could barely go around the block without wanting to die.

    I used a very simple run 1 minute walk 10, then run 2 min walk 9 etc until I could run 10 minutes and the started building from there. I'll be running in my 3rd half marathon in just over a week (did a 21.1k training run last week in 2:10 - no walking, no stopping)

    The key to building endurance is consistency (run 3 or 4 times er week - every other day) and keeping your pace on the slow side, you're not trying to win a race (yet) and pushing yourself too hard is only going to lead to an injury.

    Have fun.........running is highly addictive!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I've never used a C25K program, I just started out like you're doing. After I warm up, I run for as long as I can, then walk for 3 minutes, and I repeat that for my cardio workout. I set the incline on at least 2.5 while I'm running & I'll vary the speeds at which I run. You just need to find out what works for you & keep at it.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    when I first started running, I had a hard time increasing the distance of my running intervals. I just had a hard time pushing myself. I did a free version of a c25k type program on the iphone, which was free for X # of uses, and by then I was up to running 20-25 minute stretches, and I was able to take it from there (without buying the app, cheap, yes, that is my name, lol)
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    It sounds like what you are doing is the same as C25K. If you do want to switch to a C25K to get more structure, I would suggest not starting at the beginning, because it sounds like you have progressed past that, but try to find out which week matches up to how long your jogging is.

    But if you continue to try and increase the running times and reduce the walking times, it's the same thing and there's probably not much to be gained by switching.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    What you're doing sounds fine! C25K is good, but as long as you're not pushing yourself harder than your body tells you is safe, you should be fine. The standard is to remember that you don't want to increase distance OR intensity more than 10 percent per week, if you want to be sure to avoid injury. Otherwise, keep it up. Better to take it slow and continue to enjoy it than push yourself out too fast and risk getting burned out on it.

    ETA another tip: don't worry about sprinting. If you're going for distance, take it slow. When I first started out, I was running slower than some people walk. Now, I'm pacing pretty consistently at a 10 minute mile. I'm running my first half-marathon on Sunday, and my next step is to increase pace over my current distances. After that, I'll be stretching to try a marathon next year.

    Have fun, and good luck!
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    As someone who's ran all her life, I just want to add that the first mile is always the hardest, as your body ramps up to speed and warms up. Think of it like a car, you use much more gas getting from 0 - 60 mph than you do cruising at 60. Once your body gets into the rhythm of running/breathing, it gets easier. Look for that to happen, and don't think the way you feel when you begin running is only going to worse the longer you go. It actually gets better. :)
  • nhall423
    nhall423 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started C25K this week. I was never really much of a runner, but then my sister convinced me to sign up for the Color Run 5K, so now I have some work to do. I've always done intervals of jogging/walking when I use the treadmill but the C25K is great so I don't have to remember when to change speeds, and it gives me a schedule to stick to instead of just doing whatever. I work better that way. My only real goal is to beat my sister in the race, so here's hoping C25K does the trick! Good luck with your running!