Body Bugg???

MizRik Posts: 108 Member
Anyone have experience with the body Bugg systems?? Helpful? Not helpful?


  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I have the Body Media Fit, which is basically the same thing and I love it. It is really eye opening to see how many calories I burn on a daily basis. It really helps me determine the right amount of calories to eat. I have lost 13.4 pounds in 7 weeks with it.
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    Does it just show you your calories? Or does it need to sync with a program you need to pay for??
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    You sync it to your computer. There is a subscription to that service. Mine came with 3 months free. After that it is $6.99 per month. Or you can get the link which syncs with your smartphone. That is a more expensive option upfront, but I don't believe you need to pay the subscription fee with it. I'm not positive though because I don't have that one. It shows you your calories burned, minutes spent doing moderate exercise as opposed to vigorous exercise, steps taken, sleep efficiency, and you can enter your calories eaten and it will tell you the deficit.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I have one and I like it. You don't need to wear it all the time once you know roughly how many calories you are burning a day.
    Unless your activity level changes on a day to day basis
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks guys :)
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    I have the SP that sync with your phone and you do need to buy the subscription so right now I have a body bugg that I can't use because I can't afford the extra right now :(
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    I have several friends here who have Bodymedia Fits. They are basically the same as a Body Bugg. The problem is, they have gained weight using the calorie numbers they have gotten from it. I have some other friends who also have them and are losing. It is not the final answer in telling you the number of calories you burn in a day. I have heard it has anywhere from a 10-30% error range. 10% is not bad, 30% well, that is a bigger problem.
  • judy1229
    judy1229 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined MFP a few days ago and purchased my Body Media Link from It's 30 bucks cheaper and comes with 12 months free subscription. Pretty good deal, if you have a Costco membership. It just came in yesterday, so I'm not wearing it yet, but I have a friend who has one and she's already lost 15 lbs! Good luck to ya!
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    Its official, I purchased a body bugg this morning!!
  • MsDandimite
    MsDandimite Posts: 52 Member
    There's a guy who has developed a free java script for the bodymedia and bodybugg, for those who have run out of their subscription. I've found it gives the same numbers. He's on facebook:
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    There's a guy who has developed a free java script for the bodymedia and bodybugg, for those who have run out of their subscription. I've found it gives the same numbers. He's on facebook:

    SWEET!! Thank you I will hafta check that out!!