Something ALWAYS comes up

ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
I have 2 graduation parties and a wedding this weekend. Thinking about it, I was like, well, I’ll eat extra at those events and it will be two or three bad days. Discouraging set back, but not too big of a deal.

Then, I thought about it some more, and since joining MFP 4 months ago, I have had (as of yesterday):

1 wedding
2 bachelorette parties
2 wedding showers
1 rehearsal dinner
1 baby shower
1 funeral
1 graduation
Birthdays (students, co-workers, family, friends)
Spring break (which turned into 9 straight days of overeating and enjoying alcoholic beverages)
Valentine’s Day
Mother’s Day
Teacher appreciation week (TONS of free food)

which means that THIRTY DAYS out of one hundred and twenty were “special occasions.” That is one out of every four days! Sure, on some of those a celebration just meant a couple hundred extra calories for a cupcake. And a lot of times I really did exercise self control. But on other days, it meant drinking and eating for several hours. On all of them, there was a social expectation for me to eat! And I didn’t realize until today how often that happens...

Anyway, for me it was kind of a revelation. And realizing it will hopefully help me in the future to not celebrate by overeating. We'll see how this weekend goes...


  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i have a birthday party to go to this weekend too and i'm sure there will be lots of yummy stuff to eat.... so i just have to control myself is what it comes down to.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Last year was the year of the weddings for me. I had a ton to go to, not to mention all other social engagements that pop up (my 2011 sounds like what you posted). Generally, I kept within calories at all of those events. I wasn't whipping out my MFP app or anything, but if I was served steak, I knew just to eat a little since I already grazed on appetizers. I took a couple bites of the wedding cake, then set the rest aside.

    You can use all of these occasions as an excuse just to say F-it. Alternatively, you can use them as tools to learn how to eat in moderation for the rest of your life. There will always be events that come up and you need to learn how to handle them. Once in a while I will declare one event as a cheat meal and go for it, but more often than not I am entirely in control.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have a lot of events coming up in the near future (next two months). This summer is packed solid already.

    Girls' Road Trip to the USA for Shopping
    Family Cottage Weekend
    Blue Jays vs Phillies Game
    A Huge 30th Birthday Party
    My Bridal Shower
    My Bachelorette Party
    My Vegas Wedding!

    I will just have to hold on to my will power.
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    That looks like my schedule. I had to start telling people I was alergic to sugar because they would get mad and give me a hard time if I didn't eat cake, cookies and all things fattening. These situations are the death of me... where one bite is too many and a million is never enough.
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    You can eat at these functions without going hog wild. My advice would be to eat a healthy snack before you go so you don't feel hungry when you are at the function. It makes it easier to make better choices. Also, drink lots of water if you can. Exercise before hand if you know you might indulge a little. Life is full of special occasions, but learning how to handle these moments is key to your journey. Hang in there!
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    I hear ya!!

    My job is event planning and fundraising so lots of dinners out, plus add on to that the fun things I want to do with my friends which do include a bridal shower, bachlorette, wedding, travel, another bridal shower, bachlorette and adds up fast!

    I too am learning how to be "good" at these events!
  • awesome_paws
    awesome_paws Posts: 17 Member
    I am in the same situation
    The next 5 weekends I will be out of town, and throughout the summer I will have many more events to come
    I am working on creating plans to get through these events without blowing my calorie count
    This involves doing extra workouts when I know an event is coming up, and being accountable for every calorie I eat.
    I am looking for friends to help me stay on track this summer, and I will provide mutual support, if anyone wants, add me :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've also had a ton of weddings and events since I started dieting. Two things that I found really helpful are to pack my own healthy snacks (when appropriate, obviously) and to not let people give me crap about eating healthy.

    There's always someone trying to give me permission to eat poorly or push me into another slice of cake. I've learned to just stand my ground with them and say no, change the subject, or sometimes I just turn it back around and ask why they don't eat the extra piece of cake for me. Sometimes it feels a little harsh, but if someone's really that insistent that I eat more then they kinda deserve it.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Food sure does stress people out. F'ing A.

    I don't see anyone ever with a syphon forcing food down anyone's throat. I've never ever seen it happen. Although, reading here, it sure does sound that way.

    Do you have no self-control at all? I'm not being rude, but this is like the 3rd post of this kind this morning, and I'm thinking Jesus Christ people. Just have a few bites until you're full and stop. No one has a gun to your head. No one is hand-feeding you while you're tied down. I mean, just be rational about it. Life happens. Parties happen.

    One tip is to eat before you go to an event. This way, you're already full.

    Another is to just make that your cheat day for the week.

    I don't know, do whatever. Just know that it's up to you. You have to learn to live in the world without food being so important and always on your mind. It's just food. Reframe it. Food is fuel. Not something to do.
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    Food sure does stress people out. F'ing A.

    I don't see anyone ever with a syphon forcing food down anyone's throat. I've never ever seen it happen. Although, reading here, it sure does sound that way.

    Do you have no self-control at all? I'm not being rude, but this is like the 3rd post of this kind this morning, and I'm thinking Jesus Christ people. Just have a few bites until you're full and stop. No one has a gun to your head. No one is hand-feeding you while you're tied down. I mean, just be rational about it. Life happens. Parties happen.

    Excellent point!

    And thanks to everyone for the good advice :)